Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1504: . Lost and recovered

"I don't know if you are." Lin Wanxi answered honestly.

"Of course not." Li Yunjin viciously, was questioned and asked the question of "style of life", which seemed quite vicious.

"Me and Jiang Zixin have nothing."

He has never been interested in Jiang Zixin, and keeps her by his side, just thinking that she saved her back then and reported

Enhe gratitude accounted for most of the emotions, and after Lin Wanxi left, he also shifted his focus from Dongzheng to the emperor.

All, Li Yunxiu wished he would come back soon to manage the company so that he could spare time to go and hang out with Jin Nanfeng, he

After coming back not much, he completely acted as a shopkeeper. The busier he is at work, the less he has the time to contact Jiang Zixin.

Sometimes, it is normal to have no contact for several months.

He and Jiang Zixin are indeed innocent.

"I was only after you came back..."

Li Yunjin stopped, especially when he saw Lin Wanxi's face suddenly turning pale, his heart became even more panicked.

The memory of that month was so bad that I didn't want to mention it when I came to Lin Wanxi, so forget it.

Li Yunjin lowered his head and gently looked at the hand he held in his palm, "I just want to say that she and I are really

Nothing, these three years... I have also had a bad time. "

No matter how you deceive others, your heart will not lie.

It’s not that he doesn’t understand the truth of hatred by love. The more he can’t let go, the deeper Lin Wanxi is buried in his heart, such as

The traces left by the same soldering iron can't disappear.

In the past three years when Lin Wanxi disappeared, he always thought that she and Su Zining were married and gave birth to a daughter. He has countless times

I wanted to rush to Su’s house and ask her why, but in the end, he still didn’t have the courage.

But I didn't expect that this misunderstanding would not be contacted until recently.

Lin Wanxi looked at Li Yunjin's frown, and after a moment of silence, put down the book in his hand and said, "I know

I won’t mention Jiang Zixin again. This is the last time. "

People in the past do not need to appear in their stories again.


The two people stepped out of Yunniao's gate again, and the rainstorm outside had stopped.

It was still early, and Li Yunjin suggested whether to go to the movies.

Lin Wanxi thought that he and Li Yunjin had not gone to the movies alone, and nodded in agreement.

Li Yunjin took out the phone, "What type do you like to watch?"

Lin Wanxi leaned over and clicked on one of the war films, "This is it."

"Do you like this subject?"

"It was played by Jin Nan."

Lin Wanxi explained.

Li Yunjin knew that Li Yunxiu and Jin Nanfeng had private contact with Lin Wanxi, so he laughed, "How about my sister-in-law?"

"You are not ashamed, they are a dozen years older than you."

"So what, he is my sister's husband."

No matter how old he is, he is also a sister-in-law.

"In the future, he will also call you his sister-in-law."

Lin Wanxi's ears were red, and he urged him dissatisfiedly, "Hurry up, otherwise the movie will end and it will be too late."


The two drove to the cinema.

There are a lot of people watching the movie at this point. Although it rained before, the whole hall was still filled with more than half of the people.

When the two entered, the movie had already started for nearly five minutes.

The lights in the projection hall were completely dimmed, only the electronic light from the screen, which flickered with the flow of the movie screen.

Bright and dark light.

It is said that the movie theater is a place where couples are prone to something. Li Yunjin took it seriously, so he deliberately picked the last one.

At the seat, Lin Wanxi cautiously stepped up the steps, there was a violent sound from the movie, and she subconsciously looked back.

But it was empty underfoot.

Fortunately, Li Yunjin supported her and didn't let her fall down the stairs.

"Look at the road."

Li Yunjin said lowly.

"How many times is this tonight?"

Lin Wanxi was also a little embarrassed. Since she became pregnant, she has committed stupidity more and more.

With a little embarrassment, she sat on the seat under the protection of Li Yunjin, and her ears were red after a short distance.

Fortunately, it was in a dimly lit movie theater. Otherwise, she would really be ashamed to see people.

After seated, Lin Wanxi's gaze was cast lightly on the movie. This is a war movie, which is played by Jin Nanfeng.

The male protagonist defended his family and the country during the turmoil, and had a heartbreaking love story with the daughter of a hostile force.

Lin Wanxi is a person who has really experienced the battlefield. He has some incomprehension about the battlefield after this kind of artistic processing.

After pregnancy, she became extremely lethargic, and soon her head fell asleep little by little.

Li Yunjin looked at Lin Wanxi's sleepiness, feeling helpless, and tilted his head over, "Are you sleepy?"


Lin Wanxi was dazed, closed his eyes, and responded like a cat.

"You are not interested in watching the movies you picked yourself?" Li Yunjin was even more helpless.

"If you have the ability, try pregnant with a child..."

Lin Wanxi murmured again, a bit of blame in his tone.

Naturally, Li Yunjin can't get pregnant, but this does not prevent him from feeling sorry for Lin Wanxi, seeing her so sleepy that he can’t open his eyes.

Open, get up, "Go home and sleep."

"No." Lin Wanxi opened his eyes slightly, "I finally bought the ticket. It's too wasteful to walk now."

Li Yunjin chuckled, "Aren't you going to waste your sleep here?"

Lin Wanxi paused for a long time, then whispered back to him, "At least the chairs in the cinema are comfortable to sleep in."

After speaking, close your eyes again.

She was really sleepy, the warm wind of the cinema made her dizzy, all consciousness was dissipating, like a sea

The lone boat in the house was ups and downs, and what Li Yunjin said next was also integrated into the background sound of the movie, making it difficult to distinguish.

When Lin Wanxi wakes up, the movie has already ended.

In the huge movie theater, there were only Li Yunjin and Lin Wanxi.

"The movie is over?"

Lin Wanxi was still in the dimness of just waking up.

"One hour and three minutes is over."

Lin Wanxi woke up with a "thump" in her heart, "Why don't you call me?"

He stayed here with himself for more than an hour like this?

"It depends on how well you sleep, so it doesn't matter if you wait a while."

"Aren't you bored?"

Li Yunjin smiled, "Fortunately, how can I be bored looking at you."

Lin Wanxi's expression was a little embarrassed, "Let's go quickly, someone will come later..."

"No." Li Yunjin held her wrist and pulled her back to the chair. "This is the last of the hall tonight.

A movie. "

Lin Wanxi frowned, "Don't lie to me, this is the peak of watching movies."

It's Friday night again, which cinema will close so early.

She didn't want someone to come in later and see her sitting here with Li Yunjin so ambiguously.

Lin Wanxi thought about getting up again.

Li Yunjin's hands increased, this time Lin Wanxi fell directly on Li Yunjin's body, the man’s powerful arm

In one ring, she was trapped in her arms, unable to move.

"Okay, I won't lie to you, I'll be honest with you, I asked Lutong to cover this hall, so no one will come in tonight."


"The camera is also turned off. I won't see it." Li Yunjin touched Lin Wanxi's profile with his fingers, "Just stay with me here.

Here, will you stay for a while? "

Three years of longing, in that month, because of revenge and hatred, they were not expressed.

He really missed her.

The joy that was lost and regained, poured into a hot torrent, flooding his entire new house.

The heat made the ends of his eyes moist.

There is an invisible huge black hole in the depths of my heart. It lies quietly and spreads blood in pitch black.

With a big mouth, waiting to recapture everything he had finally recovered.

He was scared, and he couldn’t tell. He could only hold this woman in his arms and feel her real body temperature.

Breathing, that feeling can calm his mood a little bit.

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