

"I just keep a diary, so I'm not being serious."

"The brain circuit of a literati is really full of twists and turns."

"Killing me………………"

"I can't bear it, I can't bear it.

"Writing a diary has become an unhealthy person. What kind of logic is this?"

"This may be the so-called literati character."

"I like this complaint."

"I like it too. This year our winter vacation homework assigned us to write a diary. It's so annoying that we don't even know what to write?"

"Isn't it easy to write a diary? This job is so simple."

"That's right, just write, the weather is exceptionally sunny today, and I'm in a good mood.

"You can write tomorrow. The weather is bad today and I am in a bad mood."

"You can write the day after tomorrow. The weather is nice today and I am in a good mood."

"Brothers, don't talk nonsense, it's easy to teach children bad things.

The correct way to write a diary is that our teacher is ill and will not assign diary writing homework during the summer vacation.

"A bunch of bad guys... but that's what makes a diary interesting."

"The diaries are not for others to read. You can write whatever you want."

"I really want to see what is written in Ye Shaoheng's notebook?"

"With this great master, anything he can write is possible."

"He probably didn't write anything. Didn't he just talk about it at the beginning? He is a serious person and doesn't keep a diary."

Zifeng regretted it after reading this sentence, and stood there with an embarrassed look on her face, feeling that what she said meant nothing.

Yang Mi bit her lip and tried hard to suppress the smile that was about to burst out.

Reba originally held back.

But after seeing Yang Mi's expression trying to hold back her laughter, she couldn't help it anymore.


When Reba smiled, the others couldn't help but laugh.

"Ye Shaoheng is really a talent." Yang Mi stopped smiling and said.

Zifeng nodded proudly, "Brother Ye Shaoheng is so unique, I like him very much."

"It's over, it's over...

"Sister Zifeng has fallen."

"Little girls are easy to deceive."

"I haven't even met him yet, but I just call him Brother Ye Shaoheng."

"I've called you like this a long time ago."

"I have called you a long time ago, but look at Zifeng's expression at this time. Is this a serious call for brother?"

"Sister Zifeng, don't be like this, be more reserved."

"Just now Reba was crying for him, and now Zifeng is smiling for him. He hasn't even appeared yet, so we've got two of them."

"Yang Mi was the first to be taken care of, okay? Have you forgotten what he said before?"

"Which sentence?"

"When we see him, let's see how I deal with him. She wants to deal with him, do you understand?"

"It's crooked."

"Don't drive, this is a serious show."

The simple Zifeng is not as deep as Yang Mi and Reba.

For a little girl of this age and with little social experience, it is very direct to express her love.

Even if it is deliberately hidden, it will be revealed unintentionally.

Teacher He, Yang Mi and Reba had actually discovered the change in her attitude towards Ye Shaoheng bit by bit.

After Zifeng said these words.

That vivid tone had exposed her inner thoughts.

Teacher He narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling slightly worried.

But he didn't tell the truth.

Such a talented, wealthy, and very funny man.

What little girl is ignorant and naive?

And I heard that he is very handsome.

Although there was no expression on Yang Mi's face, it was as if she didn't understand the meaning of Zifeng's words.

Still smiling beautifully.

But deep inside, there was a trace of worry.

This feeling was when Yang Mi realized it.

She was startled herself.

Reba glanced at Zifeng in surprise. Seeing her cute face, Reba just smiled and said nothing.

She doesn't want to talk!

"Yes, no serious person can write a diary, but Comrade Ye Shaoheng figured it out." Teacher He commented.

"If Ye Shaoheng really had the habit of writing a diary, many mysteries would be solved."

Yang Mi breathed a sigh of relief and felt very happy.

What other evidence, something like a diary, would be more convincing?

Teacher He was a little worried, "I'm worried that Ye Shaoheng didn't write anything.

Reba agreed: "Yes, the sentence on the cover has already explained his inner thoughts.

"You guys really... just open it and you'll know." The upright girl Zifeng said and was about to open the diary.

Teacher He felt nervous. They were deliberately creating the atmosphere of the show.

This little girl shouldn't understand, why is she so confused at this time?

If you open all the diaries, what else can the audience expect?

But in front of all the audience, Teacher He couldn't stop it.

But there was a sadness rising in his heart for no reason.

Sure enough, girls who are full of love are stupid!

Yang Mi sensed Teacher He's thoughts and hurriedly came to Zifeng's side.

