Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1188: .Man's Tears

"What's wrong?" Seeing Li Yunxiu staring at him for a long time, Qi Yi was very unhappy with a "cut\", uncomfortable.

He touched his hair, "I said this is weird, I'd better dye it back."

"Don't." Li Yunxiu grabbed him, "Qi Yi, your black hair is really beautiful."


Qi Yi will be suspicious.

"Of course, don't dye your hair anymore."

"Oh, then I'll consider it." Qi Yi's ears couldn't help but crimson.

Over there, when Jin Nanfeng walked into the terminal, he happened to see the picture of Li Yunxiu pulling Qi Yi's arm.

The scene seemed normal at the airport where people came and went, but it fell in Jin Nanfeng’s eyes, but it seemed like a front.

The sharp needle point made his eyes hurt.

"Brother Jin, look at Miss Li, she..."

Yang Yun's words couldn't be explained clearly, and Miss Li was actually pulling at the man!

How good is the relationship between these two people?

"I'm not blind."

Jin Nanfeng said in a low tone, obviously in a bad tone.

Yang Yun closed her mouth sensibly and followed Jin Nanfeng to Li Yunxiu's side.

"Little Hydrangea."

Hearing Jin Nanfeng’s voice, Li Yunxiu immediately turned her head. Although she tried her best to pretend to be calm, Jin

Nan Feng still noticed in detail that the smile on the corner of her mouth became obviously stiff the moment she saw her.

"Have you finished recording your show?"

"Well, I didn't expect us to be on the same flight."

Jin Nanfeng lied without changing his face. In fact, he left the entire program group ahead of time, just to sit with her.

A plane returned to the imperial capital.

It’s just that he can’t tell the little hydrangea, otherwise she should be angry again, and he will look down on himself as if he is living in the dark

The clown in the light can only hide in the dark and watch her life silently, but he can’t control himself, he thinks

Now that there is another man next to her, he feels a huge sense of fear, as if there is something important.

Xi is about to be snatched away.

"A flight does not matter, as long as it is not in the same row of seats."

At this time, Qi Yi lazily yawned, "The plane will take four hours. I don’t want anyone to sit

What a disgusting obstruction in my sight. "

"Qi Yi, don't talk nonsense." Li Yunxiu naturally knew that he was mocking Jin Nanfeng, and gently motioned him to shut up with his eyes.

Fortunately, Jin Nanfeng was not angry, but changed the topic, "Have you read the list I asked Jian Zixun to give you?"

"Well, is there any news?"

Li Yunxiu was obviously a little nervous.

"A good news and a bad news, which one do you want to hear?" Jin Nanfeng found that only this matter seemed to make Li Yun

Embroidery calmly faced herself with the tone and ecology of the past, so she couldn't help but sell her off.

Sure enough, Li Yunxiu was a little anxious, "Say it quickly."

"The good news is that we checked all the people above, and none of them is likely to kidnap Jian Zixun. Bad news.

Yes, we lost the clue. "


Li Yunxiu felt disappointed at once, thinking of what Jian Zixun might encounter now, Li Yunxiu's eyes turned red.

"Don't worry, if they kidnap Jian Zixun really want money, then before they get the money, Jian Zixun

It will be safe. "

Li Yunxiu nodded heavily. The purpose of the group of people kidnapping Jian Zixun was not clear. Who knew they would do it?

What is going on.

"Don't think about it so much. If you go home like this, Mr. Li and Mrs. Li should worry about your bad time in Xiacheng."

After being reminded by Jin Nanfeng, Li Yunxiu forced his spirits up.

After getting on the plane, Li Yunxiu realized that Jin Nanfeng did not actually take first class this time, but chose the same experience as her.

Economy cabin.

The position is two rows behind his right.

Li Yunxiu watched him silently wearing a mask and hat, and quietly looked down at the book in his hand, feeling that there was nothing in his heart.

Than calm.

During the four-hour flight, Li Yunxiu spent almost all of it in a drowsy, light sleep, waiting until the plane was about to land.

When she fell, she was awakened by the bumps, and she was shocked to realize that she had fallen asleep with Qi Yi's arm.


