Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1281: Clothing mound

Chapter 1281

"Of course, I have been working for ten years, how can this kind of inspection be mistaken."

Sister Zhou had some gossip and curiosity in her eyes, "Whose child in your stomach belongs to? It's not really Shen Chengyan's, right?"


Li Yunxiu’s heart was "puff and puff," almost popping out of his throat, and he rushed out directly with the inspection report.

check room.

"Miss Li..."

Shen Chengyan frowned and looked at her.

Li Yunxiu glanced at Shen Chengyan complicatedly, biting his lip without saying anything, and he was about to move forward when he lifted his foot.

Sister Zhou got out of the door.

He seemed to look at Shen Chengyan, "Intrauterine pregnancy has been more than two months."

"is it?"

Shen Cheng paused for a moment, then smiled softly.

"What are you laughing at?" Sister Zhou poked him with her elbow. "If it's really yours, you have to take responsibility."

Shen Chengyan helplessly said, "Sister Zhou, it's really not mine. She has a husband. Don't tell it blindly.

Misunderstandings are difficult to explain later. "

\"That's it." Sister Zhou reluctantly believed it, but she didn't quite understand, "Your friend is also very strange, I told

She was pregnant, she was scared and happy. "

"Maybe women are pregnant like this."

"Since she has a husband, pregnancy is definitely something to be happy about. When I found out that I was pregnant, it was straightforward.

After crying, she was in this state, but she was not like it. "

Shen Chengyan frowned involuntarily, and subconsciously looked at Li Yunxiu. She was walking towards the elevator with her head down.

Cheng Yan paused, then nodded and smiled at Sister Zhou, "Thank you for today, Sister Zhou."

In a few steps, he caught up with Li Yunxiu. Shen Cheng looked at her pale face strictly. He didn't talk about pregnancy, but stood by her side.

Go forward, "Send you back."

He didn’t speak until he got in the car, “If you don’t want to keep this child, I can help you make an appointment for surgery.

Heaven will do. "

"I won't kill this kid!"

Li Yunxiu said without hesitation, one hand was still nervously protecting his stomach, as if worried that someone would

What she does.

"Since you don't want to kill this kid, why do you look unhappy."

The fear and anxiety in Li Yunxiu's eyes obviously overwhelmed joy.

"This matter has nothing to do with you." Li Yunxiu looked away.

"But I am the only person in this world who knows you are pregnant except you and Sister Zhou. Sister Zhou is an outsider. You

Can't expect her to help you solve the problem. "

Shen Chengyan's voice was warm, "Are you worried about being known by your family?"

"I said, this matter has nothing to do with you." Li Yunxiu was a little angry, "We just met today.

Yes, not even friends, I am grateful for your concern for me, but this is my personal business, please do not interfere. "

"Li Yunxiu, it's meaningless to be angry now, how long can your belly be hidden? Your family knows it, too

Is it a matter of time? "

Shen Chengyan's words made Li Yunxiu's face pale instantly.

She suddenly felt that Shen Chengyan was so terrifying, and he suddenly said what she worried about the most.

"You are worried that your parents will not let you give birth to this child. After all, if this child is born, he is destined to have no father.

Dear, your future will be a mess because of this kid. "

Shen Cheng paused for a moment and then said, "How about Mr. Li and Mrs. Li will also prevent you from giving birth to this child?

Right? It would be better to kill the child. "

"I said, it's impossible! I won't kill this kid, absolutely impossible!"

This kid didn't come at the right time... but it was a surprise! That's what Jin Nanfeng left her...surprise.

If the gestating life in the belly is a boy, then there will be another one and Jin Nan in the world.

Wind is extremely similar to life, if it is a daughter, so much better.

That was the little princess that Jin Nanfeng was thinking of.

How could she be willing to kill her!

Impossible, she must give birth to this child well!

It's just that Shen Chengyan is right, parents will not agree with her giving birth to the child in her stomach.

She can't hide it at all, and her belly will grow bigger day by day. Is she going to fly as far away as before?

