"Wang Xin, you are awesome! We are all blessed by you!"

"That's right, I never dreamed that I would add the campus beauty Liu on WeChat. It will be so impressive if I tell others about it!"

After the military training ended and they returned to the dormitory, the other three people in the dormitory were still excited about adding Liu Yan today.

Wang Xin, who had been praised by Chen Chi and Wang Jianqiang for almost a day, felt a little proud and patted his chest:"This is nothing, with your ability, you can get anyone's WeChat! ?"

"Is this true? Our class will have a get-together with Information Engineering Class 421 in a few days. If you can get An Yuexi's WeChat for us, we will respect you."

Seeing Wang Xin climbing up the pole at night, Chen Chi hurriedly teased him.

Wang Xin was embarrassed when he heard Chen Chi say that.

In fact, everyone in the dormitory knew that the reason why Liu Yanran added their WeChat was probably because they had already known each other for a few days.

Wang Xin's greatest contribution was that he dared to bring it up directly, which allowed everyone to add Liu Yanran's WeChat.

As for how charming Wang Xin really is and how good he is at asking for WeChat, it's not that bad. If he really asked An Yuexi to ask for WeChat, it would most likely end in failure.

After all, An Yuexi was also the second most beautiful girl on the campus list, and unlike Liu Yanran, she didn't know Wang Xin before. If Wang Xin really asked for her WeChat, he would most likely get rejected. If we talk about the one in their dormitory who has the greatest chance of getting WeChat, it's probably the new male god Su Chen.

But unfortunately, based on the days of getting along, the three people in the dormitory knew it.

With Su Chen's personality, it's basically impossible for him to take the initiative to ask for a girl's WeChat.

"You, why are you all looking at me?"Su Chen just came out of the toilet.

"Hey, Brother Chen, you have such a good look and figure, if I were you, my girlfriend would have changed football teams by now."

Wang Xin sighed, feeling envious and regretful.

The other two agreed.

Chen Chi said,"That's right, Brother Chen, if you don't have a relationship in college, you will probably go on blind dates after you graduate!"

Su Chen smiled bitterly when he heard that.

He hasn't even graduated from college yet, but he's already had quite a few blind dates.

And, if he guessed correctly, his mother is probably already arranging the next blind date for him.

He knew his mother too well. Because of his problem, she had put a lot of thought into it. He had been restrained in high school because of the college entrance examination.

But as soon as the college entrance examination was over, she took him to meet some aunts and their daughters under various pretexts more than once.

They called it getting to know each other, but in fact it was not much different from a blind date.

The most exaggerated time was when he was asked to"get to know" four or five girls at the same time.

According to his mother, she would rather her son become a playboy than live alone.

Even though it wasn't long since he had a blind date with Liu Yanran, as long as he didn't say that he was with Liu Yanran the next day, his mother would probably be planning the next blind date.

"That's right, Brother Chen, it's boring if you don't have a relationship in college." Wang Jianqiang obviously agreed with the other two.

Su Chen waved his hand.

"I don’t have this idea yet. I will wait until I meet someone who really makes my heart beat. Now, I just want to study hard, make some money, and build a career."

"Hey, is this the awakening of a male god?" The three sighed, and then they thought of something:"Then Brother Chen, you won't not go to the social gathering, right? If you don't go, it will be terrible."

Su Chen is a big killer in their class. It is estimated that many girls in the class who are participating in the social gathering with them are there for Su Chen.

If Su Chen doesn't go, even if the social gathering can be held, it may not be so lively.

Su Chen smiled:"I should go."

Although he doesn't know why he has such a personality that it is difficult to be interested in girls, but subconsciously, doesn't he hope to meet a true love and change his temperament?

This is also one of the reasons why he sometimes participates in the blind dates his mother talked about.

There is no harm in participating in activities like this.

And if he doesn't go, these three animals will drag him over.

"Ding Dong."

Just as he was thinking, a text message suddenly came on his phone.

He took a look at the message.

Su Chen said,"I'm going out for a while. I may be back late tonight. Please help me tell him when I check the dormitories."

The three of them looked at Su Chen in unison.

"Brother Chen, could it be that you say you have no thoughts but are secretly meeting with little girls?"

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