Li Yunjin walked to the bed and covered the quilt for Lin Wanxi who was asleep, then took her hand and sat down silently.

Her face was pale, her sleeping face was deep, her eyebrows were slightly twisted, and her slender and curled eyelashes cast a thick shadow.

He held her hand tightly, put it to his lips and kissed, she was like a little animal in hibernation, without noticing it.

Li Yunjin has a heavy heart. When she was in Dongzheng Kingdom three years ago, she had never been such a heavy sleeper.

People, at that time, they were still on the battlefield, she was like a hedgehog covered with thorns, a little bit of subtle

The sound will wake her from sleep.

In the past three years, she has changed a lot.

And every small change caused Li Yunjin's heart to ache like a needle prick.

In the early morning, Chi Xiao came over with a yawn.

Seeing Li Yunjin, he was shocked, and his whole body was sober a lot, "No, why haven't you left? How many are these?

Clicked? You won't stay here all night, will you? "

Li Yunjin put Lin Wanxi's hand back into the quilt.

He stood up calmly, and said lightly, "I'll go back first, I'll let someone deliver breakfast."

"Then be careful on your way."

Li Yunjin didn't say a word. He stayed for the whole night, his brain was heavy, as if it was stuffed with a mess of thread.

Some thoughts are unclear.

Chi Xiao sighed helplessly when he saw his footsteps leaving steadily, then looked towards the bed without knowing anything, Yi

The old sleeping Lin Wanxi gritted his teeth viciously and cursed, "I see you, you have to torture him crazy to be satisfied.

No one is worry-free. "

Lin Wanxi certainly didn't know what Chi Xiao scolded.

When she woke up, it was already ten o'clock in the morning. After more than ten hours of sleep, the whole person is particularly comfortable.

"I'll take you for an examination and eat again when you come back."

"Did your auntie cook again?" Lin Wanxi was a little grateful, "I am discharged from the hospital. I must thank her well."

Thanks to her craftsmanship, her appetite has improved a lot in recent days.

Chi Xiao paused for a while, and suddenly smiled, "You really need to thank him."

I went back at five or six in the morning, and the breakfast was delivered after nine o’clock in the morning. She wondered if Li Yunjin was right.

People made of iron.

Lin Wanxi’s body was no longer in serious trouble. After the examination, after eating, he stayed in the hospital for a few hours.

In the afternoon, I went through the discharge procedures and went home.

Because Chi Xiao had to go to work, Qian reminded her not to run around.

Lin Wanxi didn't want her to worry about herself anymore, and responded in silence.

She went to reapply for the ID card, and then went to the bank to report the loss of the bank card.

When passing by a small electronics store, Lin Wanxi stopped for no reason.

After a short hesitation, she walked in, "Hello, boss, can you give me a small camera?"

"How big is it?"

"The kind that is not easy to find."

"The girl is talking about a pinhole camera?"

The boss glanced at Lin Wanxi with a complicated look, his eyes full of gossip.

Most of the people who buy pinhole cameras here are men. Do you want women to have this hobby?

But he wouldn't be so stupid not to do the door-to-door business, so he quickly took out a small box of only a few centimeters from the counter.

"There is a pinhole camera, the size is only the size of your fingernail, you put it on the electric machine directly opposite the bed.

You can view it on the video camera, or on the lamp, and then connect to the wireless network of your mobile phone, and you can see the uploaded photos

Video up. "

As the boss said, he didn’t forget to lower his voice and laughed, “Don’t worry, this thing of mine is especially hidden.

Well, it will never be discovered. "

"You misunderstood, I didn't use it to do bad things."

Lin Wanxi faintly explained, ignoring the suspicion in the eyes of the boss, and directly paid to leave.

She just wanted to see if anyone had come to her room while she was sleeping.

After getting up this morning, the feeling that someone had been there once again came to her heart. Chi Xiao explained that it was the doctor and

The nurse, vowed to ensure that no one else had come, but her subconscious mind told herself that someone had come, and

That person, stayed with him for a long time.

A person's face always flashed in her mind, but she was not sure, she needed definite evidence.

After returning to the villa, Lin Wanxi put the camera he bought on a lamp facing his bedside.

After turning on the switch and confirming that there was no problem, she stopped taking care of it and did other things.

In the evening, when Chi Xiao came back, Lin Wanxi didn't tell Chi Xiao about the incident, and hurried to sleep after dinner.

Early the next morning, Lin Wanxi hurriedly turned on the phone, trying to verify his guess.

Sure enough, after two hours of sleeping, a familiar figure quietly walked into his room.

Lin Wanxi's breathing tightened suddenly.

Especially when she saw Li Yunjin lowering her head and kissing herself, she felt that the whole heart seemed to be about to stop.

She thought that Li Yunjin would know what to do with herself, but except for the first kiss that was like a dragonfly, what did he do?

He didn't do it either, just sat quietly by the bed and looked at himself.

The camera angle couldn’t capture all of his expressions, she could only vaguely see a side face, she didn’t know Li Yunjin

What kind of complicated gaze did you look at her... and... it was still so long.

If it weren’t for the electronic clock on the bedside table, Lin Wanxi would almost suspect that the picture was

It's not static anymore.

Or the camera has a problem and it's stuck.

But time is jumping, and it’s normal to go every minute and every second.

Lin Wanxi's heart was cold, and she was shocked. Li Yunjin was like this, guarding her without doing anything, staying for a while

Five or six hours in one night?

She knows Li Yunjin so well, she doesn't know that this man is so persevering?

To be honest, she was still a bit creepy, and when she thought of talking while she was asleep, she had a pair of eyes that were straightforward.

Staring at her, motionless, her goose bumps are coming out.

This is simply crazy.

Lin Wanxi was furious.

Go downstairs to find Chi Xiao to settle the account.

Li Yunjin can sneak in so easily, and seeing how he is familiar with the road, he knows that he is definitely not the first.

Secondly, it is definitely impossible without Chi Xiao to do internal work. If Chi Xiao really "turned" Li Yunjin, then she guessed

Now, the "auntie" who cooks every day is probably Li Yunjin's masterpiece.

What auntie, she was obviously fooled by this man and woman for several days.

But when he got downstairs, Lin Wanxi walked over with a gloomy face when he saw Chi Xiao who was eating breakfast.

Chi Xiao said in his heart, what happened to this girl? I don’t look so good...

There was no question here yet, and a mobile phone was just thrown over, obviously for her to see.

Chi Xiao tremblingly held up the phone. After seeing the video taken above, her face changed. She swallowed.

Lin Wanxi's misbehavior was wrong.

"Lin Wanxi, are you sick? Install this kind of thing in your own room? This is the first time I have seen someone take pictures of myself!"

"Is it myself that I secretly photographed?"

Lin Wanxi pulled the chair away and sat down opposite her, sneered, "If I don’t pretend to be this kind of thing, will I be

I don’t know, my best friend betrayed me and went to the enemy camp? "

Chi Xiao's face was suffocated, and she suffocated her neck to defend, "What does it mean to go to the enemy camp? Can you speak badly..."

"Then you explain to me, what are you doing like this?"

Lin Wanxi’s smile was a bit cold, "You know what Li Yunjin has done to me, and what my attitude towards him is.

Du, but still helped him contact me secretly. What is it called going to the enemy camp? "

Chi Xiao was obstructed, and it took him a long time to stumble and say, "How can it be so serious, and I do it myself


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