Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1261: Are you deaf? !

Chapter 1261 Are You Deaf? !

It was already ten o'clock in the evening when Jin Nanfeng finished filming the last scene.

"Brother Jin."

Yang Yun handed Jin Nanfeng's jacket, "You go to remove your makeup first, and I'll drive the car over immediately."

"Where is Chenchen?"

"Young Master has fallen asleep, and he is in the dressing room. Don't worry, I called a field clerk to watch him."

"Where is the little hydrangea?"

Jin Nanfeng asked again.

Yang Yun paused, seeming a little strange, "Miss Li? Miss Li didn't come."

"not coming?"

Jin Nanfeng frowned, thinking that she had promised that she would come and pick him and Chenchen home at noon, so she actually left like this


I felt helpless for an instant, "This dead girl actually let me dove..."

Jin Nanfeng returned to the dressing room with a trace of pampering, and saw Chen Chen curled up on a couch for people to rest.

Her cheeks are flushing, her sleep is sweet, her eyes don't feel softer.

"Brother Jin." The scene taking care of Chenchen stood up from the side nervously.

Jin Nanfeng stretched out a hand, gently pressed her lips, beckoning her not to say anything, and then lowered her voice, "Now

It's been hard for you. "

"It's okay, this is what I should do, then Jin Ge, I will leave first."

The field ran away blushing.

Jin Nanfeng pulled Chenchen's blanket on him, then walked aside and asked the makeup artist to remove his makeup and change his costume.

"Then Brother Jin, at eight tomorrow morning, I will come over on time to put your makeup on."

"Well, hard work."

Jin Nanfeng turned back to Chen Chen, bent over and carefully carried the little guy from the sofa into his arms, feeling uncomfortable.

The clothes moved, as if they were woken up, very unhappy "hum" a few times, his head rested on Jin Nanfeng’s

He fell asleep on his shoulders again.

"Go home, brat."

Jin Nanfeng smiled helplessly, and then hugged Chen Chen to look for Yang Yun outside.

After getting in the car, Chenchen was set up first, and Yang Yun said, "Brother Jin, if you and Miss Li don’t have time in the future, please

The young master left it at my cousin's place. He was fine there last time. "


Jin Nanfeng nodded. He really can’t always bring his children to the crew. It’s too messy here, and he’s too busy.

I can't take care of this little guy.

Hearing Yang Yun mentioned Li Yunxiu, Jin Nanfeng realized that Li Yunxiu did not come to the crew to find him today, so he took out his phone and gave Li Yunxiu.

Made a call.

I plan to find her to settle the accounts.

But unexpectedly, the phone didn't get through.

"are you asleep……"

Jin Nanfeng's eyebrows frowned involuntarily.

Although Xiao Xiuqiu has always gone to bed earlier, Chenchen hasn't gone home yet, she shouldn't be able to sleep.

Jin Nanfeng called again.

Still no one answered.

My heart gradually became a little uneasy, and a layer of sweat was dripping out of my palms.

"what happened?"

Yang Yun asked, seeing Jin Nanfeng lower his head, her expression dignified.

"Can't reach Little Hydrangea."

"It's so late, Miss Li will definitely not run around."

"She can't get through."

"I guess I went to take a bath, didn’t you hear me? You’ll know when you get home, Brother Jin, don’t be too nervous.

Everyone has been arrested, and now no one will do anything to Miss Li. "

Hearing Yang Yun's explanation, Jin Nanfeng's frowning brows relaxed slightly, and he laughed at himself for being too nervous.


After returning to the villa, Chen Chen had not yet woken up.

Jin Nanfeng gave Chenchen to the maid who was approaching him, took off his coat and loosened his tie, and asked, "Why?

When did you come back? "

The butler paused, then frowned, "Sir, isn't your wife with you?"


Jin Nanfeng paused.

The housekeeper was even more puzzled, "When my wife left, she said she would come back with you in the evening, so that we don't have to prepare dinner.

