Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1283: Can you help me?

Chapter 1283 Can You Help Me?

Li Yunxiu had been restless all day, and the documents the assistant asked her to sign couldn't even read a word.

Simply skipped work again, planning to relax.

As soon as he left the company, Li Yunxiu received a call from Shen Chengyan.

"Want to have a meal together?"

"Are you free?" Li Yunxiu was a little surprised, "I heard that you are very busy at work."

"It's okay, not long after I joined the job, I still have the skill to eat a meal."

She and Shen Chengyan are now grasshoppers on the same boat. The child in her belly still doesn’t know how to deal with it.

Li Yunxiu could not refuse Shen Chengyan.

Without hesitation, he responded gently, "Well, I'll order the restaurant."

"Why don't you come to my house for dinner tonight?" Shen Chengyan suggested, "The things outside always feel unclean."

As if afraid of Li Yunxiu’s misunderstanding, Shen Chengyan seemed to smile again, “Sorry, the doctor is always a little bit jealous.

Addictive. "

"It's ok."

"Then I will pick you up. Where are you?"

"At the door of my company."

"Okay, I'll be there in twenty minutes."

Shen Chengyan hung up the phone,

Shen Chengyan lives in a very high-end apartment in the center of the Imperial Capital.

The interior decoration is very simple, cool and simple, not in line with Shen Chengyan's appearance.

Shen Chengyan is still very gentle, and Li Yunxiu has always felt that his home should be the same.

"Sit down first, I'm going to cook, can the steak be?"

"Well, it's okay."

Li Yunxiu nodded, watching Shen Chengyan getting busy, and walked over.

"what happened?"

"You didn't live with your parents?"

"They live in an old house. My life philosophy is different from that of them. It is inevitable that there will be many conflicts when living together.

So it is better to live separately. "Shen Chengyan took out the steak from the refrigerator.

Seeing Shen Chengyan's skillful movements, Li Yunxiu was a little embarrassed, "I haven't seen a man who can cook like you."

"I didn’t like cooking before. I learned it from my fiancée. She always said that my cooking is unpalatable, so I don’t accept it.

Angrily, secretly followed the chef for a long time. "

Li Yunxiu thought of something like this and Jin Nanfeng had done it, and he couldn't help but feel pain in his heart.

Shen Chengyan didn't notice the strange color on Li Yunxiu's face, lowered his head and was busy with his things in peace.

Li Yunxiu did not bother him either, and planned to go to the living room to read a book for a while.

On the coffee table is a small photo frame with a photo of Shen Chengyan and a girl.

The girl's crisp short hair and Shen Chengyan's tie were very domineering.

Shen Chengyan's face was helpless, and the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were full of petting smiles.

It seems that Shen Chengyan really loves her fiancée, even though it has been five years, he still took this photo

I kept the film until now, and brought it back to the imperial capital from abroad.

Li Yunxiu's mood is very complicated. She doesn't know if she will be like Shen Chengyan.

Holding a person.

The love that has been melted into the bones will be painful for people to endure when it is removed.

This kind of pain cannot be accepted by Li Yunxiu compared to a blank future.

After Shen Chengyan finished the steak, he saw Li Yunxiu staring at the photo in a dream.

He put the tableware one by one on the table, and then called Li Yunxiu over to eat.

Only then did Li Yunxiu come back to his senses, put down the photo in his hand, and smiled embarrassedly, "I'm sorry..."

"It doesn't matter." Shen Chengyan opened the chair and chuckled, "Is she beautiful?"

"Yes, very beautiful." Li Yunxiu nodded, "looks like a very domineering girl."

"It's willful." Shen Chengyan shook his head helplessly. "She was just like that when I first met her, wearing a short skirt from the wall.

Jump up and down, very wild. Obviously I have a cold and I have to wear a strapless wedding dress. I said a few words about her, and she actually gambled

I ran out..."

Shen Chengyan squeezed the knife and fork in his hand, his voice was a little low, with endless regrets, "Actually, I should follow her

Yes, a girl gets married, just once, she wears whatever she likes. "

Li Yunxiu's heart tightened a little bit.

She can feel the self-blame and regret in Shen Chengyan's heart, because this emotion is also in her heart, lingering for a long time

Don't go.

Like Shen Chengyan, she personally pushed the one she loved because of some misunderstandings and some so-called trivial things.


What is the use of regretting now?

Li Yunxiu lowered his head and ate the steak silently.

After eating, she asked, "Do you have any can you help me?"

She was afraid that it would not take long for her parents to find out about her pregnancy.

"There is a way. But it depends on whether you agree or not."

"any solution?"

"Let's get married."

Shen Chengyan looked at Li Yunxiu softly, if it weren't for his calm face and no expression of lying, Li Yunxiu

I wonder if he is joking.

"The reason?"

Shen Chengyan was also a little surprised that Li Yunxiu would be so calm. In his opinion, this woman might be angry with her bag directly.

The departure is not necessarily.

"We have all lost someone we love deeply, and we are not planning to start a new relationship in the next few days

Isn't it? "


"You should also guess that the reason why our parents let us meet is not just because I am a doctor. Are you

A patient who needs enlightenment. "

Shen Chengyan clasped his hands gracefully, "They even hope that something will happen to the two of us, even if it’s not me, it’s not

You, they will also arrange other people. "

After all, he and Li Yunxiu are still very young, and they have spent their entire lives guarding someone who will never come back. They have nowhere.

That said, it is difficult for parents to accept.

Parents always hope that their children can find someone to rely on in the future.

"We can get married, I will not do anything to you, nor will I have any thoughts about you, we can fake

Dress is the most perfect couple, respect each other like guests, love and have a family. "

Shen Chengyan's words fell into Li Yunxiu's heart.

"Under the protection of this marriage, you can also cherish the memory of Jin Nanfeng and continue to love him. As for what is in your stomach

Children can also be born just as they say. This is a way to kill two birds with one stone. "

Li Yunxiu was silent.

She didn't want to form a hypocritical marriage with Shen Chengyan, but everything he said was reasonable.

Thinking of the conversation she heard outside the door when her mother fainted and was admitted to the hospital last time, her heart felt very uncomfortable.

She didn't want them to worry about herself anymore.

"You can go back and think about it. You don't need to answer me immediately. I know that this decision is very

difficult. "

He is the same.

Li Yunxiu bit his lip and was silent for a long time before speaking, "No need to think about it, I have already thought it out, you said

Yes, this is the best way. I promise you. "

"Don't think about it anymore?"

"Nothing to think about."

The more you think, the easier it is to have more dreams at night.

She was afraid that she would suddenly repent, so she might as well make a decision now.

"Okay, since you agree. Then about the wedding..."

"Since it's fake, keep everything simple. You can arrange it as soon as possible." Li Yunxiu smiled hard.

"Okay, I will arrange it."


Li Yunxiu twitched the corner of his mouth very bitterly.

Neither she nor Jin Nanfeng have managed a wedding yet, but now they are going to get married with this man who has only known each other for two days.

The palace, thinking about it, is really ridiculous.

"Then you find an opportunity to inform your family, I think they probably won't object."

"Ok, I know."

"Okay, then I will send you back."

"No, I'll just go back by car."

Li Yunxiu got up.

"It's better if you don't refuse me. Although we are fake, at least we still have to act enough."

Shen Chengyan picked up the car key, looked at Li Yunxiu's embarrassed expression, and chuckled, "Let's go."

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