Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1122: .family


Li Yunxiu was in a bad mood and had nothing to eat for lunch. Fortunately, Shi Qing and Li Beixun both worked and were not at home.

Therefore, there was not much trouble. In the evening, she was also uninterested until Jin Nanfeng called.

Tell her to go out to dinner.

"just now?"

Li Yunxiu frowned, sat up from the bed, "I'm already asleep..."

"You are usually a night owl, why do you go to bed so early?" Jin Nanfeng said in a deep voice, and then he took a moment to coax her with a smile, "You

My temper is really getting bigger and bigger. I gave you a hug that day. You don't need to be angry with me until this time, right? I

Can I apologize to you? "

He was half joking, actually he had already stepped down the steps for Li Yun embroidery and himself.

Li Yunxiu has been worried that Jin Nanfeng would be angry with what happened last night. If he heard his compromising apology, his face would not

You're red, and then hesitated, "I'm not angry, I'm really... sleepy."

Jin Nanfeng said, "Then we will eat after the premiere tomorrow."

Li Yunxiu heard the faint sound of church bells coming from Jin Nanfeng’s phone, and remembered that there was a

The Catholic Church, reacted, "Are you outside my house?"

"Yeah." Jin Nanfeng smiled, "Want to come out and see me?"

"Where is..."

"Then I will leave."

"Hey, wait a minute." Li Yunxiu's face turned red, and he couldn't help calling him, while he hurriedly put on his shoes.

Go outside.

After a while, he ran out.

Jin Nanfeng’s car was parked at the gate of the Presidential Palace. He was leaning against the door. He was tall and he was wearing a black suit.

Be meticulous, but two or three of the buttons on the neckline were untied, making him completely abstinent.

As soon as he saw Li Yunxiu, Jin Nanfeng's face instantly turned black, and a thick layer of frost fainted from his deep eyebrows.

"Why did you come out like this? You don't wear a coat, it's so cold outside, what if you catch a cold?"

He said that he took off his coat and gently covered Li Yunxiu's half exposed shoulders.

"A person of this age is so frizzy how he does things."

Although they are all reproaching words, how can the pampering and worry in the tone be hidden.

Although it was cold outside, Li Yunxiu's heart was filled with nameless emotions, leaving only a hot spot.

"I'm not cold."

Li Yunxiu shook his head and asked him anxiously, "Why do you still have an announcement so late?"

"The male celebrity I worked with was late, which took a lot of time." Jin Nanfeng seemed to be very dissatisfied. "These years now

Light actors, there are really no rules at all, and there is no predecessor in his eyes. "

Li Yunxiu couldn't help laughing, "Okay, you have done a lot of things like this kind of disrespect for seniors, haven't you?

I remember that you were criticized publicly. "

She still clearly remembered that that was the only "black spot" in Jin Nanfeng's career. Jin Nanfeng was in full swing at the time.

The director was tepid. He publicly criticized Jin Nanfeng for playing a big name in the news. He was defiant and treated the crew.

Other acts of bad attitude, repeated lateness and other behaviors, this matter is raging throughout China.

For three days, but at that time Jin Nanfeng’s personality was quite good in the entire entertainment circle, and the director was not out

Many people insisted on standing on Jin Nanfeng’s side, and in the end, the director opened the matter to Jin Nan.

Feng's apology came to an end.

At that time, Li Yunxiu hadn't had a strong relationship with Jin Nanfeng. She was a spectator and witnessed the great event.

Fengbo, at that time, like Jin Nanfeng’s countless fans, she thought everything was the director’s self-hype, and

Jin Nanfeng is innocent, but now, with her understanding of Jin Nanfeng, I am afraid that most of what the director said is true.

Faced with Li Yunxiu’s "accusation", Jin Nanfeng did not refute it, but rather generously admitted, "I am

There is capital, the director has no abilities, he can always put on the air, I originally watched the movie script comparison

Only because he was overwhelmed, I didn’t know how he would personally adapt the script of the play, and finally changed an excellent work.

Unlike, I would not go to the crew. "

Jin Nanfeng seems to be brooding about this matter, even though it has been so long, now that he thinks of it, it still seems

Quite angrily, "I have already given him face when I go. Ask, let alone the past, even now.

Only others are waiting for me, Jin Nanfeng, not me, Jin Nanfeng. "

After that, Jin Nanfeng smiled coldly with disdain.

Obviously, he was quite dissatisfied with a male star who was late today.

Li Yunxiu was afraid that he would order people to wear small shoes in private, and ruined his life for some small things.

This quickly said, "You won't do anything to others, right?"

"Am I the kind of person with small belly and chicken intestines?" Jin Nanfeng immediately raised his eyebrows and curled his lips. "Besides, just like him

For those who can't help showing off their achievements, the entertainment industry will give him some color, so why bother to dirty my own hands. "

Li Yunxiu was relieved now.

Just as a cold wind blew by, Li Yunxiu, who was only wearing pajamas and a coat, immediately shrank his shoulders.

Could not help but sneezed.

Jin Nanfeng was afraid that she would be ill, and immediately said sternly, "Okay, go home quickly, don’t catch a cold, what's waiting for me?

Go back and say on the phone. "

"I won't tell you, I'm going to sleep."

"See you tomorrow."

Jin Nanfeng smiled helplessly, and personally delivered Li Yunxiu to the gate. Seeing her entering the house, he left with confidence.

As soon as Li Yunxiu breathed a sigh of relief, Li Yunxiao was blocked at the top of the stairs again.

"Sister, went out to see brother-in-law?"

Li Yunxiu glared at his sister, "What is it to you? Go to sleep."

"I won't sleep so early." Li Yun frowned, "It's you, why don't you let my brother-in-law come in."

"Where do you come from so many why?"

"I care about you and brother-in-law, sister, are you better to brother-in-law? Everyone came to see you, and you didn't even let the door.

People come in, it seems a bit too much. "Li Yunxiao was very sad, deliberately stretched out his hand to cover his heart, "like

If I were my brother-in-law, I must have been heartbroken by you. "

"Don't talk nonsense." Li Yunxiu glared at Li Yunxiu disagreeably. "Are you not ignorant of Jin Nanfeng's

Personally, it was unnatural for him to stay in the presidential palace. "

Even though Li Beixun and Shi Qing have accepted Jin Nanfeng as her husband, there are some things, how is it?

It can't be eliminated.

It's better not to let Jin Nanfeng come here.

"I actually understand my brother-in-law." Li Yun smiled and smiled softly. "He is a big star.

People are indeed a little different, and he only likes you, for the rest of us, after all, there is nothing too strong

Feelings. "

Li Yunxiu's face was a little embarrassed, "Don't think about it, we are all a family."

"A family..." Li Yunxiao gradually frowned, "But I feel that you are always weird, sister, you

If you don't want a way to solve it quickly, maybe you and brother-in-law will have a big problem. "

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