Aunt Zhou Han (Su Chen’s mother): Not only that, although Su Chen is not very sensible sometimes, he still has many advantages. I will talk to you Yanran in detail later!

Liu Yanran: Thank you, Auntie!!! Love you!

Aunt Zhou Han (Su Chen’s mother): Now everyone calls me Auntie. I don’t know who called me Sister Han every day before, and said that calling me Sister Han makes me look younger. Why, do you think I’m old now? /Laughing with a hand covering her mouth/

Liu Yanran: No, if I go out with you, people will think we are sisters! It’s just that after all, Su Chen and I are friends now. If I call her Sister Han again, it would be so rude.

Aunt Zhou Han (Su Chen’s mother): Just friends? ? /Suspicious/

Liu Yanran: /Shy/ For now, right! Then I won’t disturb your rest, Auntie. Good night!

After sending the message.

Liu Yanran smiled slightly.

Lying on her back on the bed.

The face bathed in light seemed to appear on her face again.

"I didn't expect that he not only likes to exercise and has eight-pack abs, but is also good at guitar!"

But she soon thought of something. She frowned in confusion.

Does he really have eight-pack abs? Tonight, I saw that Su Chen seemed to have a little belly.

After all, it is easy to see his figure when wearing a casual short-sleeved shirt in summer.

But it is obvious that Liu Yanran doesn't care much about these.

Even if Su Chen doesn't have eight-pack abs, he has a little belly, which is probably very cute in her eyes.

For Liu Yanran, the reason why she found Su Chen's mother was nothing more than to get Su Chen's WeChat from her mother.

Looking at the [Personal Business Card: Night] in the message box,

Liu Yanran couldn't help but laughed while holding the phone.

There is Chen in the name, but it is named Night?

Just when Liu University's campus beauty was infatuated with him.

The roommate below interrupted her.

"Look at the confession wall! I know who that man is!"

"Oh my god, it’s all him! Someone else commented below! Su Chen, Class 124, Grade 17, School of Materials Science and Engineering!"...

Su Chen was checking himself in front of the mirror to see if there was anything different.

After all, the mechanical voice just now appeared again.

This time it was to increase physical fitness and guitar.

As for physical fitness, Su Chen didn't like to exercise since he was a child.

He could not stick to it for a long time even if he exercised occasionally.

And because he stayed at home for a long time, he still had fat on his stomach. The military training these days was also exhausting every day.

So when he heard that his physical fitness had increased, he was a little happy.

After what he experienced today, he was basically sure that the mechanical voice was real.

In this case, he said that increasing physical fitness and guitar would probably work this time.

However, compared to physical fitness, he felt that the latter guitar was dispensable.

When he was young, his mother enrolled him in a guitar class so that he could attract girls in the future, but unfortunately he had limited talent in this area. He could only play a few simple songs.

He didn't have much love for guitar.

So it didn't matter to him whether it was improved or not.

Standing in front of the mirror, Su Chen did find that his facial features had become much more delicate.

He didn't even know if it was an illusion, but he felt that he had grown a little taller, and his body proportions seemed to be much better.

If it was 50:50 before, it should be 40:60 now, and his legs looked longer.

"Compared to last night, there seems to be a change, but this change seems to be subtle and changes over time."

Su Chen was very sensitive to his own changes.

According to this rule, his physique and guitar should be the same.

In order to verify his guess, he even lifted up his clothes and looked at his belly.

Yes, it is still a belly now.

But if Su Chen's guess is correct, it may not be long before this belly will become abdominal muscles.

Thinking of this, Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

The curiosity on his face became more intense.

"That would be so interesting!"

"Oh my god, Brother Chen, look, you are on the confession wall! And you are taking over the screen!"

While Su Chen was exploring the magical golden finger, Wang Xin shouted at the side.

Su Chen also curiously opened his phone.

He saw a huge title on the campus confession wall :

"Shocked, who is this man?! ? He has driven countless girls crazy!"

Su Chen frowned when he saw this title.

Could it be that the operation of this school confession wall was created by a certain browser?

Then, he saw that the confession wall posted nine pictures in a row, and they were all pictures of others confessing their love to him. There were also some secretly taken pictures of him.

These pictures were taken during military training.

Under the sun, among the many freshmen who were sunburned, he seemed like a prince bathing in golden gauze.

Even Su Chen himself thought he was pretty handsome. What surprised him the most was that his facial features had not changed much from yesterday.

But today he is more than a hundred times more handsome than yesterday.

Feeling the envious eyes of the three roommates,

Su Chen waved his hand:"Don't fall in love, legend!"


"Yuexi! The instructor asked us in the group if we wanted to socialize with other classes. It was said that instructors from several classes came to our class. Everyone thought that they were probably here for you!"

"The group is voting for which class to join the party, Yuexi, do you want to pick one?

A girl with a sweet face and fair skin was reading a book. She said,"You guys pick one. I'm fine with any of them."

If the three guys in Su Chen's dormitory saw this girl, they would probably scream.

Because this girl is the freshman who has just topped the list of the most beautiful girls in Shanghai universities, An Yuexi.

"Okay, I'll go and pick it out. Oh my god, there's actually Class 124! Doesn't that mean I can socialize with that little brother named Su Chen?! ?"

"Su Chen, who is that! ?"

"How come you are like Yuexi, not paying attention to the news on the confession wall at all? Su Chen is the guy who just became popular on the confession wall today! Go and have a look, he is so handsome, there are hundreds of comments below! Many people regard him as a male god!"

""Okay, okay!"

An Yuexi, who was concentrating on reading, was stunned for a moment when she heard her roommate's words.

She murmured softly.

"Brother Su?"

She then put down the book in her hand and turned on her phone.

When she saw the figure bathed in the sun on the confession wall, her eyes suddenly curved into a crescent shape.

After thinking for a while, she clicked into the class group again.

There was a vote being posted there.

She found the option for Class 124.

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