Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1274: It's your turn to speak?

Chapter 1274 It's Your Turn To Speak?

Li Yunjin was silent and got into the car with Chenchen in his arms.

The funeral will be in the old house of the Jin family.

Jin Nanfeng has many friends, and almost all the people who came to express their condolences stood in the entire yard.

At a glance, there were all people in the Wuyang River.

As soon as the Li family arrived, everyone looked at him, especially when Chenchen was hugged from the car by Li Yunjin.

After coming, that look became even more weird.

It is not difficult to understand that Jin Nanfeng is no longer there, and Chen Chen is his only child, so naturally he has received the greatest attention.


Chenchen got a little scared into Li Yunjin's arms.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay." Li Yunjin patted him.

"Uncle... why are they looking at me."

"Because you are Jin Nanfeng's son."

"Then why are they looking at me? Dad?"

"You will see it later."

Li Yunxiu asked Chenchen to pick up a hat and put it on his head, so that he could barely hide those weird and curious eyes.

Li Beixun and Shi Qing went to see the Jin family, while Li Yunjin went to a place with few people holding Chenchen.

He didn't go, he hadn't thought about how he would explain to Chenchen after seeing Jin Nanfeng's photo.

The truth is too hard to tell.


Chenchen suddenly said dullly.


"Do Mom and Dad hate Chenchen?"

Li Yunjin's heart tightened, "Why do you say that?"

"Because my dad hasn't come to see Chenchen for a long time, you said he was very busy at work, but when my dad was busy at work,

I call Chenchen every day, it’s been a long time, my dad didn’t call me... Mommy didn’t want to watch

When I get to Chenchen, I hide out as soon as I see Chenchen..."

The little guy’s voice was dull, full of anxiety and fear, "Uncle, is Chenchen really too naughty, so

Mom and Dad don’t want to be stunned. "

"Who said that?" Li Yunjin frowned, "The person who dislikes you for being naughty at home is your uncle and me. I didn't want you.

Why would your parents not want you? "


Li Yunjin frowned tightly, and his heart seemed to be pressed against a heavy rock, making it difficult to breathe.

Some words are too difficult to say.

"Young Master Li."

At this time, the housekeeper of the Jin family found Li Yunjin.

"what's up?"

"Mr. Li, please take the young master over there."

"Got it."

Li Yunjin carried Chenchen into the Jin family's old house.

There is a solemn mourning hall in the living room on the first floor, and many people in black mourning clothes are whispering while holding wine glasses and flowers.

Some of the heavy atmosphere makes people unable to breathe.

Jin Nanfeng’s photos are surrounded by a bright red. Li Yunjin used to hate Jin Nanfeng and he has no responsibility for this.

It is full of grievances that a relentless man has fingered his favorite sister.

But he... really didn't want Jin Nanfeng to die.

Especially when he discovered that Jin Nanfeng was also a very responsible person, this sudden change really made him

Caught off guard.

Li Yunjin sighed softly in his heart, and then held Chenchen’s head to prevent him from seeing Jin Nanfeng’s legacy.

Photo, and then hurried up to the second floor with the housekeeper.


Li Yunjin nodded at Li Beixun.

"Yun Jin, put Chen Chen down."

Li Yunjin's eyebrows tightened again, "What are you going to do?"

"Let him down."

Li Beixun urged.

Li Yunjin could only release Chen Chen from his arms.

"Chen Chen, come to me."

Li Beixun called Chen Chen over.


Chen Chen didn't know what was going on, his blue eyes were shining brightly.

"Chen Chen, you will stay at Jin's house from now on, with your grandparents."

"I do not want."

The relationship between Chenchen and the Jin family is unfamiliar. He suddenly heard Li Beixun say this, and immediately turned red, "I don’t want to stay here.

Here... Mom and Dad don’t want to be stunned, don’t you want to be stunned either? "

The little guy's eyes were full of panic.

"Don't cry."

Li Beixun was severe.


Chenchen turned his head and threw directly into Shi Qing's arms, "Grandma, don't you want to be... why are you

Don’t let them go..."

"Chenchen, you are good." Shi Qing endured uncomfortable. "We didn't want you, we just let you live with grandparents.

You can still find us later, how could grandpa and grandma not want you. "

"I don't want it, I don't want it!" Chenchen shook his head desperately, "I don't want to live with them, Chenchen wants to live with his parents

Together, Chen Chen likes the Presidential Palace. "

"Li Jingchen, don't mess around."

Chenchen cried out of breath.

Li Yunjin couldn't stand it anymore, so he walked over and pulled Chenchen behind him, a little angry.

Angrily looked at a group of people in this room.

"What are you doing? You have to scare him out of trouble until you are satisfied, right?"


"I know what you are planning. Jin Nanfeng is gone. Chen Chen is his only son.

Go back to Jin’s house, but even if it is so, it depends on Chen Chen’s own meaning. He is already pitiful enough.

Now, my mother doesn't want to see him again, so if I don't think about this kid, I will push him around now? When is he? "

Li Yunjin has never been so angry.


Chenchen cried out of breath, and his voice became dumb, "Uncle, don't stop being Chenchen, Chenchen has nothing left..."

"Don't cry." Li Yunjin yelled, "They don't want you, I want!"

"Yun Jin, don't be willful." Shi Qing got up to pull Li Yun Jin.

Li Yunjin took Chenchen back two steps, his eyes were cold, "I don't care what you plan, Chenchen

It’s nice to be Jin Nanfeng’s only son, but he is just a kid. Do you want him to carry everything about Jin Nanfeng? you

What are you kidding? ! "

After speaking, Li Yunjin turned around and left.

Chenchen leaned on Li Yunjin's shoulders and cried.

"Don't cry, the clothes are dirty, will you help me wash it?"

Li Yunjin was also annoying.

"I want mom and dad..."

"Your father is dead and can't come back."

"My father is not dead!" Chenchen suddenly resisted fiercely, "You lie to me, I don't like uncle anymore!"

"Dislike me?"

Li Yunjin put him down and looked at him coldly, "I am the only one who is still in charge of you now, you don’t like it.

Love me, then you go upstairs! Go with your grandparents! "

In a word, Chen Chen couldn't speak anymore, just clenched his fists and cried "Woo".

Li Yunjin watched his tears roll down in large drops and walked over, his voice softened, "Chen Chen, your father is dead.

Now, your mom is very sad, so she doesn't have time to take care of you. Would you like to be with your uncle temporarily? "

"My father is not dead..."

Regardless of what Li Yunjin said, Chen Chen just repeated this sentence, tears rolling down.

Li Yunjin was helpless, regretting his impulse, so he told the kid the truth.

Touching Chenchen's head, Li Yunjin picked him up again, planning to take him away.

"Mr. Li, this is Mr. Jin's son, right?" At this moment, a man came over with a wine glass.

Seeing him with a flattering smile, he seemed to regard this funeral as a banquet, and there was a hint of disgust in his eyes.

The man obviously didn't notice how ugly Li Yunjin's expression was at the moment.

Attention is all on Chenchen.

"I’m your father’s friend, Uncle Zhang, your father is gone, don’t be sad, if you have anything in the future, just ask you

Uncle Zhang, you can recognize you as a godson..."

Said that the man was going to touch Chenchen.

Li Yunjin directly hugged Chenchen and retreated.

The man looked at Li Yunjin puzzled.

"The Li family is not dead yet, is it your turn to speak here?"

Li Yunjin gave a cold laugh, and walked straight away with Chenchen.

He put Chenchen in the car, and the little guy curled up into a ball and cried intermittently until he finally lost his strength.

He fell asleep deeply.

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