At this moment, Yang Mireba and Zifeng had obvious nervous expressions on their faces.

Even the mature and prudent Teacher He clenched his fists and gasped.

If you know that if you get through the phone and talk to Ye Shaoheng, the effect of the program will be explosive.

Many previous puzzles will also be verified.

Teacher He's head was spinning rapidly, thinking about how to hang up the phone later.

If Ye Shaoheng revealed all the secrets in one phone call, there would be no way to record the show.

Therefore, this phone call must be controlled so that Ye Shaoheng personally admits that these six vests, namely Zhitong, An Tusheng, Gu Le, Han Shuang, Guo Weiwei and Han Han, are him.

But there is no exposed waistcoat at the back, that point cannot be said.


"Me too, it's like a lottery."

"It's funny. As a grown man, I'm actually looking forward to it."

"I hope this phone call doesn't go through, otherwise Ye Shaoheng will say everything that needs to be said and the program will be meaningless."

"Me too, it's good to keep some sense of expectation."

"It's really exciting to reveal the secrets layer by layer, like peeling an onion."


"Do you think Ye Shaoheng will be angry if he knows that his vest has been exposed?"

"With Aunt Li's support, even if Ye Shaoheng is angry, he can only endure it.

"I suddenly felt that all this was arranged by Ye Shaoheng."

"I feel the same. I have had this idea for a long time. I feel that all this was arranged by Ye Shaoheng." 19 "You mean, Ye Shaoheng deliberately let the program team expose it?"


"Oh, what you said really reminds me, considering the situation of his family, is there any need to let Aunt Li go to work? Unless Aunt Li has some purpose in going to work.

"Didn't you just watch the show? Didn't you say it at the beginning? Aunt Li can't stop being on the show.

"I don't think you're paying attention. Aunt Li is on the show to choose her daughter-in-law."


"But it was still strange. It happened that my aunt was on the show, and then she invited guests from Mushroom House to her home, and then took Teacher He and the others down to the basement [Finally, Ye Shaowei's identity was exposed.

"I smell a hint of conspiracy."

"It's getting more interesting."

"Hehe, I want to see what Ye Shaoheng is going to do."

In the live broadcast room, the audience was talking about everything.

It's normal. The base of the audience is large, so naturally everyone is there.

And what happened today was indeed a bit unusual.

It is normal for the audience to make random guesses.

The phone showed that the call had been placed.

One second, two seconds.

There is no sound from the phone.

The already empty basement seemed particularly depressing in this quiet situation.

This made Yang Mi and others even more nervous.

It seems that these short two or three seconds have passed for a long time.

Three seconds, four seconds......

At the eighth second, a sound finally came from the phone's microphone.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable."


Teacher He breathed a long sigh of relief, turned sideways and patted his chest.

Yang Mi and others were also relieved.

They themselves felt that their mentality was a bit strange.

I both hope that this call will be answered, and I also hope that this call will not be answered.

"Haha...just as I expected, the phone can't be reached."

"What era is it? There is no signal in any place. Why can't the phone call go through?"

"It's really strange. One second I was sending text messages, and the next second I couldn't get through to the phone.

"Tell me, did Ye Shaoheng do it on purpose?"

"What's intentional?"

"This is what I think. Now Ye Shaoheng should be watching the live broadcast of Mushroom House in front of the screen, and then watching Teacher He and others step into the trap he had designed long ago.

The original intention of this text message was that he told the program team that there are several rooms behind me. Don't panic and go explore slowly. "

"Damn it, man, your ideas are awesome."

"After your analysis, I think it is really possible."

"Yes, there are many more rooms in the basement, but the vest only exposed two areas and six vests.

I definitely can’t explore everything today.

He sent this text message just to give the program team time. "

"Then you mean, is this the reason why he only came back every other week?"

"Of course, you have to have fun while playing."


"If that were true, this show would be so fun."

"You tell me, after the last program is completed, how will Ye Shaoheng appear? After all, there is so much foreshadowing."

"I don't know, I haven't thought about it... In other words, I don't want him to appear."

"Haha, I have an idea."

"I will definitely appear when I show up, but I don't know what kind of commotion it will cause."

"Just watch, it's getting more and more exciting."

"Yes, I'm committed to this show."

Aunt Li took the mobile phone from Yang Mi's hand. The expression on her face was very natural, without any surprise at all.

It seemed that it was normal for him to be unable to get through to Ye Shaoheng's phone call.

