Zhang Jin didn't dare to speak to Cheng Tian again. He looked at Xi mushen and said, "mushen, she's too much! Jiang Mian doesn't know her life or death now. She actually said such words!"

"You should take care of her!"

Xi Muchen was already in love with Cheng Tian. Zhang Jin said this to him, so he couldn't help but hehe: "team Zhang, Cheng Tian is my wife! She didn't say anything wrong!"

Zhang Jin was dumb for a moment.

"Even your wife can't be black and white!"

Xi Muchen's face was slightly heavy: "Cheng Tian didn't say or do anything wrong! Jiang Mian's business has nothing to do with her. She can invite the Hu family for my face."

"Team Zhang, you can scold me about Jiang Mian, but please don't scold Cheng Tian!"

Xi Muchen himself was reluctant to say a heavy word to Cheng Tian. If the man in front of him hadn't been his former captain, Xi Muchen would have been thrown out.

Lanka touched her chin and nodded.

That's a little worthy of Cheng Tian.

Zhang Jin was half angry.

He especially missed Xi Muchen in the army. At that time, he was the captain. As a member of the team, Xi Muchen obeyed his orders unconditionally.

But here he looked at Xi Muchen and rubbed Cheng Tian's hand. He knew that Xi Muchen's bottom line was Cheng Tian.

Although he was unwilling, he thought he needed Cheng Tian's friend to heal Jiang Mian, so he kept silent.

Zhang Jin thinks he doesn't bother Cheng Tian. He has been very polite to her.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Tian disappeared when he just came back from going to the bathroom.

"Where's Cheng Tian?" Zhang Jin asked with some anxiety.

Even the gloomy foreigner who has been following Cheng Tian has disappeared.

Before Xi Muchen answered, Zhang Jin jumped, "has Cheng Tian gone? Xi Muchen, how can you let Cheng Tian leave!"

"Do you know that Jiang Mian is still waiting for the Hu family to help!"

"Did Cheng Tian mean it? I knew it. I told my friends to come and save Jiang Mian. They all pretended!"

"I think she wants Jiang Mian to die!"

Xi Muchen glanced at him with a cold voice, "team Zhang, I said it's my business to save Jiang Mian. It has nothing to do with Cheng Tian!"

"I respect that you used to be my captain. If you don't respect Cheng Tian again, don't blame me for not recognizing you as the captain!"

Zhang Jin blackened his face: ""

But now the situation of Jiang Mian is not allowed. Xi Muchen is more useful than him. No matter how angry he is, he can't take Jiang Mian away.

"Jiang Mian was injured to save me. If you want to repay Jiang Mian's debt, it's also my business!"

Xi Muchen doesn't want to explain that Cheng Tian didn't leave as Zhang Jin thought.

She left to contact her pulse to find a suitable source of dirt for Jiang Mian, and provided the heart condition of Jiang Mian to Sibao. She wanted Sibao to use the resources of her genius college to find a source of dirt for Jiang Mian.

Xi mushen knew that Cheng Tian would do this for him.

Zhang Jin doesn't know what Cheng Tian left to do. He is still dissatisfied with Cheng Tian.

But Xi Mu's words just now turned against him, but he soon calmed down.

As soon as he sobered up, he knew he was angry.

Jiang Mian really has nothing to do with Cheng Tian. Cheng Tian is willing to help Jiang Mian. It's love. She doesn't do it. It's her duty.

Jiang Mian's life and death have nothing to do with Cheng Tian.

Zhang Jin had figured it out, but all the big guys who were called by Cheng Tian screamed.

"Sweetie, you've changed. You actually know what love is!" Ye Baili made a heartwarming move.

Jin Yuke looked like vomiting, "sweet, do you really want to find a dirty source for that Jiang Mian?"

Even they know that Jiang Mian and Cheng Tian are rival lovers.

Cheng Tian's eyes are clear. "Of course, you should help her find it. It's best to save her life. If she dies, won't she stay in Xi Muchen's heart forever?"

In this world, the one who can't compare feelings with others is the dead.

Cheng Tian was foolish to let Jiang Mian die after saving Xi Muchen.

Although old Locke wants Cheng Tian to be her granddaughter, he really treats Cheng Tian as her granddaughter.

Hearing Cheng Tian's words, he nodded approvingly, "Tian Tian is right. Don't worry, I've called. As soon as there is a suitable source of dirt, I'll send it directly!"

The others were unwilling to let old Locke sell well in front of Cheng Tian alone. They also said one after another: "honey, don't worry, we've already ordered to go down, and we'll fly over as soon as we find it!"

"Yes, since sweetheart doesn't want that Jiang Mian to die, she can't die!"

When lanca heard that her boss also said to help Cheng Tian find the dirty source, she kept muttering, "really, isn't it a rival in love? At this time, she's already cheap without black hands. Why help her find the dirty source!"

In Lanka's opinion, people like Jiang Mian would have killed people by firing cold shots if he had.

What are you doing in the world with such a diaphragmatic rival!

"Sweet, you are too soft hearted to others. You should leave your soft hearted to me."

Cheng Tian is clenched by Lanka.

As the second leader of Tiansha organization, can lanca have the high cold breath of the second leader?

How did this kind of funny ratio get into the leadership of the terrorist organization Tiansha?

But she knew in her heart that lanca really regarded her as her own person and only said so when she cared about her.

Cheng tianqiang couldn't bear to listen to Lanka chanting like a Tang monk.

On the other hand, Zhang Jin, who realized his mistake, wanted to apologize to Xi Muchen, but Zhang didn't open his mouth.

After all, his relationship with Xi Muchen has always been that of superiors and subordinates, and Xi Muchen has always respected him very much.

He was still struggling. You Xiaoxiao came over and saw his dilemma. "Team Zhang, what's the matter?"

Zhang Jin looked at Xi Mu Shen, who was silent and had a gloomy face. He pulled you Xiaoxiao aside and explained to her.

After hearing this, you Xiaoxiao smiled carelessly: "it's all right. Cheng Tian won't care about this."

She saw that Zhang Jin didn't believe it. "Cheng Tian is sometimes unforgiving. In fact, she is a typical knife, mouth and tofu heart. She is also righteous."

"Team Zhang, you don't know that Cheng Tian is actually a doctor. People who can do this profession are basically people with a flood of compassion. Really, don't look at Cheng Tian's mouth. She must have gone to find contacts to find the source of dirt for Jiang Mian."

"Cheng Tian knows no less important people than Lao Xi!"

When you xiaonovel comes here, I wonder if Cheng Tian has found Sinan Jue to find the source of dirt for Jiang Mian.

In fact, her relationship with Cheng Tian is ordinary. Speaking for her in this way is partly because the woman who can be liked by Xi Muchen will not be a cold heart and cold lung person, and partly for the sake of Sinan Jue.

Thinking of Sinan Jue, she thought about that crazy night again.

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