Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1287: Take away Chenchen

Chapter 1287

As the wedding dates approached day by day, Li Yunxiu remained as usual except for being busy with wedding preparations.

Go to work in the company.

Li Yunxiao had a conflict with her. Since the last quarrel in the presidential palace, he has never seen anyone again.

Li Yunjin seemed to have some opinions on her, and detained Chenchen from him.

Li Yunxiu clearly felt all of this, but calmly put it down.

After work this day, Shen Cheng came to pick her up as usual.

"Go to my place for dinner in the evening. I am new to French cuisine. Please help me to taste it."

"Today?" Li Yunxiu paused, then a little embarrassed, "Sorry, I have something to do today, so I don’t

I can go to your place for dinner, can I go again tomorrow? "


"Well, some personal matters."

Obviously, Li Yunxiu didn't want to tell him.

Shen Chengyan did not ask. Although they are about to become husband and wife, they have been together for so long.

Keeping a polite distance, they have their own lives and worlds, and they have never overstepped a bit.

He nodded and chuckled, "Well, I will pick you up tomorrow, and be careful on the road."

"Ok, I know."

When Shen Chengyan left, Li Yunxiu drove to a nearby flower shop, bought a bunch of flowers, and drove there.

The cemetery of Jin Nanfeng.

Today is a very important day. It is the wedding anniversary of her and Jin Nanfeng.

They all thought that they would love to empathize and don’t forget Jin Nanfeng, but only she understood some things and some feelings.

Love, she will never forget it all her life.

Li Yunxiu gently placed the flowers in front of Jin Nanfeng's tombstone.

"Sorry, I came to see you so late and bought flowers. You obviously don't like flowers..." Li Yunxiu was a little sorry

Laughed, "because I don't know...what should I give you."

"South Wind, happy anniversary."

Li Yunxiu's heart was densely painful, she leaned on the tombstone, and she talked a lot.

Things went away, and then fell asleep unconsciously.

I don't know how long it took before Li Yunxiu heard footsteps.

Looking up, it was Xin Mei who hadn't seen him in a long time.


Li Yunxiu quickly stood up.

Unexpectedly, she and Xin Mei would meet in such a place.

"What are you doing here?"

Xin Mei was holding a bunch of flowers in her hand and looked at Li Yunxiu coldly.

Li Yunxiu lowered his head awkwardly, "I'll take a look at Nan Feng."

"You still have the face to look at Nan Feng."

Xin Mei sneered disdainfully.

Li Yunxiu's shoulders stiffened instantly, and he was silent without answering.

"You killed my son. I haven't asked you to settle the account yet. How dare you come to see him?" Xin Mei's eyes grew.

Silk hate, "Li Yunxiu, what the **** did my son do to you? You caused him to suffer so many injuries and so many injuries.

In the end, even his life was lost. "

Li Yunxiu's face was pale, and the hand on his side couldn't help pinching tightly.

It was she who killed Jin Nanfeng.

Whenever she thinks of this fact, she feels like she has been thrown into a sultry catchy fire that is about to explode.

Take breath.

"Sorry, auntie, I'm really... sorry."

"Enough. You just say 10,000 words of sorry, and you won't be able to get my son's life back, Li Yunxiu, don't you think you are very imaginary

Fake? "Yu Xi's scarlet eyes stared straight at Li Yunxiu, his hot gaze was almost on Li Yunxiu's body.

Burn out a hole.

Li Yunxiu's head was lowered, and his heart and head were heavy.

Xin Mei averted her gaze in disgust, took two steps forward, squeezing Li Yunxiu away from Jin Nanfeng’s tombstone.

Put down the flowers.

Li Yunxiu was embarrassed, and when he was about to turn around and leave, Xin Mei suddenly stopped her again.

"Li Yun embroidery."

Li Yunxiu stopped, "Auntie, what else do you have?"

"I heard that you are getting married."


Xin Mei sneered, "I thought how much you love my son. Nan Feng's bones are not yet cold, so you hurried to find another one.

A good husband. It's really amazing. "

Li Yunxiu's brows frowned tighter.

She didn’t have any words to refute Xin Mei’s accusation at all, and she didn’t want to refute it. Jin Nanfeng’s death had nothing to do with her.

No matter what, she's sorry to Xin Mei and the whole Jin family.

Don't mention Xin Mei scolding her, even Xin Mei rushed up to give her two slaps now, she wouldn't hide.

Everything is what she deserves.

"Auntie, I'm really sorry."

"Didn't I say that, no matter how much you say sorry, it doesn't make sense!" Xin Mei was suddenly angry, her eyes fierce.

Staring at Li Yunxiu fiercely, "Also, is it me that you are sorry? It is my son that you are sorry! My son is

You spared your life, but you did it for you! I really feel wronged for my son! He is blind

Eyes will fall in love with you, a white-eyed wolf with no conscience. "

"Auntie, if there is nothing wrong, I will leave first."

Li Yunxiu just wanted to leave quickly.

"You stop me, I don't agree that you marry that man."


"You are the daughter-in-law of my Jin family. As soon as my son died, you ran to marry someone. It was known that you let my son,

Where to put the face of our Jin family! "Xin Mei's tone was full of chills," Li Yunxiu, my son died for you.

I beg you, behave with a conscience. "

"Auntie, this marriage...I must be married."

Despite the difficulties, Li Yunxiu still whispered to Xin Mei.


Xin Mei's face suddenly turned white, and she almost didn't lift it up with a breath of anger.

"Okay, Li Yunxiu, you are a big living person, I can't control you, but I have a condition, if you want to be with that guy

If people get married, Chenchen must return it to our Jin family. "


Li Yunxiu refused without thinking.

"Impossible? Li Yunxiu, how are you embarrassed to say that it is impossible?"

Xin Mei gritted her teeth, the anger in her eyes almost swallowed Li Yun embroidery.

"Chen Chen is Nan Feng's biological son! It is only natural for him to return to our Jin's house. I have no problem with you remarrying, but

If you take my Jin family's only grandson to remarry, it is absolutely impossible! I won't let Nanfeng's son call another

A man outside is called Dad. "

"Auntie, Chenchen can't live without her mother." Li Yunxiu frowned.

"Then I can't control it. I will leave it here today. If you get married, you must send Chenchen to our Jinchen.

Family raising! If you don’t agree, then you don’t want to get married. I must find someone to smash your wedding and bring you

The good deeds done by this empathetic woman are posted online to let them know what kind of vicious woman you are.

people. "


"Don't call me, I can't afford your auntie."

Xin Mei snorted coldly, "I will give you a week to think well, or you can just wait."

After speaking, Xin Mei directly raised her foot, slammed Li Yunxiu's shoulder, and left without looking back.

Li Yunxiu panicked. Originally, her plan was to marry Shen Cheng strictly. After they got married, they would not bother each other. She could

Raising Chenchen and the child in her belly well, but what Xin Mei said today made her completely

At a loss.

She couldn't hand Chenchen into someone else's hands, she was Chenchen's biological mother.

Once Chenchen is taken away by the Jin family, Xin Mei will most likely not show her again.

Li Yunxiu hurriedly caught up with Xin Mei, "Auntie, don't be like this, I will bring Chenchen to see you often in the future.

During the holiday, Chenchen can also live on your side..."

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