Li Yunxiu's face was red with red ears.

"Fortunately you didn't keep your saliva, otherwise my clothes would be useless."

Li Yunxiu was even more embarrassed.

I heard Qi Yi sneer again, "But I am half my life. Your ex-husband is going to kill me.

Look like. "

He moved his chin slightly, and motioned Li Yunxiu to look over.

Li Yunxiu turned his head subconsciously, and suddenly looked at Jin Nanfeng.

Even though Jin Nanfeng wore a mask and couldn’t see the facial features clearly, Li Yunxiu still read out Jin Nanfeng’s eyes.

That trace of anger and chill.

Only very quickly, Jin Nanfeng lowered his head again, as if nothing had happened.

Li Yunxiu knew very well that Jin Nanfeng was jealous.

Because she fell asleep leaning on Qi Yi, and he was sitting in another seat with nothing to do.

But Li Yunxiu was a little confused. What's the point of Jin Nanfeng being jealous?

The two of them have reached the point where they are today, and both of them have unshirkable responsibilities. Until now, everything is too much.

For the rest, being jealous shouldn't exist, and there is no need to have it. It only brings trouble and embarrassment to both people.

After the plane landed, before Li Yunxiu had time to take the luggage, he was directly held by one hand, and he couldn't help but pull it.

Got out.

"Jin Nanfeng, what are you doing?"

Li Yunxiu looked at him angrily.

Jin Nanfeng did not answer her, but rudely dragged her forward until she was pulled to a corner of the airport where there was no one.

"Jin Nanfeng, you..."

Li Yunxiu didn’t know what was wrong with him. Just about to lift his foot and leave, Jin Nanfeng directly pushed him against the wall and

Between myself, a strong wall came.

"Li Yunxiu, I will ask you a question."


Although there is no one here, there is always the possibility of being seen at the airport where people come and go. This panic

Feeling that Li Yunxiu's heart accelerated wildly, and a layer of sweat came out of his palm.

"Are you really going to date that Qi Yi?"

She also brought him back to the imperial capital.

Are you going to introduce Qi Yi to Li Beixun and Shi Qing?

Especially when he was just on the plane, he watched Li Yunxiu quietly leaning on Qi Yi's body to sleep soundly, the kind of anger and jealousy.

He almost forgot that he was still high in the sky, he just wanted to catch the woman by his side immediately!

"Do you really want to be with that man?"

Jin Nanfeng's eyes were scarlet.

The shocking color made Li Yunxiu's throat tighten. Li Yunxiu took a deep breath, and then

He smiled and asked him, "What is the answer to this question? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you."

"What if I must know?"

Jin Nanfeng leaned closer, almost pressing her against the wall. She was strong and could not breathe.


Li Yunxiu didn't know how to answer.

When I looked up, I saw a trace of pain and struggle flashing through Jin Nanfeng's eyes.

"Jin Nanfeng..."

Jin Nanfeng let go of Li Yunxiu's hand, but lowered his head a little bit, pressing his chin against the depression in Li Yunxiu's neck.

At this moment, he has no hostility or pride, just like a wounded child, waiting for someone to take him home.

"Do you know? For the past month, I have been persuading myself every day, that I am not worthy of you, you should

Have a better partner. "Jin Nanfeng's voice was hoarse, making Li Yunxiu's heart as if tightened by a big net.

Tight, "I told myself, if you really find him, I must restrain myself and make me smile

bless you……"

Li Yunxiu only felt a cold neck, as if some liquid had fallen on her skin.

She reacted in an instant.

Jin Nanfeng cried.

The heart was messed up instantly.

My breathing became rapid and flustered, "Jin Nanfeng, don’t be like this, I don’t want to be with others, you

Don't... don't do that. "

Li Yunxiu's voice was trembling at this moment.

Jin Nanfeng, who was beaten into a coma in Yuhe Town to protect herself, did not cry, but at this moment, because of Qi Yi, she

Made him cry.

Jin Nanfeng never shed tears easily, tears are a luxury for this mature and determined man.

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