Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1151: . On the news

I don’t know how long and how long squatting down beside the car like this before Li Yunxiu gradually calmed down and took a deep breath.

Annoyed, she just opened the car door and sat in.

Back to the presidential palace, as expected, Shi Qing and Li Beixun were both waiting in the living room.

Can not help a loose.

Li Yunxiu's heart is full of self-blame. For her, how much Shi Qing and Li Beixun have given, the three children of the Li family

Here, she is the only one who is so naive.

Thinking of this, Li Yunxiu felt even more uncomfortable.

Back in the room, she couldn’t sleep at night. She secretly made a decision. In the days to come, she must make better decisions.

Put more energy on the person who loves her, as for Jin Nanfeng... Maybe she really should let it go.

Early the next morning, Li Yunxiu started packing his bags and planned to return to Yangcheng for work.

"What are you doing in such a hurry?" Shi Qing was very reluctant. "I have already told your brother and will transfer you back

Come to work. "

Li Yunxiu smiled, "Mom, didn't I tell you last time? I am not familiar with the business and projects of the head office.

You want me to come back to work, and I have to spend a few months to figure out if there are any. I might as well go back to Yangcheng. "

Shi Qing frowned, "You, you, others feel sorry for you. You are not happy anymore. At your age, you need to fight like this.

Fate? Beixun, don't you think? "

Li Beixun paused, then nodded lightly with a lukewarm "um". 1

Li Yunxiu smiled even more helplessly, "Mom, don't let your brother hear your words. Last time I saw my father

Teach brother, what to say... Twenty-five and sixty-year-old, it is the time to struggle, you two now tell me not to fight

Fate, if my brother knew about this, he should have an opinion again. "

"He is a man, different from you."

Li Beixun said in a deep voice, "I can't support him for a lifetime, but you can."

In Li Beixun’s subconscious mind for so many years, his two daughters should have been little princesses for a lifetime and be favored.

I love growing up, but unfortunately these two children are the same as Shi Qing, never willing to be flowers in the greenhouse, so he has no

Nai left the two of them.

"I don't want you to support me, I have hands and feet." As expected, Li Yunxiu refused again, and she closed

The suitcase, got up and flexed his muscles, and said, "I will stay in the Imperial Capital for two or three days.

I have to go there again, and it's been a long time since I went to see Sister Shanshan and Nian Nian. "

"Okay, you can arrange it yourself. When you leave, tell us in advance that I will find someone to take you there." Shi Qing asked.


The next day, Li Yunxiu woke up early, planning to visit Xia Shanshan and Gu Niannian.

Xia Shanshan’s shop has made a lot of money in the past year, and Xia Shanshan has hired someone to take care of the business in the shop just like her.

Completely acted as the shopkeeper.

The three met at a hot pot restaurant.

When I saw Li Yunxiu, Xia Shanshan was very surprised, "Yunxiu, I thought you and Jin Nanfeng divorced, and you will be frustrated.

It's tens of kilograms of weight loss, now it seems that you are a little bit longer than before. You really made progress

Now, there is no one to die for a man. "

The original Li Yunxiu, in order to avoid Jin Nanfeng, came to her in despair. Those pictures are still vivid

When Jin Nanfeng chased Li Yunxiu back, she faintly expected that these two outsoles would return

Will not come together, after all, Li Yunxiu and Jin Nanfeng are too strong and stubborn, and neither of them can learn to get married

The marriage bowed and compromised, and now, she really complied with her guess.

Thinking of this, Xia Shanshan couldn't help but sigh, but she was also relieved that Li Yunxiu was not depressed again.

People always grow slowly, but this kind of growth is not what she wants to see.

Li Yunxiu is a little princess who enjoys growing up with thousands of pets. She really hopes that Jin Nanfeng can still hold her in

In the palm of his hand, instead of letting Yunxiu touch so much wind and rain.

"Sister Yunxiu, you and Jin Nanfeng..."

Gu Niannian has always been outspoken, and immediately asked the question she most wanted to know.

"I divorced him."

"It’s said in the news that you have been divorced for half a year?" Xia Shanshan was puzzled. "But I remember three months ago, I still

Have you eaten with you? "

Three months ago, Li Yunxiu took the time to return to the imperial capital. At that time, he had an appointment for a meal in a few months.

If they were divorced two and a half years ago, how can this be explained?

Li Yunxiu said, "He and I divorced only recently, and the media is scribbling."

"Ah? Why? Why so suddenly, when I saw you last time, didn't you still be fine?"

Gu Niannian was particularly puzzled. "The media said that you have different personalities. How could this be possible, although sometimes you two

Neither of you have a bad temper, but you will definitely not be separated for this reason. "Gu Niannian was crazy alone

Sui Sui said, "Sister Yun Xiu, does Jin Nanfeng's mother disagree with you being together?"

Otherwise, apart from this reason, she could not think of anything that could separate the two people who love each other.

Li Yunxiu shook his head after listening, "It has nothing to do with Jin Nanfeng's mother. I am divorcing Jin Nanfeng myself."

"What?" Gu Niannian's eyes widened, "Sister Yunxiu, did you cheat? Did you like other people?"

"What nonsense are you **** girl talking about?" Xia Shanshan unbearably knocked on Gu Niannian's head.

"Our family Yunxiu's affection for Jin Nanfeng can be learned from the world. How could it be cheating? I think it is the same Jin who wants to cheat.

Nan Feng cheated, right? "

Li Yunxiu's heart was silently torn apart for an instant, and her face paled in pain.

She bit her lip lightly, not knowing what to say.

It’s just that such an expression fell on Xia Shanshan’s eyes, but her heart couldn’t help but "cock", "Oh, I don’t

Will you guess it right? "

Xia Shanshan "slapped" the table and stood up, "He really cheated?"

"Okay, keep your voice down, it's not a glorious thing."

Li Yunxiu felt his head faintly hurt again.

"Damn, this bastard! The scumbag!" Xia Shanshan's eyes were full of fire, "I know if he can rely on it sooner or later.

live! I had known that he was such a beast who was always in chaos and abandoned. I shouldn't have spoken to him and persuaded you to forgive him. "

Li Yunxiu shook his head, "This has nothing to do with you."

Xia Shanshan calmed down a little bit, "What the **** is going on? He is with that shameless little fox

Jing hook up, you tell my sister, my old lady will find someone to kill them. "

"No." Li Yunxiu shook his head, "It doesn't make much sense to do this, let alone, that woman was pregnant with Jin Nan.

Child of Feng, there is really no need..."

"Huh? That pregnant woman?!"

Gu Niannian on the side called out suddenly, her face pale.

"what happened to you?"

Li Yunxiu was a little dissatisfied.

Gu Niannian was anxious, "It was said on the news today, that sister Yunxiu, you beat a pregnant woman in the mall...

Is it Jin Nanfeng's junior? "

Li Yunxiu was taken aback, "News? What news?"

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