Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1070: Congratulations

"Okay, leave this to me to take care of." Shi Qing nodded, "Now send Little Hydrangea to the hospital for an examination."


Li Beixun responded coldly.

Li Yunxiu didn't dare to look up at Li Beixun at all, only that he seemed to be angry, and he didn't dare to breathe in the nervous atmosphere.

"Mummy, am I going to have a little sister?" Chenchen blinked.

Li Yunxiu, "..."

"Chenchen wants a little sister."

Li Yunxiu couldn't bear it, "There is no little sister!"

Chenchen did not dare to speak for a moment.

Seeing Chenchen's aggrieved appearance, Shi Qing could only comfort him, "Chenchen, you are good, I still don't know if it is a little sister or

What about the little brother, Chenchen doesn’t like the little brother? "


Chenchen desperately shook his head.

"Little sister is more cute. Chenchen will give her all the delicious foods."

Shi Qing smiled rather helplessly, children are always like this, with simple thoughts, they will not be tested like their adults.

Consider so much.

"Whether it's a younger brother or younger sister, Chenchen will be an elder brother. It’s an older brother who can’t be always naughty like before

Oh. "Shi Qing touched Chenchen's head.

"Well, Chenchen knows it!"

Chenchen nodded vigorously.

Everyone just planned to go to the hospital.

Who knew that as soon as he opened the door, Jin Nanfeng just stepped out of the elevator.

The eyes met, but there was no sound.

Chenchen was the first to run in front of Jin Nanfeng and hugged Jin Nanfeng’s leg affectionately, "Dad! You finally

Come and see Chenchen! "

Jin Nanfeng looked at the kid who had grown a lot in the past month, and smiled lukewarmly, "You want to go out?"

"Well, going to the hospital!"

Chenchen nodded, both arms stretched high, obviously wanting to ask for a hug.

Jin Nanfeng bent over and picked him up.

"Dad, it's been a long time since you came to see Chenchen."

Chenchen was very wronged.

"I've been busy these days." Jin Nanfeng explained lightly, and glanced at Li Yunxiu subconsciously.

Li Yunxiu didn't know what he was thinking, so he gently turned away from his eyes.

Jin Nanfeng held Chenchen and nodded at Li Beixun and Shi Qing, "Mr. Li, Mrs. Li."

"It's just right." Li Beixun said coldly.


Jin Nanfeng paused, then remembered what Chenchen said about going to the hospital, and reacted, "Little Hydrangea

Are you feeling well? "

She looked thinner than the last time she met.

It seems to fall as soon as the wind blows.

"Little Hydrangea may be pregnant."

Shi Qing said.

Jin Nanfeng's eyes were stagnant, and after a while, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Little Hydrangea... pregnant?

An unspeakable emotion was like a flood of water, crazily surging into his heart, and a heart was wrapped

The tight, hot.

The hot one seemed to roll down even his tears.

This child is undoubtedly his Jin Nanfeng.

Jin Nanfeng looked at Li Yunxiu, and saw her head down all the time, with a deep shadow over her brows, Jin Nanfeng choked.

Almost a word of it cannot be said.

"Little Hydrangea..."

Feeling his scorching gaze falling on his body, Li Yunxiu finally raised his head to meet his gaze, his voice was not

Naturally, "There is no certainty, don't think so much."

"So now we have to take a small hydrangea to the hospital for an examination."

Shi Qing said.

Jin Nanfeng put Chen Chen down, "My car is downstairs, and I will take you there."

"No need, I..."

Before Li Yunxiu finished his words, he was held back by Shi Qing, "Then I will trouble you."

"No trouble, I should have been."

The group hurried to the hospital.

There are quite a lot of people who come for checkups in the morning, and there is a long line at the door of the obstetrics and gynecology department.

Jin Nanfeng went out and made a phone call, and quickly found a relationship to let the hospital open a back door.

Li Yun embroidered in and went for an inspection.

Li Beixun asked Jin Nanfeng, "What happened to you and Xiao Xiuqiu?"

Jin Nanfeng paused, then shook his head, "It's nothing."

"You don't need to hide it from me, if I want to know, there will always be a way to know." Li Beixun sneered.

Jin Nanfeng was silent for a while before he said, "It's a bit misunderstanding."

"Did Little Hydrangea do something?" Li Beixun asked again.

He could see that the contradiction between the two people this time was caused by Li Yunxiu, but Xiao Xiuqiu said it was

His daughter, he couldn't help but say that the little hydrangea is not.

Jin Nanfeng thought for a while, and finally said, "She said Chenchen is not mine, and in front of my mother."

Li Beixun's face was startled, then frowned, "You don't have to worry about this."


"Chenchen compares your dna with your DNA. I personally verified it. You don't need to believe in Little Hydrangea, but I won't lie."

"I..." Jin Nanfeng frowned, very puzzled, "I didn't believe her, I just don't understand why she wants

Do that. "

He really didn't understand when he said something like that in front of Xin Mei.

That was the most frustrating period of his life, but Xiao Xiuqiu gave him the most fatal blow, and he panicked for a while.

Also angry.

"I care about Chenchen's blue eyes." Jin Nanfeng was puzzled. "I haven't studied medicine, but I also know.

How can two people in the family who don't have a blue eye gene give birth to a child with blue eyes? "

Li Beixun sneered, seemingly casual, "If Chenchen's identity is beyond doubt, will it be yours?

Something went wrong. "


Jin Nanfeng was stunned.

What Li Beixun meant... Is he not from the Jin family?

"It's just a guess." Li Beixun looked into the distance, "In short, you don't have to doubt the identity of Chenchen, if you really believe it

However, Chenchen and you happen to be here, just go upstairs and do a test. "

Li Beixun's eyes were a little cold.

"No need." Jin Nanfeng shook his head, "I believe in little hydrangea."

Chenchen belongs to him. Even with those blue eyes, this kid looks more and more like himself, especially his facial features are getting longer.

Open, like a copy of yourself.

So is there really something wrong with your identity?

He has been in the Jin family for so many years, he has never thought about...this possibility.

But how do you explain Chenchen's blue eyes?

Jin Nanfeng's heart was a little messy for a moment.

He glanced at the direction of the examination room, and his heart was filled with tension again.

If the little hydrangea is pregnant...

Just thinking about this, I saw the door of the examination room opened.

Li Yunxiu walked out with his head lowered.

Jin Nanfeng got up first, walked over, and asked the doctor, "Doctor, what's the situation now?"

"Congratulations, Miss Li has been pregnant for more than two months. Except for some malnutrition, the rest of the body

The indicators are very normal. "

The doctor smiled.

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