Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1520: .Her kisses


Days passed, and soon came the day Li Yunjin returned to China.

It is said that Xiaobie wins newlyweds. Although the two of them have not officially obtained the certificate, the feeling of missing is already like a spring flow.

Can't restrain it.

Li Yunjin's flight was in the evening, but Lin Wanxi was a little restless since the afternoon.

After getting off work, Lin Wanxi, who was the last to leave on weekdays, was almost the first to leave with his bag.

"Hey, Lin Wanxi?"

I just entered the elevator here, but I did not expect to meet an acquaintance.

It was Zhang Yang who celebrated his birthday that day.

"Hello there."

Lin Wanxi nodded lightly, and Quandang said hello.

"You just got off work, too?"


The talking room has already walked out of the elevator.

I don’t know when outside, it’s already raining, and the entire sky is suffocating and gloomy, dark clouds are heavy

Coming over, a little breathless.

All the pedestrians on the road were in a hurry. The rainstorm came very suddenly, and the company’s door was full of temporary shelters.

People, it's the point of getting off work again, and the doorway is blocked.

Occasionally a taxi passed by and was quickly surrounded by people.

Lin Wanxi raised his head and glanced at the sky, frowning involuntarily.

This rain, I am afraid that it will not stop for a while.

"Did you not drive?"

Zhang Yang squeezed over at this time and asked.

"Well, I usually come to work by car."

"Then you can take my car, where is your home? I will take you back?"

Zhang Yang Zhengchou could not find the opportunity to contact Lin Wanxi. Seeing that Lin Wanxi was trapped by the rain, he offered to send it away.

She went back.

Lin Wanxi has never liked troublesome people. She feels embarrassed to live in Chi Xiao's house, let alone this

There is only a man who is bound by two sides.

So politely refused, "No, I'll just take a taxi and go home later."

"Where can you get a taxi in such a heavy rain? You see there are so many people in front of you." Zhang Yang smiled, "Go

Well, the last time you came to celebrate my birthday, I happened to owe you a favor, so I beat you back. "

"How are you sure we're on the way?"

Zhang Yang happily said, "The imperial capital is also so big, isn't it a good way to go around?"

Lin Wanxi's mouth twitched.

This logic... there is really no way to refute it.

"Oh, let's go, let's go, if you don't go, the rain will be heavier."

Seeing Lin Wanxi's hesitation, Zhang Yang grabbed Lin Wanxi's arm and ran to the underground parking lot.

But as everyone knows, in the car across the street, Li Yunjin's face was black when he saw all this.

Because there was heavy rain in the emperor at night, he deliberately advanced the flight by two hours in order to see Lin Wanxi earlier.

I didn't want to wait any longer.

As soon as he got off the plane, the torrential rain in the imperial capital rolled down. He didn't even have time to return home, and he hurried without changing his clothes.

He asked people to drive to the company to pick up Lin Wanxi, but he didn't expect... he saw the scene just now.

Li Yunjin's complexion was quite bad, worse than the weather outside.

Lu Tong didn't dare to say anything, but bit the bullet and asked, "President Li...where are we going now?"

Li Yunjin's face was sullen, his eyes were full of rich colors.

Lu Tong was very nervous, and bit his head and reported the address of Chi Xiao's home.

In the car on the other side.

Lin Wanxi looked down at some recipes.

When Li Yunjin comes back tonight, she wants to cook a dinner herself, but her cooking skills are really hard to describe in one word, so she can only

Time to hug the Buddha's feet.

"Wanxi, are you free tomorrow?" Zhang Yang was a little embarrassed. "I heard your colleague say that you don't seem to be free tomorrow.

When I go to work, I don’t have to go to the company just tomorrow. Why don’t we go to the movies, climb mountains or something? "

"This weather... climbing?"

Lin Wanxi did not lift his head either.

Zhang Yang smiled awkwardly, "You can also go to other places... Yes, you can go to the gym to exercise."