Teacher He next to him saw this scene.

I also murmured in my heart.

Why is Aunt Li so indifferent?

Although he had said before that Ye Shaoheng liked to play missing when he had nothing to do, but he couldn't even get through on the phone.

But as a mother, her son didn't come back for a whole week, and she just sent a text message to say he was safe.

Shouldn't we be worried?

Teacher He put on a smile and asked Aunt Li: "Aunt Li, your son has been away for a week and can't get through on the phone. Aren't you worried at all?"

"How old are you? What's there to worry about?" Aunt Li said stupidly: "Could it be that someone else took him away?

I hope he was abducted by some girl.

No one is abducting me!”


Several girls were amused by Aunt Li.

Yang Mi smiled and said: "If you kidnapped me, you would have barged in the door. Are you okay?"

"Isn't it great to cut in the door upside down? My son still calls me mom. Not only do I not have to pay a betrothal gift, but I also earn a cent of the betrothal gift. How great!"

The easy-going Aunt Li actually took the initiative to make a joke.


One sentence made the three girls laugh.

"Aunt Li is so transparent."

"Why don't you mark the price? The one with the highest price will get it."

"I'll pay two thousand."

"I'll pay two thousand five hundred.

"Are you talking about pounds or grams?"

"Ma Dan, I don't know what my economic conditions are. We are talking about cells.


Teacher He has been paying attention to Aunt Li's expression.

Finding that she was really calm, he couldn't help but feel confused.

But I couldn’t ask anymore.

Let her go, no matter what, as long as the show is effective.

"Aunt Li, I have something to discuss with you." Teacher He said.

Aunt Li looked at Teacher He and said, "Why are you so polite? If you have anything to do, just say it."

Teacher He nodded, "That's right, Aunt Li, since your son won't come back for several days.

So in the next few days, can we continue to explore at your home?

Find all of your son's vests. "

"Do you still need to discuss this matter?" Aunt Li looked reproachful, "Why should I be so polite to you? Come, come here for the next few days.

No, you better not leave, Auntie will provide food and accommodation.


As long as these three girls are here. "

Teacher He is a little embarrassed. Do you mean that it doesn't matter if I'm here or not?

However, Yang Mi and Reba fell into a dilemma after hearing Aunt Li's words.

They are special guests.

To put it another way, I came here to make a guest appearance and only signed a one-day contract.

I have to go back tomorrow.

But after what happened today.

Yang Mi definitely didn't want to leave. She was a detective, the most important role. She also wanted to find all Ye Shaoheng's vests.

Reba didn't want to leave even more. The two writers she admired most were both Ye Shaoheng.

Now she was extremely curious about Ye Shaoheng.

Now that he is gone, even if the program team finally exposes all of Ye Shaoheng's vests, Ye Shaoheng will also appear in front of the 213 camera.

But how can it be compared to the feeling of participating in person?

Teacher He could see the inner thoughts of Yang Mi and Reba at a glance.

He turned to Aunt Li and said: "Aunt Li, don't worry, Mimi Reba will never leave.

As long as they are willing to stay, our program team will welcome them with both hands.

Teacher He was sending a signal to Yang Mi and Reba.

The program team wants to retain you.

It depends on whether you want to stay or not?

"Auntie, as long as you don't drive me away, I won't leave." Yang Mi joked.

"Me too." Reba smiled sweetly at Aunt Li.


Aunt Li was overjoyed, "How could I drive you away? If you want, you can live here all your life.



Yang Mi and Reba looked at each other.

Then he laughed.

The co-author was tricked by his aunt.

"Since Aunt Li agreed, let's go to the next room while we still have time?"

Teacher He glanced at the time. It should be enough time to explore one more room.

After chatting for so long, it’s time to do something serious.


Zifeng is the happiest. Now she can't wait to expose her brother Ye's vest all at once.

"Okay, let's go." Yang Mi also said happily.

With that said, under the leadership of Aunt Li, several people walked out of the room.

There is another room right next to this room, just outside the door.

However, several people came to the door of the room, but they were not in a hurry to enter.

Teacher He faced the camera and said seriously: "Next, everyone will follow the camera and continue to explore with us whether Ye Shaoheng has other trials."


With a crisp sound, Aunt Li turned on the light in this room.

In an instant, the entire room was displayed in front of everyone's eyes.

But when several people and the entire audience saw the layout of this room, they couldn't help but widen their eyes.

"Oh my God."

Zifeng couldn't help but let out an exclamation!

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