Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1409: Active kiss

Chapter 1409

"Go away, you killed my son, and you want me to believe you, do you really think I'm stupid?"

The man's expression was almost distorted, "Hand over my son immediately!"

The more the man talked, the more excited he became. Seeing Lin Wanxi still standing motionless, he grabbed Lin Wanxi's neck.

Son, hoarse, "Hurry up and hand over my son!"

"Miss Lin!"

Several soldiers panicked and hurriedly took out their guns. The helper brought by the man immediately raised the gun when they saw this.

There was a dangerous smell of gunpowder at the scene.

"Put down the gun."

Lin Wanxi frowned and scolded the soldiers behind him in Mandarin.

"Miss Lin..."

"Put down the gun!"

Lin Wanxi's voice was quick.

This man simply wanted to take away his son’s body. He lost his mind because of his ignorance. It’s hard to explain.

It is difficult to decide, simple and simple to say, it is always a matter of a few words, but once the two sides hand in hand, it is not

It’s such a simple matter. People are dying here every day. It’s too late to collect it. It shouldn’t be.

There is this kind of meaningless sacrifice.

"I'll say it again, now, immediately, put down the gun."

The soldiers heard Lin Wanxi's resolute voice, looked at each other for a long time, and finally slowly put down their guns.

Come, but the hand has never been removed from the gun, never let go for a minute.

The man on the opposite side saw that the soldier had taken his gun, and slowly disarmed.

Lin Wanxi breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the man who was almost out of control in front of him with difficulty.

His hand was still pinched on his neck, so strong that he seemed to be able to break her neck with just one effort.

Her heart was beating rapidly, and her entire brain became a little dizzy due to lack of oxygen.

"Sir, please calm down. You should understand that if you do to me, it is not only because you do not explain to China.

I'm afraid your brothers can't leave either. "

The man's complexion paused slightly, the strength in his hands was relieved, and his voice couldn't help but soften.

"I just want to take my son away. What's wrong with me... He is only nineteen years old and so young..."

"I’m sorry, sir, I’m sorry, please be sorry, but this virus is really very powerful, there is no

Effective treatment, if you take him away, even you will have the possibility of infection. "

The man's brows frowned, his face was full of pain.

"Will you really... return my son's body to me?"

"I promise you, it will."

Perhaps Lin Wanxi's words were too firm, and the man finally wavered and let go of his hand.

Lin Wanxi didn't care about breathing, her expression was calm, "Thank you for your cooperation, sir."

The man left with his helper.

The big rock hanging from Lin Wanxi's heart finally fell to the ground at this moment.

"Miss Lin, are you okay?"

The soldiers gathered in twos and threes.

The corner of Lin Wanxi's mouth faintly twitched, "I'm fine, you all go back."

The peace in his eyes is as if everything that just happened was just a false dream.

When the soldiers saw Lin Wanxi one after another, their pupils couldn't help feeling a little more in awe.

After Lin Wanxi solved the farce at the entrance of the hospital, she felt very tired all over, and staying in the hospital by herself would not help much.

Busy, I plan to go back to the dormitory to rest.

When she walked out of the hospital, she saw a very familiar person standing under a tree not far away.

Li Yunjin.

He has been looking straight at himself, he is not wearing a mask on his face, his beautiful sword eyebrows are tightly twisted.

Yes, it's like... he has been standing here for a long time.

Lin Wanxi's heart sank.

Did he see what just happened?

Have you seen the father who lost his reason and calm pinching his neck?

Lin Wanxi felt extremely uncomfortable, as if her heart was pinched tightly by a hand, unable to breathe.

She would rather Li Yunjin just arrived and did not see what happened, because then she could still comfort herself,

Li Yunjin did not forget himself.

But if he had stood under this tree long ago, and the movement at the entrance of the hospital was so loud, he must have noticed and looked at himself

I was pinched, but there was no movement, I just chose to sit on the sidelines...

Lin Wanxi's heart shrank fiercely, her nose sour involuntarily.

Did he really make him feel disgusted?

She was obviously a person who never surprised people's opinions, but at this moment, her heart seemed to have been severely punched.

It hurts.

She squeezed her palm tightly, letting the pain remind herself to keep her sanity for the last time.

After a long time, seeing Li Yunjin still standing still, she mustered the courage to walk over.

It's better to say something clearly, otherwise it will be a torture to her and Li Yunjin.

Who knows, she hasn't gotten close to Li Yunjin, the man is like being bitten by a snake, and back again and again.

"do not come……"

Li Yunjin's voice was a little hoarse.

Lin Wanxi's heart was twitching again, he didn't even want to let himself close?

She bit her lip tightly, and it took a long time to speak, "Li Yunjin, I want to talk to you, I don’t want us two

If the relationship is not clear or not, it is a breakup and it must be clarified. "

As she said, she wanted to go forward again.

"Didn't I tell you not to come over?"

Li Yunjin raised his voice abruptly. He seemed to be a little less energetic. After saying this, he held onto the tree trunk and panted violently.

And Lin Wanxi also discovered at this moment that his face was almost as white as a piece of paper, without the blood of a living person.

Seeing Li Yunjin lowered his head and gasped for breath, Lin Wanxi's heart sank suddenly and shook his head subconsciously.


She opened her blood-red eyes and murmured lowly.


He moved to Li Yunjin's side again.

Li Yunjin wanted to walk back, but he had no strength anymore, so he could only say intermittently, "Don't come here...

stay away from me……"

Lin Wanxi turned a deaf ear, walked directly in front of Li Yunjin, and stretched out his hand to stroke his forehead.

With the hot touch, Lin Wanxi's heart hurts fiercely.

Her eye sockets turned red in an instant, and she bit her lip firmly, only to resist the urge to cry.

Calm down, calm down, Lin Wanxi, nothing will happen, maybe it's not the virus, maybe it's just... just a common cold...

Lin Wanxi took a deep breath to keep herself as calm as possible. She held Li Yunjin's arm and told him to sit down against the tree.

"When did you have a fever?"

Li Yunjin did not answer her question, but slammed Lin Wanxi's hand away, "Go away."

Leave far away……

Will infect her.

Lin Wanxi was pushed to the ground by him, and soon stood up again and walked over, "Li Yunjin, you are not necessarily infected

Yes, this symptom is the same as a cold, maybe you just have a common cold..."

"I know if there is any infection."

Li Yunjin looked at Lin Wanxi with scarlet eyes, "You had better stay away from me, otherwise, you will die too."

"It's useless to say that, I will take you to the hospital first, and I will know after an examination. Before the diagnosis, please give me your mouth

Shut up, I don't want to hear any dead words coming out of your mouth. "

Lin Wanxi's eyes were cold, and he stepped forward and took Li Yunjin's arm, trying to pull him up.

"is this necessary?!"

Li Yunjin pushed Lin Wanxi away again, a sarcasm smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, his face was full of sickly paleness,

The thin lips of the support are shocking.

"Didn't you say that? There is no medicine to treat this virus. Whether you go to the hospital or not is a result."

Lin Wanxi said this personally.

"Don't approach me anymore, I don't want to go to the hospital to waste resources."

Li Yunjin supported the tree trunk to stand up like a puff, just the moment he turned to leave.

Lin Wanxi's eyes suddenly sank, she lifted her foot and walked towards him resolutely, then pressed his shoulders and turned his body.

Come here and push it on the trunk.

Then she grabbed Li Yunjin's collar, raised her foot slightly, and kissed his hot lips fiercely than her eyes—

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