Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1197: . Let go of my mommy!

This stranger kidnapped Chenchen for what? Or, who is instigating him?

"Go in from the east gate, turn left at the first intersection, go around the public toilet, and park a Land Rover car behind it.

Go out and arrive at this address within two hours. If you are a minute late, you can wait to collect the body of your son. "

Li Yunxiu only felt cold in his palms. He looked down and saw that a note had been stuffed over, and it showed the suburbs.

An abandoned factory.

"Also, don't think about contacting your man or the police, or you will be at your own risk. You and the child of the big star, Guo

He looks so cute, such a beautiful little boy, if he gets a stab in the face, would it be a pity..."

"Don't allow you to hurt Chenchen!" Li Yunxiu's heart suddenly tightened, and his eyes reddened when he "rubbed", so he calmed down quickly.

Come, she immediately said, "I know, I will follow your request, please don't hurt him."

"Then act, Miss Li, your time is running out."

As soon as the voice fell, Li Yunxiu only felt that the power against her had disappeared. She turned around at almost the same time.

I went too far, but didn't see any suspicious characters, as if everything that just happened was just a dream.

Except for the note left in my hand...

Li Yunxiu quickly glanced at the address again, then grouped the notes into a ball, pulled up the box and walked into the park, passing by

When she was in the trash can, she threw the tuancheng note in.

Jin must find me...

Save Chenchen back.

According to the man’s instructions, Li Yunxiu found a Land Rover car behind the public test. This generation of environment

Quiet, almost no one passing by, and in a blind spot in the park, there is no monitoring, presumably that person

Stopping here is also for this reason.

It is a pity that Li Yunxiu has no time to think about it. For two hours, if she can't arrive in time, Chenchen's life will be in danger.

Li Yunxiu threw the box into the trunk and drove quickly out of the park.

"Brother Jin, Miss Li is gone."

Yang Yun looked at Li Yunxiu who disappeared in the video, frowning, "Miss Li must have left when the chaos was just now."

"Just why..." Why avoid them?

Jin Nanfeng sat on the sofa with a sullen face, his two slender hands clasped tightly, hearing Yang Yun's words,

He didn't have too many expressions on his face, he just looked at the monitor and said coldly, "Go back."


Yang Yun quickly reversed the video.


Jin Nanfeng said suddenly.

The video was stopped, Jin Nanfeng's eyes were deep, and it was as dark as a beast that had been waiting to hunt for a long time.

Yang Yun looked over in confusion, and saw Li Yunxiu in the video, seeming to throw something into the trash can beside him.

"Brother Jin, this is..."

"Go find it."

Jin Nanfeng gave the order directly.

"If something happens to her, all of you are weighing it up."


Yang Yun left quickly.

Within half a time, there was news from Yang Yun.

"Brother Jin, found it! In the old factory in the eastern suburbs."

"Prepare a car."

Jin Nanfeng got up in an instant, surrounded him with a deep chill, making everyone who passed him feel

There was heart palpitations and severe cold.


At the same time, Li Yunxiu was anxiously rushing to the old factory on the ring road.

I don’t know how Chenchen is now. It’s been so long. I don’t know if he ate or slept. that

Did these **** bully him and hurt him...

Li Yunxiu's heartache was a little bit unable to breathe, and he couldn't help speeding up a bit faster.

When he arrived at the place designated by that person, the time difference was just ten minutes to two hours.

Li Yunxiu's feet were a little weak, and he walked down with difficulty after pushing the car door, and dragged out the suitcase containing the money.

"Hey, where are you!"

Li Yunxiu looked at the empty factory in despair.

Just when she didn’t know who to look for, she only heard the ringing of the phone. Listening to the sound, it was from a Land Rover car.

From here.

She opened the car door and found a black mobile phone in the mezzanine of the Land Rover car.

Li Yunxiu didn't hesitate to connect, "Hey, I'm here, I have already sent the money according to your request.

Where is my son? ! "

"The second floor of the factory." The man's voice was still on the phone. This time, he actually smiled a little sullenly.

The sound, the sound is like fingertips across the glass, sharp and piercing, and it only feels numb and creepy.

"If you don't hurry up, your poor son will die."

"The second floor..."

Li Yunxiu looked around in a panic, and sure enough, she saw a staircase. She rushed to the staircase almost like the wind.

Mouth, go upstairs——

As soon as I arrived on the second floor, I saw a small figure lying motionless on the ground.

It is Chenchen!

"Chen Chen!"

Li Yunxiu's head buzzed and almost fell to the ground. She endured the whole body's fear and walked over, tears

It fell down with a "click".

Chen Chen...

Chenchen's body is still tied with a rope, his eyes are covered with black blindfolds, and his mouth is tightly sealed with a piece of tape.

I wore the handsome little suit when I left home, but now it’s covered in dust and tattered, like

A puppet without a soul.

Li Yunxiu wanted to call him, but couldn't say a word.

She gently hugged Chenchen up, and holding back tears, she pulled away the rope blindfold and the tape, watching

Zi’s pale face, she almost held her breath and exhausted all the strength of her body before reaching out a hand and gently placing it on Chen

Chen talked about the little guy's snort...

Very weak, but sniff!

The stone in Li Yunxiu's heart fell to the ground with a thud!

He is still alive, Chenchen is fine.

More tears were released at this moment, Li Yunxiu felt distressed and blamed himself, touching Chenchen’s cheek.

Can't help but lower his head and kiss him.

"Mom... Mommy..."

Chenchen's faint voice came intermittently, and it was very weak as if it were floating.

"Chenchen?" Li Yunxiu heard the voice, and he was delighted, "Chenchen, don't be afraid, it's Mommy, Mommy is here."

"Back to...home...I want to go home..."

"Okay, Mommy takes you home. No one will hurt you anymore. I'm sorry, Mommy didn't protect you."

More shame came to my heart, as if the tide flooded her completely at this moment.

"Mommy, I want Dad..."

"Okay, Mommy will take you back to find Dad now. Don't be afraid."

When Li Yunxiu finished speaking, she hugged Chenchen, and wanted to take him out of here, but just the moment she stood up

Suddenly, she keenly discovered that there seemed to be someone behind her. Just turning her head, she felt a sharp pain in the back of her neck.

As the darkness struck, Li Yunxiu almost immediately fell to her knees. Before her consciousness fell into a blur, she

All I saw was a vague and unrecognizable figure.

"She passed out, what shall we do now?" the slightly younger man asked when he looked at the middle-aged man.

"Of course I took her away."

"What about this kid?"

"This child is no longer useful. He is only used to attract Li Yun to embroider the hook. There is a river behind it. Throw him

Just go in, this woman is more valuable than this child. "The middle-aged man smiled grimly

Laughing, he bent forward and carried Li Yun embroidery on his shoulders.

"But this kid has a special identity. If you kill him like this, what if you anger the Li family and the Jin family?"

The younger man looked worried, "Anyway, our goal is not this child, so why bother to

Cause trouble yourself? "

"Okay, okay, don't be fussy. Just throw it here, it's dead or alive, it's all his own good fortune."

The middle-aged man said he was leaving.

"You let go of my mommy..."

But who knows that he hasn't taken a step yet, Chenchen has already pulled his pants, "Big bad guy, let go of my mom

mum! You are not allowed to hurt me... Mommy! "

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