Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1355: Neuropathy

Chapter 1355

"I will kill you with one shot." Lin Wanxi took out the gun and sneered. "Anyway, you know that Lin Wan in everyone's mouth

Xi, what kind of cold-blooded femme woman. "

Li Yunjin nodded, did not continue the topic, but instead asked, "Have you never thought about returning to China?"

"Don't change the subject." Lin Wanxi was reluctant.

Li Yunjin's eyes fell. To be honest, he didn't like women who would always contradict him, or even entangle him.

The brow furrowed, and the sullen voice became a bit cool.

"If you keep talking, I really can't forget."

To be honest, fair skin, attractive collarbone, graceful curves... Her figure was hotter than he had expected.

Lin Wanxi breathed quickly, her eyes flushed by Li Yunjin's words, but helplessly put down the gun and pulled away

The door goes outside.

"Are you going out?"

"Su Zixuan won't be here today, go out and stroll around."

After being detained for so long, she almost couldn't breathe. What's more, she couldn't live in the same room with Li Yunjin now.

"Where to go?"

Lin Wanxi took a deep breath and stopped, "Li Yunjin, I don't need to report everything about me to you in real time.

Don't talk to me in this tone, I don't like it. "

This kind of lofty attitude.

After speaking, she turned her head and left.

Li Yunjin held her while his eyes were heavy, "You don't need to like it, but you can get used to it slowly."


Lin Wanxi cursed, why should she get used to it.

Shaking off Li Yunjin's hand, Lin Wanxi hurriedly walked to the ground.

The open space in front of the building was once hit by artillery shells and turned into a pitted muddy ground. What rubble is there? Lin Wanxi walked

In a hurry, he tripped over a stone and fell to the ground.

Severe pain in the ankle.

Li Yunjin didn't expect that she would fall down every time she walked, so he hurriedly supported her, looked at her painful pale cheeks, said anxiously.

"Where is the injury?"

Lin Wanxi pushed him away and left, "I'm fine."

"You still said you were okay? Don't move."

Li Yunjin frowned, she was clearly in a painful sweat.

At this time, what is she still doing?

Lin Wanxi violently broke free of Li Yunjin.

Li Yunjin finally couldn't bear it. With a low voice, "You try to mess around again!"

Lin Wanxi seemed to be frightened, as Li Yunjin's eyes were dyed a little red.

Li Yunjin didn't care to comfort her, so he picked her up and hurried across the street to the hospital.

"Let me down."

"You are hurt."

"I'm not going to the hospital."


Li Yunjin frowned.

"People in the hospital will recognize me."

"I will find Chi Xiao over here."

Lin Wanxi stopped talking, but buried her face in Li Yunjin's arms.

Even knowing that she didn't want to be recognized for doing this, Li Yunjin couldn't help but smiled slightly.

Holding Lin Wanxi to the way, Chi Xiao soon received the news and rushed over.

The little nurse looked at Li Yunjin in surprise, "You really brought her out? Don’t say, you really have

Have some skills. "Chi Xiao looked at Li Yunjin admiringly, "I think you just took Wanxi away and stayed at Su Zixuan.

In the hands of a big demon, we are very sad..."

"Nurse Chi Xiao, you talk a lot of nonsense."

Lin Wanxi interrupted Chi Xiao directly.

"Come and help me deal with the wound."

"I got it."

Lin Wanxi's ankle was twisted, but fortunately it was not too serious.

"I'll find an ice pack for you, otherwise it's likely to swell up later, you can wait for me here."

Chi Xiao went to get the ice pack, and Li Yunjin said, "Why don't you let her go on?"

Lin Wanxi paused slightly, then said lightly, "There is nothing to say about this kind of thing. I want to sneak out for a while.

Er, I did not expect to hurt my foot. "

"I can take you out." Li Yunjin frowned, "Just drive my car, but the situation in Dongzhenguo is so complicated now.

Miscellaneous, there is nowhere to go. "

Lin Wanxi’s eyes lit up suddenly, as if thinking of something, there was some unconcealable excitement between her eyebrows, "I know

There is a place. "


"The last holy land of Dongzheng."

Before Li Yunjin asked where it was, Chi Xiao came in with an ice cube.

"I'll go to the toilet, and we'll leave when we come back."

Lin Wanxi limped out.

"Hey, the ice bag for you..." Chi Xiao was helpless, "You can take care of yourself a little bit, you think you are a tough guy.

Your body? "

Li Yunjin stretched out his hand, "Give it to me, I'll let her apply it honestly later."

"Thank you." Chi Xiao was relieved, "Wanxi is just too stubborn. She is obviously a girl, and she is so desperate.

Seeing as a man by himself, he got hurt. "

Chi Xiao looked at Li Yunjin, and suddenly lowered her voice, "Mr. Li, are you interesting to my Wanxi family?"

Li Yunjin had a meal without denying or confessing. He smiled playfully at the corner of his mouth and asked faintly, "What is this?

What to say? "

"What do you say..." Chi Xiao was obviously anxious. "She will be back soon, so I will make a long story short, that Su

Zixuan is really a big demon. Every day he only knows to bully Wanxi, and sometimes he does something against Wanxi. You

If you really mean that to Wanxi, you must rescue Wanxi. "

Chi Xiao said, her eyes dimmed, "In fact, don't look at Wanxi as strong and bleeding.

She didn’t shed a tear even though she was hurt. In fact, she was really pitiful.

Some **** who calculated her, she ran to Dongzhen to serve as a soldier, just killing her life... I really hope he can meet one

People who are sincere to her, so Mr. Li, if you..."

Li Yunjin interrupted her before she finished speaking, "Miss Chi Xiao, I think you have misunderstood, Lin Wanxi and I are just

Ordinary friends. "

Outside the door, Lin Wanxi, who was about to push the door in, gave a sudden stop, and his heart was also strangled by a rope.


"I seem to like you a little bit."

"Lin Wanxi and I are just ordinary friends."

Two voices, one from the left and the other, echoed in her ears at the same time.

It's like a ridiculous joke.

Sure enough, the man's words were unbelievable, and the words he could not hear behind his back might be his true words.

Lin Wanxi evoked a complicated smile again, then opened the door and walked in.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Li Yunjin suddenly felt that Lin Wanxi had become a lot more distant, but Lin Wanxi has always been a person who makes people hard to guess.

I didn't think too much, but asked her, "Do you need me to hug you?"

"No, I can go by myself."

Lin Wanxi shook his head.

Li Yunjin didn't force her anymore.

Chi Xiao came up, and repeatedly told, "You have to come back soon, don't let the big demon find you and run out again.

Go, otherwise, as an insider, I will suffer together. You can't meet Sewangyou. "

After speaking, he squeezed his eyes and eyebrows at Lin Wanxi.

"Don't talk nonsense."

Lin Wanxi glanced at Chi Xiao displeasedly.

Seeing Lin Wanxi could not say anything, Chi Xiao smiled and approached Li Yunjin again, "Mr. Li, please come to Wanxi.

You took good care of it. "

"I will." Li Yunjin nodded solemnly.

Lin Wanxi didn't speak, but took a deep look at Li Yunjin, then took a mask and wore it limping.

go away.

Lin Wanxi walked very slowly because of the injury on her foot. Seeing her walking and stopping, Li Yunjin still had no patience after all and stepped forward.

Two steps.

He directly carried her on his shoulders.

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