"Are you a kid? It's just a prick, Chenchen is not afraid, OK?"

Li Yunxiu looked at the male doctor waiting to draw Jin Nanfeng's blood, embarrassed.

"I am really afraid of pain."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, sit down quickly and give the doctor your hand."

Li Yunxiu pressed Jin Nanfeng on the chair with a little force.

Jin Nanfeng bared an arm, looked at the dazzling needle point, and simply buried his head on Li Yunxiu's waist.

The male doctor couldn't help but smiled.

Li Yunxiu was even more embarrassed and couldn't help burning his face.

I wanted to push Jin Nanfeng away, but I accidentally saw a long scar on the man’s exposed neck, which was already scarred.

It has fallen off, but the traces are deep, printed on Jin Nanfeng's white skin, which looks very eye-catching.

"what is this?"

Li Yunxiu's fingers lightly touched the scar.


Jin Nanfeng raised his head slightly.

"The wound on the back of your neck."

The wound is new, and it doesn't look like Jin Nanfeng left it when he was young.

"I stayed here last time in Yuhe Town." Jin Nanfeng explained lightly.

Li Yunxiu's heart shrank suddenly.

The things in Yuhe Town have always been a sore spot in her heart.

At that time, she didn't listen to Jin Nanfeng's words, and even hung up his hastily call, just like that.

Following Hong Xin, who had deceived herself, went to Yuhe Town, and was almost insulted.

If it weren't for Jin Nanfeng to risk her death to rescue her, perhaps until today, she would have been trapped on that lonely island and could not get out.

She really thanked Jin Nanfeng and admitted that she was moved by him.

"thank you."

Li Yunxiu thanked him sourly.

"Why are you more confused than my feverish patient?" Jin Nanfeng said hoarsely, "We are a husband and wife, I don't need to

You tell me thank you. "

"It must hurt..."

Li Yunxiu's heart grasped, how painful it was at that time to have such a long and deep scar.

"Do you want to listen to the truth?"

Jin Nanfeng raised his head.

The doctor had already drawn Jin Nanfeng's blood, and it took half an hour for the test results to come out. The two of them sat side by side.

Face on the bench.

Jin Nanfeng was not feeling well, so Li Yunxiu asked him to lie down with his head on his lap.

The two continued the topic just now.

"In fact, it doesn't hurt."

Jin Nanfeng seemed to be smiling, "I didn't even react at the time, so I didn't feel anything anymore.

Too late to send pain to my brain. "

"is it?"

"Well, but it was more painful when I woke up later, as if my whole body was disassembled."

As Jin Nanfeng spoke, his voice became dull, "What's more, at that time, you left."

During that time, he really didn't know how he got through it.

"If it weren't for later that I went to Xiacheng and met you by chance, maybe I've lived in a muddle-headed manner until now."

Jin Nanfeng looked up at Li Yunxiu, "Little Hydrangea, don't leave me anymore, I'm really... scared."

"Then don't let me down, okay? Do you think... I really want to go to such a far place?"

Li Yunxiu sighed softly, "Jin Nanfeng, I have been away from home for too long. I don't want to be here anymore.

That's it. "

"I understand that I will protect our home."

Jin Nanfeng has a low voice.

"In this family, you are the boss, Chenchen is the second child, and I am the third child, OK?"

Li Yunxiu was amused by his words, "I want you, a big star, to be my third child, if your fans know,

Will it kill me? "

"How come? My fans like me, and they will like you."

Jin Nanfeng's vision has never been bad.

Since meeting Li Yunxiu and falling in love with Li Yunxiu, he has not met a second woman who is better than Li Yunxiu.

Nowadays, Li Yunxiu’s photos are not published, just to better protect her and prevent the outside media from disturbing Chen.

Chen and her peaceful life.

If he really chooses to make it public, he is sure that people outside will like the little hydrangea just like him.

After taking the blood test report, the doctor saw that there was no major problem, so he prescribed medicine to Jin Nanfeng, and Jin Nanfeng gave some drips back.

To the villa, it was already more than four in the morning.

The high fever has gradually faded, and the whole person is vain, so he fell into a deep sleep on the bed.

Li Yunxiu was afraid that he would have a fever again, and did not close his eyes until dawn. After dawn, she called Yang Yun and told Jin Nanfeng

I told Yang Yun about the illness.

"You can see if you can postpone your work today. It seems that you have a fever again. You must not rush to the announcement."

"Ms. Li, don't worry, I will help Jin Ge arrange it, you just need to let Jin Ge rest."

"Well, then I will trouble you."

Jin Nanfeng's high fever kept recurring, and it was not until that night that he finally receded and faintly woke up.

I slept for a whole day, my brain was heavy, and even my body couldn't get any strength.

Li Yunxiu cooked the millet porridge at noon. Seeing him wake up, he urged him to wash his face while serving him well.

"I have no appetite."

Jin Nanfeng frowned.

"If you have no appetite, you have to eat a little bit. You have not eaten for a whole day, and your body will not be able to hold it."

Li Yunxiu handed the spoon to Jin Nanfeng.

Jin Nanfeng did not have the desire to eat. In order not to worry Li Yunxiu, he reluctantly took the small bowl in front of him.

The porridge filled the stomach.

"I've already asked for leave for you and Yang Yun, your face is so bad, will you take another day off tomorrow?"

In fact, she is not very willing to let Jin Nanfeng work so hard. The two of them are not short of money, and she does not need Jin Nan.

If the wind is more famous and prestigious, he will do well.

"Tomorrow is the number four, right?"

Jin Nanfeng asked suddenly.


"Tomorrow I have something to go out."

Jin Nanfeng frowned.

"what's up?"

Jin Nanfeng did not answer immediately.

Seeing his silence, Li Yunxiu smiled, "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

"Nothing." Jin Nanfeng held her hand and pulled her into his arms, "I'm going to find a lawyer."


"Regarding Yu Xi's matter, I intend to take legal means."

Actually, Jin Nanfeng didn’t really want to talk about Yuxi with Li Yunxiu. This woman cared very much, even if she mentioned Yuxi.

The name of her, her eyes will stop obviously.

"Don't worry, I will take care of the rest."

Jin Nanfeng gently kissed Li Yunxiu's forehead.

Early the next morning, Jin Nanfeng left the villa.

The lawyer he was looking for was an expert in the industry who had considerable means to resolve this case, named Zhang Ziming. Jin Nanfeng roughly

After talking about his request, Zhang Ziming said he would handle it.

After the two discussed some specific matters, Jin Nanfeng left first.

On the second day, Zhang Ziming dialed Yu Xi's mobile phone on the phone number left by Jin Nanfeng and asked her to come out for tea.

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when Yu Xi arrived at the teahouse where he met.

"Hello, I am Yu Xi, are you the one who called me?"

Yu Xi looked at Zhang Ziming, her eyes full of alert and grudge.

"Miss Yu Xi, please sit down."

Zhang Ziming smiled politely at Yu Xi, then took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Yu Xi, "Miss Yu,

Let me introduce myself. My name is Zhang Ziming. I am a lawyer. My client Jin Nanfeng Jin wants me to replace

Resolve your case with him. "


Yu Xi frowned, his eyes becoming more alert.

"Sit down first, Miss Yu."

Zhang Ziming smiled again.

Yu Xi has been in fear for the past two days. Since knowing that Jin Nanfeng is about to do something to herself, two consecutive nights

She didn't even get a good night's sleep.

What did Jin Nanfeng do to find a lawyer?

Want to fight with yourself? How is this possible……

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