Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1194: .Do not touch me

In an instant, countless questions rushed up, and he couldn't breathe under pressure. Li Yunxiu's hoarse voice moved his feelings away.

Xu gradually pulled back, and then he drove away the mixed thoughts in his head, holding Li Yunxiu's trembling hand, and

With pale and cold fingertips all in his palm.

"Don't be afraid, I'm fine."

This was this low and gentle comfort, and Li Yunxiu's tears rolled down immediately.

There were also bursts of sobbing in the throat.

"Jin Nanfeng. I don't allow you to be so foolish in the future. I don't want to see you wake up..."

Knowing that she was thinking of Yuhe Town, Jin Nanfeng's heart felt a little pain.

When he had an accident in Yuhe Town, Li Yunxiu had been picked up by the speedboat. No matter how sad Li Yunxiu was, he didn't even watch it.

When I arrived, I only knew that I woke up, she was by my side, and then poured her head on him when she was most excited.

Touch cold water.

He thought that she would never feel sorry for herself anymore.

Looking at Li Yunxiu with red eyes and full of fear and worry, Jin Nanfeng could no longer restrain the depression during this period of time.

Hold her head and kiss her soft lips fiercely.


Li Yunxiu did not expect that he would kiss himself at this time, and subconsciously struggled.

While pushing, Jin Nanfeng was hit by the wound, and he couldn't help but "hiss——" in pain, his brows frowned and his face was completely pale.

"You... are you okay? I didn't mean it."

Li Yunxiu was nervous instantly.

"Don't move around." Jin Nanfeng looked at her dissatisfied, "I have helped you get so many beatings, so a kiss shouldn't be enough.

Divide it? "


Li Yunxiu was stunned. It was correct to say that, but at this time, shouldn't you go to the hospital for treatment first?

Wound? He still has the mind to think about such things...

It was just a stupefaction, Jin Nanfeng had already grabbed her wrist and turned his head to kiss her.

"Someone will come."

The fighting here just now is so intense, maybe it has already been noticed.

Li Yunxiu's face turned red involuntarily.

"Then let's go to the car."

After Jin Nanfeng finished speaking, he helped Li Yunxiu to stand up, pulled Li Yunxiu into the car, and locked the door.

"Jin Nanfeng, don't..."

"Hey, don't move."

Jin Nanfeng can't take care of so much anymore. God knows how long he has endured during this period, but he is still a normal man.

Man, if she rejects myself even a kiss at this time, then he will really be suffocated to death.

Thinking of this, Jin Nanfeng didn’t wait for Li Yunxiu’s answer, turned over and gently pressed her down, hooking her underneath with one hand.

Ba Qianqian kissed her.

Li Yunxiu’s few unworthy resistances were quickly shattered in Jin Nanfeng’s increasingly hot kisses.

The breathing is terribly hot, and the head is heavy, the whole person is like being burned by fire, there is nothing that makes people think


As if looking for something to describe himself, Li Yunxiu thought that he was like a stranded fish and could only desperately

Breathing cannot soothe this life-threatening feeling.

Here Jin Nanfeng has been completely surrounded by desire, and the woman he loves most is under him, as soft as a cat

At the mercy, how can kisses alone satisfy him?

His hands were already restlessly put into Li Yunxiu's clothes from behind, and he easily found the buttons. Li Yunxiu only

Feeling that there was something loose on her body, she realized that Jin Nanfeng had actually untied her personal clothing!

The chaotic and blurred eyes suddenly awake, as if being splashed from head to tail by a basin of icy cold water, here

For a moment, only the fearful alienation was left.


Li Yunxiu held onto his clothes tightly, looking at Jin Nanfeng with scarlet eyes.

Jin Nanfeng endured uncomfortably, "Little Hydrangea..."


This time, there was even a hint of determination in his voice.

She is serious.

Jin Nanfeng was stunned for a while.

She looked at Li Yunxiu who shrank herself into a ball, watched the blush on her face fade a little, and then became disgusted.

