Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1052: .Advance

"I can't help him with his affairs. I never interfere in the entertainment industry, nor do I know anyone.

For others' views on Jin Nanfeng, he can only blame him for his carelessness. "Li Yunjin told the truth.

He is not a god, he can help Li Yun embroider anytime, not to mention, Jin Nanfeng’s incident, his identity is really

It’s not easy to make a move. If someone knows that the Presidential Palace is involved behind the scenes, it will cause much trouble.

It hurt Jin Nanfeng.

"I didn't let you take care of the entertainment industry." Li Yunxiu sighed helplessly, "I don't want to take care of things over there."

Li Yunjin was stunned, "Then why are you looking for me?"

"Brother, was the last time you went abroad to be busy with the branch office?"

Li Yunxiu frowned, "What are you asking about this? Don't you always have no interest in family and company matters?"

I would rather run to open a coffee shop than manage the company. Now she asks what she is going to do?

"Brother, I want you to leave the branch office affairs to me." Li Yunxiu mustered his courage.

"What do you mean?"

Li Yunjin looked at her puzzled.

"It's not interesting. I don't have to go there every day. I belong to the Li family.

Family management, you can also rest assured, right? "

Li Yunxiu frowned, "It's still brother, you don't trust me at all?"

"What are you talking about?" Li Yunjin frowned dissatisfied, "I didn't distrust you, it was you who said twice.

I just left, forget it before, but now such a big company is entrusted to you, if you run away again, I will

How to do? "

"No, I will manage it well."

Li Yunxiu's eyes were full of determination.

Li Yunjin was still worried, "Then how much do you know about the company, Little Hydrangea, this is not a joke.

Love, even if you are my sister, I can't just give you a company just like that. "

"I did my homework." Li Yunxiu took out the thick materials from his bag and handed it to Li Yunjin, "Look."

These are all the materials she compiled last night. The education Li Yunxiu and Li Yunxiu received from childhood is basically the same.

The brothers and sisters have very good minds, but Li Yunxiu had never been here before, so he gave people a kind of no business.

The illusion of the mind.

Li Yunjin looked at it casually, and saw that Li Yunxiu’s points were very constructive, so he was relieved, “You want to be true

If you want to go, it’s not impossible, but you have to tell me why you suddenly want to manage the company at home

Up? "

Li Yunxiu did not want to hide Li Yunjin, and said embarrassedly, "Jin Nanfeng’s company has been greatly affected by this incident.

He needs money for turnover now, he doesn't talk to me, I want to help him. "

Li Yunjin sneered, threw the file in his hand, and said angrily, "Speaking of speaking, you are still for him."

"Brother, do you agree or not?"

Li Yunxiu became anxious, "If you don't help me, I will go and find another way."

After speaking, Li Yunxiu turned and left.

"come back."

Li Yunjin frowned, stopped her, and looked softly, "How much money does he lack?"

Li Yunxiu hesitated, "Two hundred million..."

"How many?"

Li Yunjin couldn't believe his ears, two hundred million? This is not a small amount wherever it is placed.

"Two hundred million."

Li Yunxiu repeated.

Li Yunjin smiled disdainfully, "When will you make two hundred million?"

Li Yunxiu frowned, "It's better than nothing planned now."

She couldn't just watch Jin Nanfeng ruin her body like this.

"When you have earned two hundred million, Jin Nanfeng's company will be back a hundred times."

"Am I that bad?" Li Yunxiu looked at Li Yunjin angrily.

"Oh, then tell me, after taking over the company, what are you going to do? Can you make so much in a short period of time? Two

100 million, a small hydrangea, this can be worth the company's small half-year income. "

Li Yunxiu once again sat down in front of Li Yunjin, "I plan to do a project about the Internet."

Li Yunxiu quickly explained the plan of his project.

"Brother, if this project can be successfully completed, no, as long as 70% is completed, let alone 200 million

That's two billion, which is more than enough. "

Li Yunjin sneered, "You have to think in the worst direction, Little Hydrangea, you are too naive to think.

Now, do you think no one has thought about your project before? Hasn't our company tried it? Internet this

The risk of one piece is very high. There are people who get rich overnight, and there are a lot of people who suffer from poverty.

Moreover, the project you mentioned is a big project that burned money in the early stage, and it is not that no one has done it before.

Do you know home? Their little son started trying two years ago, and now he has successively invested three to four billion yuan

Going down, there is still almost no income, Little Hydrangea, do you think you have the confidence to do better than him? "

Li Yunxiu's face gradually turned pale.

Last night, because she was too anxious, she never thought that there was such a big risk behind this project, such as

When Li Yunjin said this, he suddenly woke up and realized the seriousness of this matter.

I couldn't help but feel a little lost, and my head couldn't help lowering.

Li Yunjin looked at her sister like this, and she couldn’t bear it. To Li Yunxiu, no matter how much she said, she said

In action, he will definitely be responsive.

Therefore, he immediately opened the drawer, took out the check, brushed it with a large brush, and signed 200 million.

After signing, he tore it off and threw it to Li Yunxiu.


Li Yunxiu was taken aback. She had never thought that Li Yunjin would give herself such a sum of money!

"I can't... demand your money."

Li Yunxiu stood up in a panic and shook his head.

"Prepay for you in advance." Li Yunjin leaned back in the chair lazily and sneered. "Did you treat me as a free gift?"


Li Yunxiu frowned.

"The branch office has an important project to be taken over immediately. You should go over there as soon as possible to connect with the person in charge.

Someone will tell you about the matter over there. The first thing is that your dividend for this project is only 10 million, and the rest

You have to return it to me slowly. According to your annual salary and bonus, you will probably replace it for free.

I have worked...for ten years. "

Li Yunxiu’s heart was filled with too many things. She knew that Li Yunjin was an arrogant person since he was a child.

OK, the typical knife mouth tofu heart, as long as she speaks, let alone borrow it, even if it is given to her, Li Yunjin will not

There will be any hesitation.

"Thank you, brother."

Holding the check, Li Yunxiu felt that the scorching temperature was almost hot and she couldn't hold it at all.

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