Fortunately, Zifeng is not completely stupid yet.

She just opened the first page of the diary.

There are words on it.

The handwriting is Ye Shaoheng's.

Yang Mi was afraid that Zifeng would read it directly again, so she spoke first, "The emperor has paid off, there is something in this diary.

"Really?" Teacher He let out a long breath, secretly praising Yang Mi for being such a smart person.

I heard the tacit cooperation between Teacher He and Yang Mi.

Zifeng finally regained his composure.

Her pretty face turned red immediately.

But her face returned to normal immediately.

It’s not shameful!

"There are really words." Reba also leaned over.

"What are you writing about?" Teacher He asked curiously.

"Let me take a look." Yang Mi said, and the three women looked at it seriously.


When they saw what was written above, the three women laughed in unison.


"He started playing tricks again."

"I was so angry that I wanted to smash my phone, and I deliberately acted out at the critical moment.

"I'm furious."

"Can't you be kinder?"

“Since ancient times, routines have won people’s hearts.

"This is called whetting the appetite, commonly known as increasing expectations."

"Just watch, why are you so anxious? Keep a normal attitude."

"Look at me, I'm so cool...!"

Teacher He looked helpless, "Three beauties, please read it out, we are all waiting here."

"Don't panic." Zifeng was about to read out what Ye Shaoheng had written, but Yang Mi stopped him.

"What are you doing?" Teacher He was confused.

"Teacher He, do you have the habit of writing a diary?" Yang Mi suddenly asked.

Although Teacher He didn't understand why Yang Mi asked this question.

But he knew that Yang Mi was doing it to increase the effect of the show.

Of course, this question must be related to the words in the diary.

"I used to write for a few years, but then I stopped writing." Teacher He answered truthfully.

Yang Mi asked again: "Then will you write the truth in your diary?"

"This..." Teacher He smiled bitterly, "Some can do it, and some can't.


Yang Mi laughed, "Okay, let Zifeng read to everyone what Ye Shaoheng wrote."

Zifeng nodded and said casually: "Who can write down what is in his heart in a diary? Is what is written out what is in his heart?




"I'm speechless."

"A writer is a writer, why is this idea so unique?"

"Damn, this is a classic."

"Haha.........I was laughing so hard."

"The quality of today's program is really high."

"The best thing is that the protagonist didn't appear. I watched it with great interest. Now my mind is filled with images of Ye Shaoheng... even though I don't know what he looks like."

"Same as above, do you think this is a disease?"

"More or less, haha...

"I was the one who wrote down what was in my heart in the diary, and the contents were all about the girl I had a crush on... and was finally stolen by my best friend.

He was so indifferent that he gave the diary directly to the girl I had a crush on. "483

"What's next?"

"Come, let's talk."

"Don't worry, everyone, you can still type, so the country should be safe.

"Then...the child is now two years old."

"Cao Cao, I have prepared everything, and you are showing me this."

"Haha..." Zifeng couldn't help laughing after reading this.

Yang Mi and Reba looked at each other with helpless expressions on their faces.

Ye Shaoheng, this is real leather.

Teacher He was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile, thinking to himself, the writers as a group are really not serious.

"Is there any more?" Teacher He asked.

Zifeng nodded.

"Then finish reading quickly." Teacher He urged.

"Okay." Zifeng said: "This is either the main text, or brother Ye Shaoheng's complaint. The following is the main text.

The notebook has been distributed, so let’s write more or less.

Otherwise, such a good book would be wasted.

But what to write about?

Who are you writing it to?

The diary cannot be read by others.

Oh, by the way, if there are gods at your head, just write it to them. "


Teacher He's mouth was open with a look of horror on his face.

Where is this guy playing?

Is it so naughty to write a diary?

There was also a god who looked up and wrote to them.

What kind of magical content is here?

Yang Mi didn't care, and breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, there is still content in it."

Zifeng said with some worry: "Sister Mimi, brother Ye Shaoheng has written this, do we still want to read it?"

"Is there anything not to see?"

Yang Mi said confidently, "What Ye Shaoheng wrote is so interesting. I think it's even better than his novels."

"I support it with both hands." Reba agreed.

"Hurry up and read the content." Yang Mi became curious and urged Zifeng to turn the page.

Zifeng had a sad look on his face, full of reluctance.

"Sister Mimi, brother Ye Shaoheng said that the diary he wrote was for the gods to read.".

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