Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1545: .Good night, Mrs. Li

Li Yunjin simply convinced the pig brains of Chi Xiao and Tang Cheng.

Chi Xiao knew that he was wrong, sobbed twice.

Tang Cheng hummed, "Then what can you do? The beast asked Wanxi for three million! Do you think if I can

If I took the photo out of his hand, would I still have people beat him up? It's not as good as that 1 animal

Something, I still feel dirty with my hands. "

"You won't call the police?" Li Yunjin was so angry, "The police intervened, and the photos in his hands would naturally be taken away and sold.

Ruin, are your brains all in vain? "

Chi Xiao was still wiping her tears. She choked and was innocent. "I said I would call the police, but Wanxi wouldn't let it..."

Lin Wan blinked, a little helpless, "I said it."

She really didn't think about that much.

Li Yunjin opened his mouth, almost vomiting blood by such a crowd.

After a long silence, he sighed, "It's okay, don't mention the past."

Chi Xiao called a grievance, "I just scolded us for not thinking about it, and now it’s over on Wanxi... Li

In general, can you be more eccentric with the double standard? "

"Wanxi is my woman, who am I to favor her?"

Li Yunjin raised his eyebrows, "You don't need to worry about this matter. I have already contacted the police and Duanmuyang has extorted.

Three million, he couldn't get out of prison in the second half of his life. "

Lin Wanxi breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at him gratefully, and said softly, "Thank you."

Li Yunjin seemed to be angry, got up and left without saying anything.

Lin Wanxi sent Chi Xiao and Tang Cheng away, and then turned to find Li Yunjin.

"what happened to you?"

Li Yunjin sneered irritably.

Lin Wanxi's heart was heavy, and her face was a little pale, "Didn't you are not angry?"

How come you change your face so quickly.

"I'm not angry with photos, but I didn't say I'm not angry with others."

Li Yunjin sneered again.

Lin Wanxi's heart "puffed and puffed". Seeing his expression, he dared not speak anymore, bowed his head and was silent.

Li Yunjin turned around and looked at her, seeing her indifferent and indifferent attitude was even more exciting.

"Lin Wanxi, don't you know what I'm mad at?"

Lin Wanxi bit her lip and said to her heart that she was so stupid, "I didn't want to hide it from you."

"I didn't want to hide it from me, but I was the last one to know? You are still quibbling."

Chi Xiao knows, Tang Cheng knows, the two guys are already angry but ran to beat Duanmuyang, but he was violent

Yun Jin, as Lin Wanxi’s boyfriend and husband-like presence, he still needs to see the photos in the mailbox.

Know about her being threatened.

He has told Lin Wanxi countless times, and he must tell him anything, and he can help her solve everything.

She is no longer the Lin Wanxi she used to be, she has someone and shoulders to rely on.

But in the end, these words became air, coming from her left ear to her right ear, and not a word was placed on her heart.

Whenever something happened, she would rather go to Chi Xiao and Tang Cheng.

Li Yunjin only wanted to be alone. He was too kind to Lin Wanxi, so he would tolerate her again and again and not put him in

The act of heart.

He will also have emotions, and there will be moments of anger.

Li Yunjin was about to walk to the study with heavy steps.

"Li Yunjin!"

Lin Wanxi didn’t want to have conflicts with Li Yunjin at this time. She was already overwhelmed, thinking that there might be something outside.

Countless people are mocking Li Yunjin, her heart is muffled and painful.

Such a good man, but because of her, has to carry rumors and gossip. Just thinking about it makes her heart dull and painful.

Li Yunjin kept the last trace of reason in an annoyed state, turned to look at her, and said angrily, "You

What else do you want to say? If you are sorry, you don't need to say, I don't accept it. "

Lin Wanxi frowned. She stared at Li Yunjin for a long time, then walked quickly over and grabbed Li Yunjin’s tie.

Print your own kiss.

Li Yunjin was not surprised this time.

This woman has failed to learn, and always does this trick with herself.

He knows that Lin Wanxi is not good at speech, and the ugly thing is that her mouth is stupid, no way, she has been in such an environment since she was a child

Growing up, how should I say, I will not be submissive, and I will not be like other women.

He didn't know that she had heard something like "Yuhushu" from Chi Xiao again, every time he knew that he had made a mistake,

Just give him a kiss.

The key is that it has been tried and tested on him.

Over time, she got used to her ills.

Li Mochen took her hand and gently pushed her away this time.

"Do you think that you can kiss me if you make any mistakes, and then take it lightly?"

Lin Wanxi was stunned, speechless.

That's right, she thought so.

This is what Chi Xiao said. All women are made of water. Be gentle. If you can’t be gentle, just dedicate yourself. Just a kiss.

Enough to make Li Yunjin fall.

But now, today the boat capsized in the gutter, this method is not working.

Lin Wanxi just wanted to run away quickly.

"I apologized to you, you didn't listen."

Then what else can she do.

"What is your natural attitude?" Li Yunjin was very uncomfortable with this tone, and he knew it was not right.

Sincerity, it was almost impossible to write the words "reluctant" on his face.

"I shouldn't be angry, am I? Have I wronged you?"

Li Yunjin raised his eyebrows, and when he questioned, they all hit Lin Wanxi's heart word by word.

It was heavy, leaving Lin Wanxi speechless.

She didn't think she was right. Li Yunjin was hiding this kind of thing, but Chi Xiao and Tang Cheng helped her out.

Everyone in the company behind the troubles knows that she did something wrong.

But she also said sorry, and sacrificed her body, what else would he do?

Lin Wanxi doesn't like the feeling of being forced too tightly by others. She is easy to fall into a kind of anxiety and never doubt herself.

It took him a while to look at Li Yunjin, as if he had made up his mind to solve this matter, and he did nothing but do nothing.

do my best.

"Then you said, how can I apologize to you so that you are satisfied? This is my fault. Whatever request you make, I will

promise. "Lin Wanxi frowned fiercely, "Do you want me to kneel three times and knock nine times?" "

Li Yunjin was so angry that he grinds his teeth.

With this attitude, is it like apologizing to yourself?

As soon as he was silent, Lin Wanxi misunderstood that he really wanted to kneel by himself, and when his busy knee was bent, he would kneel.

"What are you doing?"

Li Yunjin frowned and convinced him, "Can you not be so impulsive?"

If you say you kneel down, don't you think about the consequences?

It was spread that everyone thought that Li Yunjin was violent and abused his four-month pregnant girlfriend.

Lin Wanxi is really helpless now, is this man too weird?

I'm like this, he still doesn't buy in, and it's harder to coax than a woman!

"Li Yunjin, what do you want?" This time it was not emotional questioning, but really tired.

Li Yunjin frowned, then sent it away again.

He clasped her waist, carried the person to the bed, and carried him back.

"You have to dedicate yourself, a kiss is not enough..."


Lin Wanxi didn't know that he was thinking about that kind of animal matter, his ears were red, and he just wanted to throw Li Yunjin over his shoulder.

Turn over to the bed.

But think, forget it, what happened today is that she is sorry for Li Yunjin, just follow him.

He pulled Lin Wanxi's clothes rudely. Lin Wanxi frowned and said coldly, "You can be gentle

? If you tear my clothes again, you don't want to touch me. "

Li Yunjin hummed twice, his expression unwilling, but the movements on his hands lightened a lot.

After an affair, both of them were a little tired. Li Yunjin hugged her to take a shower. Lin Wanxi had already suffered from physical strength.

He fell asleep shallowly in his arms without holding back.

Li Yunjin lowered his head and put a goodnight kiss on her forehead.

"Good night, Mrs. Li."

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