Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1430: She accepted?

Chapter 1430 She Accepted?

She took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down. She waited until the breath that was stuck in her chest cleared, and then she looked

With Li Yunjin, his tone was cool, "Your girlfriend, Miss Jiang Zixin, threatened Chenchen and said he was going to kill him. Chenchen yesterday

I was frightened and went to the hospital late in the evening. It’s not good now. I told you about it. As for how to deal with it, you

It's up to you,"

After that, she said to Jiang Zixin, "I don’t care how you hooked up with my brother, honestly, I want to marry you.

It’s not me who married, and I can’t control it, but I warn you, if you dare to hurt anyone in my family, I

Li Yunxiao will definitely not let you go! Just wait for me! "

Li Yun smiled angrily and left.

Jiang Zixin was relieved and patted her chest, seemingly complaining, "Your sister’s spleen

Why is anger so terrible..."

Li Yunjin suddenly took her wrist.

The dark pupils are biting to the bone.

"What did you do to Chenchen?"

His strength was so strong that he almost squeezed Jiang Zixin's wrist.

Jiang Zixin’s sore forehead was puffed out with cold sweat, and his face became more ugly, as she gasped and said,

"I didn't do anything, and I don't know why your sister suddenly blamed me..."

"She said it was Chenchen, that kid will not lie."

He understands Chenchen, although the little guy is a bit mischievous, he is definitely not a liar, let alone

To Chen Chen, Jiang Zixin was just a stranger who had met once, and he had no reason to slander Jiang Zixin.

This woman must have done something.

"Yun Jin, I am your girlfriend, how can you not believe me?"

"Do you think I would believe that Chen Chen, who I grew up watching when I was a child, or I haven't known you for a month?"

Jiang Zixin froze, like a puppet whose soul had been taken away, standing stupidly, even forgot to withdraw his hand.


"You'd better explain the matter to me clearly, smile forbid anyone to hurt Li's family, and I won't allow Li Yunjin."

He suddenly released Jiang Zixin's hand.

Jiang Zixin just woke up like a dream, staggering back several steps before remembering to explain.

"I really didn't intimidate him, I think there must be some misunderstanding..." Jiang Zixin frowned, stumbling upon her words.

Kizuna, "Yes, I did stay alone with Chenchen for a while last night, and he asked me to help him build blocks... I was

Hou happened to be chatting with friends on his cell phone, so he didn’t help him... Later, he ran away by himself, Yun Jin, I’m really

I don’t know why he said I threatened him. The first time I went to see your parents, I was thinking about what to do

To please your family, why should I threaten Chenchen? "

Jiang Zixin's eyes were red, and she wiped tears as she said she didn't forget.

Li Yunjin stared at her for a long time, but finally turned and left without saying anything.

"Where are you going?"

"Go to the hospital."

He has to see how Chenchen is doing.

"Me too..."

"You still don't want to go." Li Yunjin interrupted him, "I admit that what you said makes sense, but since this has happened

I hope you don't get close to Chenchen again. "

Jiang Zixin was speechless and full of grievances, but he dared not say anything. He could only watch Li Yunjin go away.

When Li Yunjin rushed to the hospital, Chenchen was already asleep.

Li Beixun didn't blame Li Yunjin, but just reminded him to pay more attention to those around him.

Li Yunjin understood what he meant, and stood in the corridor talking with Li Beixun.

"She is not a bad person. He still didn't give up on me when my life was hanging by a thread." Li Yunjin has his own judgment.

Suddenly, "I still feel that this matter may really be just a misunderstanding."

"I don't want to worry about your love life." Li Beixun looked calm, "but I still don't want you to be grateful

A woman chose to be with her. "

Li Yunjin was taken aback, his brows wrung to death, "If it were you, how would you choose?"

Li Beixun pondered for a long time, and suddenly said, "When I was fifteen years old, the school held a mountain climbing activity and I was injured.

The foot was forgotten by the army. "

It was the first time that Li Yunjin heard his father talk about his youth. His dark pupils looked at Li Beixun quietly, as if

Almost waiting for him to continue.

"It was a very flustered mountain. I ran farther because I didn’t like noise. After dark, I thought I was

I would die there, but I didn't expect that a girl in the same class found me. She called the police and an ambulance and took

I was taken to the hospital. "This is a thing of the past decades, Li Beixun now even thinks about what that girl is called.

Not getting up, "Later she confessed to me in the hospital."

"Did you agree?"

"No." Li Beixun paused and continued, "I gave her a decent reward as a gift for saving me."

Li Yunjin was a little surprised, "She accepted?"

"Of course." Li Beixun curled his lips. "Because I said clearly, I don't like her and I won't accept her complaint.

Bai, if you don't accept material thanks, you can only thank you verbally. "

Li Yunjin nodded, he seemed to understand, but his frowning brows didn't relax at all.

Li Beixun knew in his heart, "It seems that you have other reasons for her."

Almost for an instant, Li Yunjin's mind flashed the face that was almost carved into his mind, what Li Beixun said

He actually made him faintly aware that he seemed to be retaliating against Lin Wanxi as well as himself.

Lin Wanxi is already married and is about to give birth to another man. The matter is over, he can no longer

What to change.

Everything I did was nothing but futile.

He really didn't need to entangle Jiang Zixin so much anymore.

Li Yunjin went back to the villa with great thoughts, Jiang Zixin was anxious because of what happened. Seeing Li Yunjin's face

She entered the room coldly and immediately got up to meet her.

"Yun Jin, are you back?" She smiled hard, "How about it, is Chen Chen better?"

"It's all right." Li Yunjin replied lukewarm.

"That's good." Jiang Zixin heaved a sigh of relief. "After all, it is because of my misunderstanding. If it is true

What happened……"

"He won't have any trouble."

Li Yunjin interrupted Jiang Zixin directly.

Jiang Zixin looked at him, knowing that he had said the wrong thing again, and simply changed the subject, "You haven't had lunch yet? I

I made you what you love. Would you like to eat some? "

"No, I'm a little tired, go up and rest first."

Jiang Zixin had gradually become accustomed to his alienation from himself, suppressing the pain coming from his heart, and finally said nothing.

Three days later Li Yunjin and Jiang Zixin returned to Dongzheng.

In the days when they returned to their country, Dongzheng has already begun its post-war reconstruction work, and the whole country is overflowing

Vitality and beautiful vision for the future.

Even Li Yunjin felt that the heaviness and irritability that had been pressing on his heart over the past few days had disappeared a lot.

Jiang Zixin doesn’t want to come back. She has suffered too much in Dongzheng. Now that the war is over, naturally

Those who want to stay in the imperial capital, not to mention, in the past few days when she returned to the imperial capital, she really experienced the life of a wealthy family.

I even yearned for that kind of rich and noble day. I definitely didn't want to come to Dongzheng again to suffer and suffer.

However, she has not had the courage to interfere with Li Yunjin's decision.

I can only hope that Li Yunjin can handle things here as soon as possible, and then return to China to marry him.

In this way, she doesn't need to be as treacherous as she is now.

It only disappointed him that Li Yunjin first established a charity organization called "Cyan Flame" in Dongzheng Kingdom.

Then some rescue stations were built to accommodate orphans who lost their parents in the war.

The whole person is completely devoted to charity.

Although Jiang Zixin was also anxious, she had no choice but to stay beside Li Yunjin and take care of the trivial things for him.

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