Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1078: .Don't need your company

Li Yunxiu was taken aback by the mistake, and immediately looked at the man who had made a mistake on the bed.

"Have you eaten ice cream?"

Chenchen nodded vaguely.

"Who took you to eat ice cream?"

Li Yunxiu was a little surprised. Isn't his brother watching Chenchen this afternoon? Brother wouldn't take Chenchen to eat that kind of food


Could it be that the servants in the family gave Chenchen that kind of food to please Chenchen?

Li Yunxiu looked at Chen Chen angrily, "Say, who took you to eat ice cream?"

Chenchen shook his head.

He promised his father, he couldn't say it.

It's all to blame for the uncle doctor. Didn't he tell him not to talk about ice cream?

So angry.

"Li Jingchen, don't you listen to me?"

Li Yunxiu looked at his son sternly.

"Do you still want the little sister?"

Chenchen's eyes lit up and immediately sold Jin Nanfeng.

"Daddy took me there..."

I'm sorry, dad.

Hearing Chenchen's words, Li Yunxiu's expression changed.

Immediately turned around to find Jin Nanfeng to settle the account, but Shi Qing stopped him, "Forget it, it’s not a big deal.

At first glance, Chenchen was arguing about going to eat, right? "

Where did Jin Nanfeng take care of the child? He only knew that he could meet the child's requirements without considering the consequences at all.

Li Yunxiu did not give up. This guy actually dared to take Chenchen out and eat this unhealthy food.

What to do

Thinking of this, Li Yunxiu directly dialed Jin Nanfeng's phone, "Jin Nanfeng, you get me to the hospital!"

Jin Nanfeng was eager for Li Yunxiu to say this to himself, Li Yunxiu wanted to see himself, let alone roll over, just climb over

He was also willing to go. Therefore, within half an hour, Jin Nanfeng hurried over.

"Chenchen is sick?"

Seeing Chen Chen's face flushed on the bed with water hanging on it, Jin Nanfeng walked over with concern and touched Chenchen's head.

"Why have a fever?"

Li Yunxiu sneered angrily, "Why did I have a fever? I want to ask you, you took Chenchen to eat so much ice.

Qi Lin, he is a little child, his stomach and resistance are so weak, it's no wonder he doesn't have a fever! You are so embarrassed to ask her here

Why do I have a fever? "

Jin Nanfeng's expression changed, and he was speechless.

"Jin Nanfeng, I never asked you to take care of Chenchen. It was my own decision to give birth to Chenchen.

Even if the child is yours, you don’t need to take any responsibility, but I beg you, don’t mess with me.

So? The matter of the two of us, can we not involve Chenchen, he is just a child. "

"Mommy, don't scold Dad for being okay, Chenchen is not good, and I ate a lot by myself."

Chenchen took Li Yunxiu's hand, tears were already in his eyes.

Li Yunxiu looked at Chen Chen and then at Jin Nanfeng, but finally said nothing.

Seeing that the relationship between the two of them was stiff, Shi Qing smiled and went to round the game, "Nanfeng, have you been working well recently?

Smell, your movie will be released next month, right? "

"Well, when the premiere comes, I will give you the ticket, you can go and have a look first."

"Thank you then." Shi Qing asked again with a smile, "Then what are your plans lately?"

"Little Hydrangea is pregnant. I want to spend time with him. After the movie is over, I will temporarily

If you don't take the show, just shoot commercials or something. "

As soon as Shi Qing wanted to talk, Li Yunxiu laughed a little bit angry, "I don't need you to accompany."

"Little Hydrangea."

Shi Qing frowned.

Li Yunxiu was upset and walked towards Chenchen. Seeing Jin Nanfeng standing in front of him, he was impatient again, "Get out of the way, don't interfere.

Does it work? "

Knowing that she was still angry, Jin Nanfeng gave aside in silence.

Li Yunxiu couldn't wait, so he pushed him away with his arm--

Jin Nanfeng’s half of his body slammed into the cabinet lightly, and his face changed involuntarily when he was touched by the wound on his waist.

a bit.

A layer of sweat rolled out of his forehead.

Li Yunxiu did not take a close look at Jin Nanfeng, but Shi Qing noticed something abnormal, walked to Jin Nanfeng’s side, and reached out to hold it.

He, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, thank you Madam Li."

Jin Nanfeng gritted his teeth and said with difficulty.

"I think you have an injury on your waist? Would you like to see a doctor?" Shi Qing frowned, "You are still young, your waist

If something goes wrong, it's not good. "

"It's nothing big, just rest for a while."

Jin Nanfeng said lightly.

"Dad, why did your waist hurt?"

Chenchen asked.

"I accidentally hit the table."

Jin Nanfeng saw that this was a good opportunity to explain clearly, so he hit the iron while it was hot and sighed deliberately, "Someone loses his temper.

Angrily, I pushed my father, and my father accidentally hurt his waist. "

Li Yunxiu's eyes froze slightly, and her brows frowned, because she suddenly remembered that she was in Yangcheng that day.

She reached out and pushed Jin Nanfeng's affairs.

I subconsciously looked at Jin Nanfeng, and saw that Jin Nanfeng's expression had been stained with a little grievance.

"Then why not see a doctor?"

"I saw it, but the doctor was so beautiful. When he treated my father, he was seen by someone and misunderstood

So I dare not go to the doctor. "

While talking, Jin Nanfeng glanced at Li Yunxiu.

The only thing is to say someone's name directly.

Li Yunxiu was originally a wise man. If he didn’t understand it, he wouldn’t be able to tell. He knew that he was in the hotel that day.

The woman in Jin Nanfeng's room actually came to treat Jin Nanfeng's waist injury, and Li Yun embroidered her face flushed with shame.

I almost want to find a gap to get in!

It turned out that she had misunderstood Jin Nanfeng.

Li Yunxiu looked away with a guilty conscience.

Shi Qing glanced at Li Yunxiu and realized that her daughter was at a loss this time, so she immediately smiled and said to Jin Nanfeng,

"Don't say this, the waist problem is not well treated, and when you regret it later, it happens to be in the hospital.

There will be a doctor when you go out. I will let Xiao Xiuqiu accompany you to see it, right? "

As he said, he pulled Li Yunxiu's arm, "Little Hydrangea, go, Chenchen, let me watch it for you."

Li Yunxiu could only go out with Jin Nanfeng reluctantly.

Along the way, she didn’t know what she should say, whether she should say "I’m sorry", or when there was nothing.

As it happened...

Just when Li Yunxiu was anxious, Jin Nanfeng suddenly reached out and took her hand.

Li Yunxiu was about to avoid subconsciously, but he was arrested to death.

"Little Hydrangea, that woman is a doctor."

Li Yunxiu said that he knew it a long time ago, and he faltered for a long time before he said, "I know, I'm sorry."

Jin Nanfeng stopped and looked down at her, "Are you apologizing for hurting my waist, or are you misunderstanding you?

I apologize? "

Li Yunxiu was silent. Actually, she didn’t know how to answer. She knew her answer very well. She was hurt

Jin Nanfeng feels self-blame, and feels ashamed for not understanding the reason for misunderstanding him, just say something like this

It seems too hypocritical.

The harm has been turned into reality, and no amount of apology is futile.

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