Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1255: .Should not be cold war with you

However, if Ai Yutong is really naive, it will arouse men's desire for protection even more.

Xia Shanshan sighed when she heard Li Yunxiu’s words, “That’s right, but you don’t think she and your family Jin

Is Nanfeng's relationship too close? Weibo still interacts a lot. That little girl even gains two kilograms of weight.

To tell Jin Nanfeng, people who don’t know think that they are two lovers in love. "

"The entertainment industry is like that, they need a certain degree of topicality."

However, most of them are fake.

"But you are not angry?" Xia Shanshan continued to ask.


Li Yun embroidered, what good is she getting angry?

She is not a member of the entertainment industry, and cannot influence everyone's views on Jin Nanfeng and Ai Yutong.

Fans think they are suitable for being together, which also means that they may look like a good match, right?

Li Yunxiu suddenly remembered the scene of Jin Nanfeng and Ai Yutong standing together, which perfectly made her sad.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about Jin Nanfeng." Seeing Li Yunxiu's ugly expression, Xia Shanshan decisively turned away.

Question, "Let’s go shopping later and buy more beautiful clothes."


Shopping can really make a woman feel better. After shopping with Xia Shanshan until the evening, Li Yunxiu carried big bags.

The things went back to the villa.

"Madam, are you back?"

The maid greeted him.

"Well, help me hang all these clothes in the cloakroom."

Li Yunxiu handed her the shopping bag in her hand, shook her aching hand, and walked upstairs.

The servant stunned slightly and called her hurriedly, "That... madam, the husband said he will be back tonight."

Li Yunxiu didn't turn his head back, his voice was faint, "Well, I see."

It doesn’t matter if you come back or not, my brother is right, there is no need to abuse your body for others, that kind of stupidity

The thing, once or twice is enough.

Li Yunxiu finished the shower, then treated the unhealed scars on his knees, read a book for a while, and went to bed early.


Jin Nanfeng came back at ten in the evening.

During the two days of the Cold War, his mood was also quite bad. Not only that, but he also had to support his smile and Ai Yutong’s little

The girl interacted on the screen.

All this made him feel quite tired.

More importantly, Li Yunxiu never called him once.

He even wondered if this woman would never come to him if he didn't compromise in advance.

Forget it, why bother.

Having experienced so much with her, the time between the two of them really didn’t last long. What will happen in the future?

I don’t know, it’s clear that Yuxi’s matter has been resolved, and it’s obviously worth celebrating, but because of

It's meaningless to make things happen like this.

Man, it's not a big deal to lower your head first.

Jin Nanfeng entered the living room, and the whole villa was quiet and silent.

"Sir, are you back?"

Seeing Jin Nanfeng's return, the dozing servant walked over hurriedly.

"Where is your wife?" Jin Nanfeng pulled off his tie.

"My wife had a fever last night and she has not recovered well, so she has taken a rest."

"Fever?" Jin Nanfeng paused, frowning instantly, "How is she now?"

"It's okay. My wife went to the hospital alone last night. The young master of the Li family sent his wife back. The wife was in the afternoon.

I also went out to go shopping with my friends and bought a lot of things. It should be problem. "

"Why didn't you tell me?" Jin Nanfeng was a little angry.

Do you know me? How do you do things? Let her go to the hospital alone? "

At that time, he had a fever and his whole person was in a daze, a healthy and strong person who was usually so strong, but also tortured mentality


How can Little Hydrangea go to the hospital alone?

"I'm sorry, sir..." the servant explained quickly, "it's the wife... the wife didn't let me call you."

Jin Nanfeng raised his foot and walked directly upstairs.

His footsteps were heavy, and only when he approached the bedroom did he suddenly become soft.

Jin Nanfeng opened the door very complicatedly and walked in.

There was only a dim yellow light in the room, and Li Yunxiu fell asleep with his back facing the door.

Jin Nanfeng walked over, sat down beside her, looked at Li Yunxiu's frowning brows and pale skin, and reached out to touch it.

Touch her forehead.

Fortunately, the temperature is normal.

Jin Nanfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Reached out and dimmed the lights in the room to make her sleep more comfortable.

Only then did I see some anti-fever medicines on the bedside cupboard, and the bottles and jars next to them were actually abrasion ointment.

She needs to use these, it must be where she is injured.

Jin Nanfeng's brows tightened, and his heart was full of remorse and regret.

Knowing that this woman can’t do without him, she is as reckless as a child who never grows up, but still

What a cold war with her anger.

Jin Nanfeng sighed silently in his heart, and leaned down and couldn't help but dropped a soft kiss on her lips.

"I was wrong, Little Hydrangea."

The low voice echoed in the room, with a little helplessness and grievance.

Li Yunxiu fell asleep, she took the medicine, and was rarely awakened by the sound. Jin Nanfeng kissed her again, and then

Tiptoe to the bathroom to take a bath.

Early the next morning, when Li Yunxiu opened his eyes, he saw a sturdy arm lying on his waist.

She was shocked, only to realize that she was being held in a warm and familiar arms, and she was frightened.

Momented to sit up, his flustered elbow hit Jin Nanfeng's chin.


Jin Nanfeng murmured, opened his eyes, retracted his hand and rubbed his chin, frowned, "It's a cold war with you.

Only two days, do I need domestic violence? "

"You... why are you here?"

Jin Nanfeng was helpless, "This is my home, my bedroom, is it weird for me to sleep here?"

Li Yunxiu paused, biting his lip in silence, and said after a long while, "I thought you would never come back forever."

Jin Nanfeng smiled and hugged Li Yunxiu's waist, embraced her again in his arms, turned slightly, and pressed her down.

Under yourself.

Looking condescendingly at the woman below him, Jin Nanfeng raised his lips, "Do you want me to die?"

"Didn't you be unsympathetic before? What you say now is...and don't feel hypocritical."

"I'm hypocritical?" Jin Nanfeng pondered, suddenly lowered his head and smiled, "Little Hydrangea, you can't wrong me, what am I to you?

You know your heart best. "

"You let me go, I'm going to get up."

Li Yunxiu didn't plan to just flip over this matter easily. This **** owed himself too much explanation.

Do you think that just a few nasty words can be written off?

She Li Yunxiu is not so foolish.

More importantly, he pressed himself so hard...

I can't breathe anymore.

"You don’t go to work, I’m off today, Chenchen someone will help us bring the little hydrangea, I don’t have to get up so early today.

After we settle the matter, it is not too late to get up again. "

"I have something to solve with you..."

Li Yunxiu was a little angry.

"Don't be angry." Jin Nanfeng frowned, "I know I shouldn't have a cold war with you, forgive me this time, in the future

Don't dare, okay? "

In the past two days, he has not improved much.

Listening to his soft voice apologize to himself, and said "Don't dare". Li Yunxiu's grievances could no longer be concealed, stretched out his hand

Pushing Jin Nanfeng hard, "You let me go, didn't you want to leave? What are you doing back? I waited that day

You have been so long... you haven't come back, you bastard! "

Listening to her slightly crying voice, Jin Nanfeng regretted it. He held her hand and hurriedly apologized, "I'm sorry, Xiao

Hydrangea, I didn’t mean it, I was so mad, I think you care about Qi Yi so much, so I just lost it.

Go sane. "

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