Lin Wanxi smiled faintly and said nothing.

Soon we arrived at Chi Xiao's door.

Lin Wanxi said "thank you", opened the door and got out of the car.

The rainstorm outside still showed signs of resting brows, Zhang Yang found an umbrella and handed it to Lin Wanxi, "Take it, Ming

Just give it back to me. "

"Thank you."

"Yes, I still have something to give you."

Zhang Yang turned out a jewelry box in the wrong car drawer.

Lin Wanxi frowned slightly, and before Zhang Yang could speak, he said, "No need."

Zhang Yang was a little embarrassed, and his extended hands were all in the air, not knowing whether to take them back.

Lin Wanxi frowned, "Thank you very much for sending me back today, but I can't collect your things. I have a boyfriend

So sorry. "

The relationship that shouldn't happen should be stated clearly in advance, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble and cause misunderstanding to each other.

Zhang Yang was a little surprised, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"you have boyfriend?"

"Well, yes, I didn't tell others because I don't want anyone to pay too much attention to my personal life, so... sorry."

Zhang Yang looked disappointed, but still forced a smile and said, “It’s okay, it’s okay. Since you have a boyfriend, then

I won't disturb you... I wish you happiness. "

"Thank you."

After Zhang Yang left, Lin Wanxi walked to the door, and was about to take out the key to open the door, only to feel a heavy footsteps behind him.

Come, and then a hand suddenly covered her mouth.

The ice-cold body pressed her against the door tightly.

Lin Wanxi was taken aback.

The heart sank fiercely.


"let me go!"

She almost exhausted all her strength to resist.

But he was held tightly by the man behind him, unable to move.

Then a familiar voice broke into her ears like a dark cloud in the sky.

"Who is that man?"

Lin Wanxi's heart "cocks", Li Yunjin?

"When will you come back……"

"Answer me, who is that man?"

Li Yunjin's voice was full of sourness.

He was wronged and died. The days he spent abroad have been like years, but he finally came back, but let him see other men

send her home.

It is an umbrella and a gift.

The Tangcheng incident is still in his heart. Now that there is one more, he shouldn’t agree to let

She came out to work and caused him such a bunch of peach blossoms that he shouldn't have.

"You let me go first."

Lin Wanxi estimated that 80% of this man was jealous again, and moved his body gently, "You pressed my stomach."

Li Yunjin quickly released her. Lin Wanxi turned around and realized that Li Yunjin didn’t know when


His brows frowned immediately, "How come it's soaking?"

"It's not because no other woman gave me umbrellas."

Lin Wanxi felt helpless, "Are you opening a vinegar restaurant? It's just a colleague who sent me home. It's not what you thought.

Like that. "

While she was talking, she opened the door with the key.

Li Yunjin followed into the house, but his expression did not improve. "Ordinary friends will give you jewelry?"

"I didn't accept it again." Lin Wanxi really felt that he was wronged. For the first time, he was given a gift by a strange man, but Li Yun was the result.

Jin caught up.

Is there anything worse than her?

Lin Wanxi frowned.

"So you provoke so many peach blossoms outside, you are still very proud, aren't you?"

"What peach blossom?"

Li Yunjin's eyes were gloomy, "First Tangcheng, then this man, who else do you want to bring out?"

Lin Wanxi looked at Li Yunjin's jealous look, helpless and funny, wanted to explain something, but suddenly

Feeling that it didn’t make much sense, he simply closed the door, pressed Li Yunjin on the door in an anti-visitor approach, stood on tiptoe, and went

Kiss Li Yunjin's lips.

He was caught in the rain, his lips were cold, and his thin lips were still covered with chilly raindrops. Between his lips and teeth, he was melted into Lin Wanxi.

Of the body.

Li Yunjin’s anger and sourness were finally comforted by the sweet kiss he sent on his own initiative, and his voice was soft.

"Next time, it won't be a kiss, it can be resolved."

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