Evil and rejection replace.

"Jin Nanfeng, don't touch me."

Li Yunxiu did not dare to look at Jin Nanfeng's gaze. She knew very well that she had hurt Jin Nanfeng by doing so, and it was true that she was sad.

Yes, but the resistance in my heart is also true.

He has touched Yuxi...

This fact is like a lingering nightmare, reverberating in her brain constantly, like torture, making her

Can't get rid of.

Jin Nanfeng looked at him quietly, she didn't explain her reason for rejecting herself, but he knew exactly what it was because of.

He has no capital to continue, her rejection is almost unconscious, and it is precisely because of subconscious and uncontrolled

Jin Nanfeng felt even more sad.

Li Yunxiu promised to reconcile with him, is it true? At least at this moment, he understood that she hadn't completely

Forgive yourself.

Jin Nanfeng smiled helplessly, stretched out his hand to gently tidy up her clothes and watched her at the moment he touched her.

There was a sudden tremor, another pain in my heart, but a smile on his face, "I won't touch you, little hydrangea, don't hurt

fear me. "

"I...not afraid of you, I just..."

Li Yunxiu knew that Jin Nanfeng felt uncomfortable and wanted to find some words to comfort him.

"I just think I'm not clean, don't you?"

Jin Nanfeng spoke gently for her.

The tone was helpless and self-deprecating.

There was an anxious silence in the small carriage, only the rough and disordered breathing of each other, one after another.

"I'll send you back, don't think about anything tonight, and have a good sleep."

In the end, Jin Nanfeng let go first, because he was too greedy and got her again, but he still wanted more unsatisfied.

He lowered his head and dropped a light kiss on Li Yunxiu's forehead, then fastened her seat belt and sat back in the cab by himself.

"Let me drive, your hand is hurt."

Li Yunxiu frowned.

"It's okay. It will be here soon."

Jin Nanfeng started the car.

Seeing Jin Nanfeng's lips pressed into a straight line, Li Yunxiu hesitated again and again and finally said, "Don't think too much, I just

Is not ready yet, when I am ready, I will accept you again. "

"It doesn't matter, it's my own responsibility. I'm so happy that you can come back."

Li Yunxiu lowered his head, not knowing what to say.

"Are those people tonight related to Jian Zixun?"

Jin Nanfeng paused, then shook his head, "I don't know, anyway, you and Chenchen should not go out these days. Their eyes

The target is you. "

"Ok, I know."

After Li Yunxiu returned to the presidential palace, his mind was still heavy.

"Sister, are you and Jin Nanfeng really reconciled?" Li Yun smiled worriedly, "Sister, he was so to you..."

"Smile, he saved me twice, he is sincere to me."

Li Yunxiu interrupted Li Yun's laugh.

Li Yunxiao wanted to say something, but when he saw that Li Yunxiu was in a bad mood, he finally sighed, "All right, sister

Sister, I will bless you. "

"Thank you." Li Yunxiu smiled, and then asked, "Are Chenchen and Qi Yi back? Why didn't they see them?"

"Chenchen?" Li Yun frowned, "Didn't he go out for dinner with you?"

"But they were right back long ago." She and Jin Nanfeng had something to discuss, and she had asked Qi Yi and Chenchen to go back.

At this point in time, they have already returned.

"No, I've been at home all the time. I must know if they are coming back." Li Yun blinked with a smile, "Is it Qi Yi?

Where did you take Chenchen to play? "

"I'll call him and ask."

Thinking of what happened to him and Jin Nanfeng tonight, Li Yunxiu felt a little uneasy and took out his mobile phone to call Qi Yi.

"Sorry, the call you dialed is temporarily unanswered..."

Qi Yi's phone call failed.

Li Yunxiu's brows frowned, and the anxiety in his heart became heavier.

"Sister, don't worry, I think it must have been Qi Yi taking Chenchen to play there. You know Qi Yi, don't worry too much.

Think, you go up and take a bath first, I'll wait for you here. When they come back, I will call you. "

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