I thought my wife was with you. "

Jin Nanfeng's heart sank suddenly and his face was gloomy. He raised his foot and walked upstairs, pushing open the bedroom door.

The whole room was empty, the beds were neatly lined, and the little hydrangea really never came back.

Jin Nanfeng almost couldn't stand his body firmly, he held the door frame, slowed his body, and then called the presidential palace.


The one who answered the phone was the old butler of the presidential palace.

"I am Jin Nanfeng."

"Ah, it turned out to be Mr. Jin, Mr. Jin, what do you want?"

"Has Little Hydrangea gone back tonight?"

"Miss?" The butler's tone sounded a little puzzled, "Miss didn't come back."

Hearing this answer, Jin Nanfeng's heart sank again, and his hand holding the phone trembles slightly uncontrollably.

Shake up.

"Mr. Jin, is there anything wrong with our eldest lady? I'll notify Mr. Li immediately..."

"No, I and Xiao Hydrangea... I had a little misunderstanding. I had a few words in the evening. I thought she went home and didn’t go to the general manager.

In Tongfu, she may have gone to a friend's house. I'll call you again. "

Jin Nanfeng hung up the phone.

Then immediately dial Xia Shanshan's cell phone.

The answer is still that he didn't see Li Yunxiu.

Jin Nanfeng finally panicked. He sat on the side of the bed, only to feel a chill from his back rushing up crazy, like a

The dangerous cobra was spitting scarlet letters.

Little hydrangea, where did it go?

Where is Li Yunjin? Or Qi Yi?

Impossible, impossible.

Jin Nanfeng immediately rejected this idea. He knew Li Yunxiu too well. She would not disappear without saying a word.

Even if he went to Li Yunjin, he would always send text messages to himself. As for Qi Yi, that was even more impossible.

She knew very well that she didn't like Qi Yi, and hated them meeting in private.

What's more, she clearly promised herself that she would come to the crew to find him and Chenchen.

So, did she have an accident?

The last thought that he didn't want to admit came to Jin Nanfeng's head.

Apart from this possibility, he couldn't think of anything else that would make Li Yunxiu stay away from home at night.

And thinking that she had experienced such a terrible kidnapping not long ago, Jin Nanfeng was even more frightened.

The pores are enlarged.

"Steward, prepare the car."

Jin Nanfeng hurried downstairs.

"Sir, where are you going?"

"Detention center."

He had to meet Shifeng and Yu Motang.

The kidnapping case is still in the trial stage, so Yu Motang and Shifeng are both detained in the largest detention center in the imperial capital.

It was late at night when Jin Nanfeng arrived at the detention center, and he was still not sure what happened to Li Yunxiu.

Love, so I can’t disturb too many people. Today, there is still no news of Li Yunxiu before noon tomorrow, so he can only

Let the Li family know first and find the little hydrangea as soon as possible.

The detention center is not open to the public during this period. It takes quite a lot of time to talk to the suspects in it.

Jin Nanfeng doesn’t have time to wait for the steps and procedures. Fortunately, the director here has a lot of friendship with Mr. Jin, Jin

As soon as Nan Feng called, he quickly met Yu Motang.

Compared to the last time I saw him, Yu Motang looks much haggard. His hair has been cut short, and he is always reluctant.

Face Jin Nanfeng's gaze.

No matter how Jin Nanfeng asked him, he remained silent and said nothing.

Jin Nanfeng is anxious to go crazy. He doesn't know where Little Hydrangea has gone or what he has experienced. When he thinks of her

There may be danger at any time, his heart is like being cut to pieces with a knife.

"Yu Motang, what am I asking you, are you deaf?"

Yu Motang finally had a reaction, but smiled coldly.

This caused Jin Nanfeng, who was already burning with anger, to lose control in an instant. He grabbed Yu Motang by the neckline and pressed him fiercely.

On the cold table in front of him.

The fist has been raised into the air.

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