Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1564: .He has someone in his heart

"what happened to you?"

Lin Wanxi frowned and remained silent for a long time before speaking, "I think there is someone in Li Yunjin's heart."


"If it were me, would I be this expression?"

Chi Xiao shook his head repeatedly, "It's impossible, impossible."

Chi Xiao's expression was much more determined than before.

I even couldn’t help but laugh a little, “It’s impossible, Lin Wanxi, to be honest, I’m

Yunjin's observation and understanding is that Lin Wanxi has someone else's in your heart, and Li Yunjin will not. "

She looked at Lin Wanxi and sighed faintly, "Are you too stressful during pregnancy, so honestly thinking about it."

"No." Lin Wanxi shook his head, feeling agitated, and then said lightly after a long time, "Maybe it's really my madness.

Fantastically. "

"So you came to me because you suspect that there is someone else in your family Li's heart?"

Lin Wanxi was silent.

"Lin Wanxi, in fact, this is called a lack of security, and it is not difficult to understand. After all, Li Yunjin did something to you before

After that kind of thing, you can’t trust him completely, so it’s only natural that you two get married directly.

Well, at least you have a marriage certificate in hand, so you won't be so anxious. "

"A sense of security..."

Lin Wanxi heard this word for the first time, chewed it in his mouth for a long time, and then shook his head gently.

How could the sense of security she wanted was brought by a marriage certificate.


Seeing that Lin Wanxi was in a bad mood, Chi Xiao didn't talk about Li Yunjin anymore, and after dinner, he took Chu Ci to the living room.

Playing cards.

Chu Ci looked cold, but he was handy when playing with pies.

Killing Lin Wanxi and Chi Xiao is the best one.

Chi Xiao was upset, and dropped the card, "You didn't know how to let us two girls."

After speaking, he turned and limped away.

The card game was so scattered, Lin Wanxi reluctantly gave the cards scattered on the table one by one and then asked Chu Ci.

"I heard the nurse say that my mother's mood has improved a lot in recent days. Is it because the new medicine has worked?"

Chu Ci paused, then faded, "Ms. Lin's emotional stability is only temporary, even if no new medicine is used,

There are also cases where it is very stable for half a month. I need to observe for a period of time to determine if it is a new drug

It worked. "

"Well, no matter what, thank you very much."

Last time Li Yunjin accompanied her to see Lin Jie, Lin Jie did not stare at her blankly as before, but held her

Hand, "jiligulu" said a bunch of things she didn't understand.

Lin Wanxi had some expectations in her heart. If the new medicine really worked, does the mother really have

Will remember yourself one day?

Lin Wanxi's heart couldn't help being hot.

"Don't worry too much, I will let you know if your mother has any news."

Chu Ci handed the collected playing cards to Lin Wanxi.

Lin Wanxi took it and said thank you very lightly.

Early the next morning, when Lin Wanxi woke up, the first thing was to look at her mobile phone.

I live here in Chi Xiao, and I was dragged by Chi Xiao last night and said a lot of things. I don’t know when.

He fell asleep, and forgot to report his safety to Li Yunjin, and didn't know what he was worried about.

As a result, as soon as I turned on the phone, I found it clean.

Not to mention the phone, there is not even a text message.

Lin Wanxi's brows couldn't help but frowned slightly.

"what happened?"

Chi Xiao just got up here, "I was in a daze with a mobile phone early in the morning."

"Nothing, he sent me a text message, and I was thinking about how to get back to him." Lin Wanxi panicked.

Chi Xiao smiled unconsciously, "Look at what I said, how could someone like Li Yunjin have other women in their hearts?

Man, if he really has it, how can he still have the heart to text you. "

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt as if she had said something wrong, and Lin Wanxi's vision changed.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing."

Lin Wanxi shook her head quickly, "I went back by mistake."

"You want to go? Didn't you go shopping together last night?"

"Wait until your legs are completely healed. I still have something to do. I will make an appointment next time."

No one can change Lin Wanxi’s decision. Chi Xiao can only sigh quietly, "Well, then you have time to play more

Ah, Li Yunjin wasn’t that you asked you to come over. I was alone at home and looked at Chu Ci’s night lady face every day.

painfully. "

Lin Wanxi quickly left Chi Xiao's house, and then asked the driver to drive him home.

Early in the morning, the whole villa was still in silence, and the hands and feet of the servants who got up early were also fluttering, almost inaudible.

A trace of noise.

Lin Wanxi pushed the door in, and Aunt Hui quickly stepped forward to meet her.

"Madam, are you back?"

"Did Yunjin come back last night?"

"I'm back, but I've drunk a lot and I'm unclear."

"Did he drink?"

Lin Wanxi went blind and was still drunk unconscious, no wonder he didn't call her.

"Aunt Hui frowned," Yes, when the driver drove him back, I was shocked. I have never seen Mr. drunk like that.

Son, even when you quarreled with your wife last time, you were not so drunk..."

Aunt Hui's voice gradually became quieter.

"I see. Go and prepare sober soup."

"Madam, I'm already preparing, and when my husband wakes up, I will send it up."


Lin Wanxi walked into the bedroom quickly. As expected, he smelled a strong smell of alcohol and the bathroom door opened.

Li Yunjin took off clothes from the bathroom to the bedside.

He still remembered to give himself a bath.

Lin Wanxi smiled helplessly, walked over and looked at the person on the bed.

Li Yunjin was still asleep, with profound features, shrouded in a shadow.

I have to say that even when sleeping, this man is too good-looking.

Lin Wanxi sat beside him, stretched out his hand to brush his eyebrows, and smiled gently at the corners of his mouth.

She also began to degenerate. People who never cared about the appearance of the skin before actually felt that this man could not


With a helpless smile, she drew the quilt to Li Yunjin, then got up and went outside to make a call to Lutong.


"Yunjin drank it last night and hasn't woken up yet. I guess I can't go to the company today. Look at the company's affairs.

Arrange it. "

"Yes, ma'am."

Lin Wanxi couldn't help but confessed a few more words, "I rarely ask about his company, and I don't know how much he is.

Busy, Lutong, can you please watch him for me next time so that he doesn't drink like this? "

Lu Tong gave a strange "Huh", "Did President Li ran for a drink last night?"

"Huh?" Lin Wanxi's heart sank involuntarily. "What do you mean? Isn't it the company's entertainment?"

This was said by Li Yunjin himself.

"The company didn’t socialize last night. Mr. Li also asked me to spare the afternoon and evening time for personal use.

I thought he was making arrangements with him, so..."

But what Lin Wanxi said was obvious, and he didn't know what Mr. Li did last night.

Lu Tong seemed to have realized something, and hurriedly said, "Okay, madam, don’t worry, I will persuade Mr. Li

Yes, let him drink less in the future. "

Lin Wanxi was silent for a long time, but in the end he just said faintly "thank you" and hung up the phone.

Back to the room, Lin Wanxi's eyebrows were tightened looking at Li Yunjin who was asleep.

"Who were you...with whom?"


When Li Yunjin woke up, it was almost noon.

"Woke up?"

Lin Wanxi was reading a book, and when she heard the movement, she got up and walked over, "Hurry up and wash, Aunt Hui has cooked sober soup.

Remember to drink a bowl..."

"what time is it now?"

Li Yunjin frowned, his expression a little worried.

Lin Wanxi thought he was worried about the company. He glanced at the phone and replied, "It's almost twelve."

"Damn it. I actually slept for that long?"

When he said that, he got out of bed in a hurry, went into the bathroom, and I washed it quickly.

"Are you in a hurry?"

"Well, I made an appointment with someone for lunch."

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