Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1591: .Evaporation

She walked over curiously and tilted her head to look at what Li Yunjin was holding.

When I saw the words "Divorce Agreement", my eyes suddenly widened.

She grew her mouth, and it took a long time before she stumbled, "Divorce...Divorce agreement?"

"Brother... is this my sister-in-law for you?"

She hurriedly took the divorce agreement from Li Yunjin's hand, looked at it several times from start to finish, her voice was sour.

Qiang, "How could this be..."

Didn't Lin Wanxi say that he would figure this out?

How could I divorce my brother so soon...

Could it be...

What Chi Xiao said that day was true?

"Brother, you don't really think of sister-in-law as Fan Shu's stand-in, do you?"

Li Yunjin paused, then suddenly looked up, "Where did you hear this kind of thing?"

"On that day, Chi Xiao said when she came to see her sister-in-law."

"why did not you tell me!"

Li Yunjin was a little angry. If he knew it at the time, maybe he would have time to explain it clearly, maybe he wouldn't...

Li Yunxiao was suddenly yelled by Li Yunjin, his eyes were red, and it took a long time before he became angry, "Li Yunjin, you

Why yell at me? You lied to the sister-in-law yourself, do you blame me? Who told you to use your sister-in-law as a substitute! You are so

Scumbag! "

"I didn't use her as a stand-in!"

Li Yunjin's heart was dull and painful.

Who does he love, does he not know?

The three words Lin Wanxi had long been engraved in his heart like a soldering iron, saying that he used Lin Wanxi as a substitute, and he was

What a joke!

"You didn't use her as a substitute, then what is Fan Shu?"

Li Yun smiled furiously, walked straight to the bookshelf, pulled out the CD, and slammed it on Li Yunjin's table.

"What are you doing with these things?"

Li Yunxiao exerted enough effort, and the disc inside rolled out and landed at Li Yunjin's feet slowly.

Li Yunjin looked down, but didn't pick it up.

The heart is heavy, like a hot stone, which makes people irritable.

When he was young, he did have an ambiguous throbbing with Fan Shu.

He was only seventeen years old that year, the age when a boy's love began.

Because of an extracurricular music activity, he unexpectedly strengthened the talented girl Fan Shu on campus.

What kind of girl is Fan Shu?

He can't remember the real time, even Fan Shu's looks, in the long ten years,

Turned into a very vague bubble.

He can only find the light and shadow from the dusty memory to trace her image.

She is a famous musical talent in their university. When Li Yunjin first met her, she held her guitar on campus every year.

Sing a strange English song in the world of singing.

Li Yunjin didn’t spend too much time on campus when he was a student. At that time, he was already trying to manage his home.

He ran to the company as soon as his school work was over, but at the school gate, he accidentally ran into

Come to Fan Shu.

The guitar in Fan Shu's hand fell to the ground on the spot and broke.

He accompanied Fan Shu to repair the guitar, and then got acquainted with her.

She is a very lonely girl, she never talks much, she only has music in her eyes, but Fan Shu’s younger sister, Fan Rou, is easier to talk to

Get along with people.

Li Yunjin admitted that for a seventeen-year-old boy, a girl who can sing and looks arrogant and cool is

There is a great new gravity.

That was the first time he felt different about a girl.

But until the end, he and Fan Shu didn't break through this unclear relationship.

At that time, Fan Shu was having a headache for the formation of a campus band. Li Yunjin took out a sum of money to support Fan Shu. Seen Le

The team was established with the help of his funds, and he joined Seen as expected.

Until a year later, Fan Shu committed suicide in the dormitory because of depression.

In fact, that year, Li Yunjin and Fan Shu didn’t interact too much. He didn’t participate in band activities for a long time.

Many, few.

Because of this, he didn't know that Fan Shu was suffering from severe depression until the news of Fan Shu's death came.

He blames himself a bit, but no one does not blame himself. The entire seen band blames himself for Fan Shu’s death.

After Fan Shu’s death, Li Yunjin also had no time to take care of it because he was busy graduating from school and working in the Li Group.

The seen band, quit the band.

Since then, he and this band have never had any intersection.

Later Fan Shu's sister Fan Rou went abroad and reorganized the band abroad.

He didn't know how the term surrogate came from.

He admitted that when he first saw Lin Wanxi, he did think of Fan Shu, and the sentimental sentiment in his memory touched him.

But Lin Wanxi is Lin Wanxi, he has never regarded Lin Wanxi as Fan Shu.

The woman just confirmed the so-called facts without saying a word, and even tricked him into signing the divorce agreement.


Li Yun smiled when Li Yunjin looked ugly, and was even more angry, "You have hurt Sister Wanxi many times, now you

She used her as a stand-in, Li Yunjin, why are you so hateful, how can you do such a **** thing! "

Li Yunjin tightened his breath before speaking for a long time.

"I don't have her as a stand-in, she is her. I know who I love."

"Then you go and chase Sister Wanxi back."

Li Yunjin's face paled.

Chase it back?

He doesn't even know where Lin Wanxi has gone now.

"Li Yunjin, if you don't get her back, I will never forgive you for the rest of my life, and I will never admit that you are my brother again.

Brother. "

Li Yun smiled and spoke, and walked out angrily. After two steps, she turned and walked back as if thinking of something.

He picked up the CD that fell on his feet, folded it in half, and threw it into the trash can.

"Don’t keep this disgusting thing in the future! If I’m a sister-in-law, when I think I might be a dead person

Substitute, disgustingly estimated that even last year's rice can be vomited. "

Li Yun laughed and slammed the door and left.

Li Yunjin had been sitting still for a long time and was about to get up when the mobile phone in his pocket rang.

The person who called was from a small courtyard in the suburbs who took care of Lin Jie.

"what's up?"

"Mr. Li, Mrs. Lin Jie took Lin Jie out for a walk yesterday, but she has never returned. Although Lin Jie’s condition has improved

A lot, but there is still the possibility of recurring attacks. It is necessary to take the medicine on time every day, but now we can’t contact

Madam, so..."

Li Yunjin looked tired.

Lin Wanxi was fully prepared, she quietly moved out of the villa, and let herself be unconscious

After signing the divorce agreement, Lin Jie's affairs were naturally arranged by her.

Li Yunjin squeezed his nose, and said solemnly, "You don't need to worry about Lin Jie's affairs for now, wait for further notice."

"Okay, President Li."

Hang up the phone over there.

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