Li Yunxiu's heart was in a mess, and his head was heavy.

Biting his lip tightly, he was restless.

"Don't think too much about it. Go back and rest. I will figure out a solution for you."


Li Yunxiu looked at Shen Chengyan suspiciously.

"Why are you helping me?"

"Because we all have people who can't let go, Li Yunxiu, we should help each other because of the same illness, right?"

For this reason, Li Yunxiu couldn’t help but accept it. The fiancée who died in Shen Chengyan treated her in the current situation.

In terms of feeling, there is a deep sense of empathy.

Maybe Shen Chengyan was right, she didn't have a second better choice.

"What can you do?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. I'll tell you when I think about it."

"Thank you very much, then."

"You're welcome." Shen Chengyan smiled lightly, then raised an eyebrow and asked her, "Then we should be friends now?"

Li Yunxiu was taken aback again, then nodded, "Of course."

"Well, new friend, don't think about anything after you go back, just for the child in your stomach, and be well."

"Ok, I know……"

Shen Cheng sent Li Yunxiu back to the presidential palace.

Shi Qing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw two people standing outside the door talking. After Li Yun embroidered into the house, he said, "You

Why don't you leave Shen Cheng to sit down for a while? "

"He even made an appointment at night. No time."

Li Yunxiu found a reason and gently stalled the past.

"You will invite him to sit at home when you have time."

Shi Qing smiled and looked at Li Yunxiu, "The dinner is ready, do you want to eat some?"

These days, Li Yunxiu’s appetite is very poor, although Shi Qing asked the chef at home to make Li Yunxiu in a different way.

Fan, but still can't wake up Li Yunxiu's appetite.

Shi Qing didn't expect much, but today, Li Yunxiu nodded, "Well, I'm a little hungry."

Shen Chengyan was right. Now she is no longer alone. Even if it is for the child in her stomach, she has to eat well.

Li Yunxiu ate a bowl of rice for the first time, and even drank the milk that he didn't like to drink.

"Parents, I'm going upstairs first."

Shi Qing looked at Li Yunxiu's back, frowned slightly, and asked Li Beixun, "Bei Xun, you said today that Shen Chengyan and Xiao

What did Hydrangea say? Little Hydrangea is finally willing to eat. "

"No matter what you say, it's always a good thing."

"Yes." Shi Qing was very relieved, "I must thank Shen Chengyan in person next day. I haven't seen the little hydrangea for a long time.

It looks like that. "Shi Qing didn't know what she thought of, she suddenly lowered her voice, "Bei Xun, you said that the two of them

Will it..."

"Let them solve their problems by themselves. Don't always follow behind worrying about this, worry about that, you forget

Did you faint last time? "

Li Beixun looked at Shi Qing a little sternly, his brows were a little unhappy,

Shi Qing was aggrieved, "But Xiao Hydrangea is our daughter, and don’t think I don’t know.

I am more worried about the little hydrangea. "

She once heard Li Beixun and Qi Yi talking on the phone, and he asked Qi Yi to continue looking for Jin Nanfeng near the sea where Jin Nanfeng was involved.

If it were not for the little hydrangea, how could he do such a meaningless thing?

"It's good for the two of them to be together. If you can't be together, you don't have to force her." Li Beixun frowned, "Not to mention, I

I understand that her daughter is not someone who falls in love with others casually. "

For so many years, no one has shaken Jin Nanfeng’s position in her heart, and this Shen Chengzheng will not

There are exceptions.

The next day, Li Yun started embroidering very early.

When the sky was dark, Li Yunxiu quietly left the presidential palace wearing a plain coat.

She went to Jin Nanfeng's cemetery.

Because Jin Nanfeng's body was not found, the urn in the burial finally contained only two pieces of Jin Nanfeng's clothes.

They were found in the broken hull and are considered to be direct evidence of Jin Nanfeng's death.

The Jin family used this to build a burial mound for Jin Nanfeng.

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