Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1510: As slow as her

She is a person who has survived the battlefield of Dongzheng. Although she admits that Li Yunjin is in love with her protection, this

This kind of excessive protection still makes her feel very uncomfortable.

Some also doubt the value of their own existence.

"I know you are not delicate, but this does not affect my desire to spoil you."

Yes, this man's rogue logic always sounds incomprehensible.

Lin Wanxi was helpless.

"All right, then I wish Mr. Li a smooth business trip."

"So you have to stay with me tonight."

Li Yunjin hugged her tighter.

"Am I here? How do you want to be with me?"

"What do you mean?"

Li Yunjin raised his head and asked, Lin Wanxi's throat with the red thorn under his eyes could not help but tighten.

Lin Wanxi frowned, "How long have you been holding back?"

"Almost two months."

Li Yunjin frowned.

Lin Wanxi raised her eyebrows and patted Li Yunjin's face, "Then keep going, Mr. Li."

In the first three months, he couldn’t do that. After Lin Wanxi became pregnant, Li Yunjin had to make up for a lot of needs during pregnancy.

Things to pay attention to, when I saw this article, I only felt that there were dark clouds above my head.

But there is no way, he created the evil with one hand, and he takes the blame.

Early the next morning, Li Yunjin offered to take Lin Wanxi to the company, but Lin Wanxi sternly refused.

She was afraid that two people would be seen at the same time, so she took a taxi and went to the Li Group to report.

Lin Wanxi guessed that Li Yunjin would not arrange too tiring work for herself, just as she guessed, only in the propaganda department

There is a small clerical post hanging below.

The job is simple, and more importantly, it is low-key, a small position that is absolutely inconspicuous in the crowd.

After Lin Wanxi went to the propaganda department to report, she received her desk.

The atmosphere in the entire propaganda department is relatively relaxed, and colleagues are also very easy to get along with. After working all morning, Lin Wanxi didn’t.

Is there any trouble encountered.

It was noon and lunch time.

"Wanxi, shall we go to the cafeteria together?"

The colleague greeted Lin Wanxi.

Lin Wanxi thought that he had just arrived, and it would inevitably be too rude to refuse someone's invitation, so he quickly stood up, "Okay."

"The Li Group’s canteen is very big, and it’s also very cheap. It costs dozens of yuan to eat out.

It needs more than ten dollars. The taste is very good. The chef is specially invited by Mr. Li from abroad. You can eat it once.

Will know. "

Enthusiastic introduction from colleagues.

"Li Yun... President Li seems to be very good to the employees."

"Yes, the benefits that President Li gives to every employee of the Li Group are very good, even the salary is better than other companies.

It's much higher. "When the female colleague mentioned Li Yunjin, she was excited, her eyes full of admiration, "After all, we still

Li always has the ability, and the company is huge, so he is generous to employees. The point is, just with the face of President Li, I can

The group worked for a lifetime. "

The colleague suddenly asked Lin Wanxi, "Have you met President Li?"

"I have seen it."

"How? Isn't Li always handsome? Better than movie stars!"

Lin Wanxi frowned. To be honest, she really never thought about whether Li Yunjin was handsome or not. She seemed to be with him.

After a long time, that face became familiar to a little numb.

So when he heard this question suddenly, Lin Wanxi told the truth, "It's okay..."

The colleague’s mouth opened into an “o” shape, and felt incredible at Lin Wanxi’s violent heavenly things, "Oh my God, Lin Wanxi, you

She is the first woman I have ever seen to say that President Li looks good! President Li's appearance is simply earth-shattering handsome

good or not? You must have not looked carefully! It’s okay. When our department reports on the performance next month, I want to bring

Go and take a look, let you feel some of our President Li's prosperous beauty up close. "

Lin Wanxi frowned, feeling very sad.

Up close...

He both slept in the same bed with Li Yunjin, and even passed the negative distance, so how close would he be?

"In fact, I think Jin Nan's style is more in line with my aesthetic..."

"Then you can give up." The colleague looked regretful, "That's Mr. Yun's husband. There are two other children, and Jin

Nan Feng is a complete wife slave. Except for Mr. Yun, there is no other woman in his eyes. I think Mr. Li is still more.

There is hope. "

Lin Wanxi was speechless.

President Li...

He is about to have a baby too, so he is lying down in her stomach.

Lin Wanxi awkwardly accompanied them to think together.

A group of people waited for the elevator in a noisy manner. Who knew that Lin Wanxi's phone rang suddenly, and it was Li Yunjin who was calling.

Because everyone was there, Lin Wanxi didn't want to be noticed by them, so he hung up the phone quickly.

As a result, within 30 seconds, Li Yunjin called again.

Lin Wanxi faintly felt that if he hangs up again, Li Yunjin might come down to catch people.

So I could only quietly fall to the back and put the phone to my ear.

"You hang up my phone?"

Li Yunjin's cold voice floated into Lin Wanxi's ears in an instant.

Lin Wanxi grabbed her heart, busy lowering her voice, and whispered, "I'm with my colleague."


"We can't let them know our relationship."

Lin Wanxi said while looking at his colleague.

"Come to my office."

"Now?" Lin Wanxi frowned and said with some embarrassment, "No, I have an appointment with my colleague and I want to go to the cafeteria for lunch."

"Are you going to come up by yourself, or do you want me to go down and invite you?"

Before Lin Wanxi could answer, Li Yunjin continued, "Five minutes, if I don’t see you, don’t blame me for letting the whole

People from this company know our relationship. "

After speaking, he hung up the phone with a sound of "pop-".

The elevator over there has arrived, and several colleagues urged Lin Wanxi.

"Lin Wanxi, hurry up, there will be no more seats after going to the cafeteria."

Lin Wanxi frowned, hesitated for a moment, and said a little apologetically, "Sorry, I... suddenly something happened..."

"what's up?"

"This one……"

Lin Wanxi didn't know how to explain.

"Oh, I see, your boyfriend asked you to have lunch, right?"

Colleagues are full of gossip.

Lin Wanxi was a little embarrassed.

"If it's done, then we won't bother you, and we will go."

After speaking, the elevator door closed, leaving Lin Wanxi alone outside.

Lin Wanxi got on another elevator and went to the president's office on the top floor.

Few unrelated people came up on this floor. Miss Secretary Lin Wanxi came to Li Yunjin for the first time.

Knowing Lin Wanxi, knowing that this woman is President Li's heart, he invited Lin Wanxi into the office with a big smile.

"Mr. Li, Miss Lin is here."

"Well, you go to lunch break."

The secretary left happily.

Li Yunjin looked at Lin Wanxi who was still standing at the door, frowning, "Why are you standing there stupidly? Why don't you come in?"

Lin Wanxi walked in, "Anything?"

"Come with me for lunch."

Li Yunjin put the lunch on the table in the same way.

"I was going to have dinner with my colleagues."

"I made it by myself, and it's not as good as the food in the cafeteria, right?"

This woman is really nothing at all.

Lin Wanxi frowned, "Aren't you busy? How can you run back to cook?"

"I asked Lutong to change the lounge inside into a kitchen."

The meals Lin Wanxi ate during his anorexia were all made by him during his rest time.

"You are not allowed to call me in the future, you know?"

"I am with my colleague and it is not convenient to answer the phone."

"I know you want to have a good relationship with your colleagues, but the relationship between the two of us can be ignored? I'm going on business at night

Yes, you can't even eat a meal with me? "

Li Yunjin really didn't understand, in her heart, who was the most important talent.

It seems that for Lin Wanxi, who is accustomed to the battlefield, friends and comrades are more important than his boyfriend.


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