Mom, Stop Bragging, Bragging About Me Will Make Me An Almighty Male God

Chapter Eleven: The Goddess Su Chen! (Seeking Flower Evaluation Tickets)


Under the hot sun, a group of freshmen wearing military green training uniforms.

After hearing the instructor in front of them finally shout out the two words they dreamed of.

As if relieved, he slumped down on the ground regardless of whether the ground was scalded by the sun or not.

"When I think that the military training will be over for several days, I feel uncomfortable!"

Wang Xin looked desperate.

Chen Chi and Wang Jianqiang on the side were also unrequited, so they didn't even bother to say anything.

After all, on such a hot day, standing in a military posture under the sun is a bit unbearable for anyone.

"Now, your water."

Su Chen didn't know when, he had already brought water for several people.

"Brother Xie Chen!"

The three showed expressions of gratitude.

"Brother Chen, didn't you feel tired and paralyzed a few days ago, we feel that you don't feel much after standing in the military posture today?"

He took a big gulp of water.

Chen Chi complained.

You know, he was the one who dragged his tired body to get water for several people a few days ago.

Su Chen sat slumped on the ground without moving.

Today Su Chen actually took the initiative to get water, no wonder he has such doubts.

Hearing this, Su Chen smiled.

"I don't know, maybe I'm used to standing still."

This sentence is of course nonsense.

The real reason is, as he thought.

After one night, his physique has been greatly improved.

When he looked in the mirror this morning, he even found that his little belly had turned into eight-pack abs overnight.

Even Su Chen, who has always been relatively calm, couldn't help being excited when he saw his well-defined eight-pack abs.

On the one hand, it was naturally because of the eight-pack abs that appeared on his abdomen for the first time, and on the other hand, it was because his golden fingers had already been determined to be useful.

Although it is not yet fully understood how it works.

But at least it works.

That's already huge good news.

In addition to the eight-pack abs, Su Chen was even more surprised that his physical fitness had improved dozens of times.

During these days of their military training, they would get up at around 5 o'clock every morning to run Dahoushan, about two or three kilometers away.

In the past, every time he finished running, he basically lost half his life.

But after running this morning, not only was he not tired or out of breath, he even wanted to do it a few more times.

The same is true of standing in the military posture this morning.

Even if he stood in the most standard posture, Su Chen didn't feel tired.

It seems that the whole body has inexhaustible energy.

"This is called male god self-cultivation. Brother Chen is almost becoming a school male god, how can he still act like a dead dog who was tired a few days ago?"

Wang Xin on the side drank his saliva and teased Su Chen.

The other two also nodded seriously.

Last night, the three of them witnessed the spectacular development under the confession wall from hundreds of comments to nearly a thousand comments, and then successfully broke through thousands of comments.

According to the comments below, this is simply a major change in the confession wall that has not happened in a century.

And Su Chen, also fueled by this confession wall, was sought after by many girls as a freshman male god overnight.

"That's not true. During dinner this morning, how many girls came to ask Brother Chen for WeChat." Wang Jianqiang looked envious.

"What's that? You don't know. This morning, I saw that Brother Chen refused those girls on WeChat to add him, and his hands were sore. There was a row of them all! I don't know how these girls got together overnight. I got his WeChat sometime." Chen Chi also chimed in.

"Don't talk about it." Hearing what they said, Su Chen also looked helpless. If he hadn't improved his physical fitness today, he might have cramped his hands by pressing "Reject" in the morning. "I'm thinking about changing to another trumpet. This number is obsolete."

He didn't expect that so many people joined him when he woke up.

And he couldn't see the red dot coming out of that new friend, so he rejected everyone early in the morning.



A few people were chatting, but suddenly there was a counting voice next to them.

Looking closer, I realized that it was their instructor, Lao Hu, who was doing push-ups.

"Amazing, old Hu!"

The students around are booing.

Although Lao Hu was usually very aggressive towards them when he was an instructor, they have a good relationship in private, after all, they are also sophomore seniors.

At this moment, seeing Lao Hu suddenly start working, everyone became excited.

Soon, under the witness of everyone, Lao Hu did more than a hundred before stopping.

"Old Hu is amazing!"

When Lao Hu stood up and put on his hat again, several people around him also gave thumbs up.

Lao Hu waved his hand and said, "Small, I think when our instructor team first trained, I made a total of 300 at the most! Now I haven't exercised for too long, and I have degenerated."

"Three hundred!?" The students around were all shocked.

Among them, it is not bad to be able to make thirty.

Seeing this, Lao Hu also smiled.

"Anyone challenge me? I just did one hundred and fifty-two. If anyone can exceed my number, they can go to the side to rest when they stand in a military posture later!"

Anyway, it's rest now, and Lao Hu doesn't mind enlivening the atmosphere a little bit.

But it's a pity that although the conditions proposed by Lao Hu are quite tempting, most of them know their own strength, and none of them stand up.

"How about this, I lower the requirements, whoever can do one-third, fifty, can rest later, and whoever can surpass me, then the whole class will rest later!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar immediately.

ps: Set sail for the new book, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly tickets, ask for rewards, ask for comments, ask for everything!

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