Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1619: .Why lie to me?

Lin Wanxi's eyes quickly cooled.


Lan Yichen handed the phone forward again, "Don't die, the duck's mouth is hard, hurry up and call Li Yunjin."

"Why should I call him."

"Your son is in his hands." Lan Yichen looked at Lin Wanxi lazily, "If Li Yunjin gets excited, he

The child was taken back to the Li family. Do you think the Li family will let the blood of the Li family fall outside? "

Lan Yichen chuckled, "When the time comes, this will not be the business of you and Li Yunjin. The Li family will take turns.

Array, bother can annoy you. "

Lin Wanxi's face changed slightly.

She is indeed the person who is most afraid of troubles, and hates being tied down by various troublesome interpersonal relationships.

Lin Wanxi took the phone and went to the living room downstairs.

Li Yunjin's phone number is very familiar to her.

It was a string of numbers enough to make her remember for a lifetime.

She didn't even need to recall too much before pressing it down.

Lin Wanxi looked at the phone and took a deep breath.

It's okay, Lin Wanxi, you are just asking about the meaning of the words, it has nothing to do with Li Yunjin.

Lin Wanxi pressed the call button.

Soon, the call was connected.

Li Yunjin's deep and sweet voice came from inside,


Lin Wanxi's breathing tightened instantly.

The words that were ready to be spoken also froze in his throat.

"Hello there?"

Seeing no one responded, Li Yunjin asked again.

Lin Wanxi's fingers were dull.

She still couldn't calmly face Li Yunjin, no matter how nervous she looked, she could tear off the shell of disguise.

All that was left was the hot and scorching torrent.

This was brought to her by Li Yunjin.

Forget it, let Lan Yichen call later.

Lin Wanxi's eyes darkened, and she was about to hang up immediately.

But the person on the phone guessed her identity--


Suddenly being called by this name, Lin Wanxi's heart was tight again.

Almost flew out of his throat.

She was silent for a long time before she remembered what she was trying to explain, but she opened her mouth and stumbled.

"Sorry, so... so late... to bother you... I want to ask for meaning..."

"He's very..." The man's voice obviously turned a corner and became heavy. "He is not very good. It may be your afternoon.

The start was too heavy, so I had a low fever. "

"What?" Lin Wanxi's face turned pale, "I have a fever?"

"Yes, I sent him to the hospital. But the doctor said he was still young and suggested that he go back to rest and prescribe some medicine."


Lin Wanxi panicked. It hasn't been long since Yici had a fever last time, so why...

She really regretted her death. Uncle was right. How could she vent her personal grievances with Li Yunjin?

What about innocent children?

"Are you coming over?" Li Yunjin said.

Lin Wanxi let out an "um".

"Then I will drive to pick you up, what's the address?"

Lin Wanxi reported the address.

Li Yunjin estimated the time and said, "I will be there in about half an hour."

"it is good."

Half an hour later, Li Yunjin's car stopped at the gate of Lan's house.

Lan Yichen stood beside Lin Wanxi and whispered, "I can go with you."

"No, don't you have something to do tomorrow? Rest early."

Lan Yichen nodded, "Call me if you have anything to do, and I will send someone to pick you up and come back immediately."

"Well, don't worry."

What can happen?

She now hopes that the meaning can be good.

Lin Wanxi walked towards Li Yunjin as he said. Li Yunjin saw him coming and helped her open the car door.

Looking back at Lan Yichen again.

Some sour words, "He really cares about you."


"Should I go and say hello to your cousin?"

Lin Wanxi had a meal, he actually knew his relationship with Lan Yichen?

But on second thoughts, after spending so long with Yici in the morning, he must have already finished asking the question.

No matter how clever the meaning is, he is just an unsuspecting child, how can he deal with a black belly like Li Yunjin

Old fox.

Lin Wanxi looked a little embarrassed at the thought of the lie being exposed.

He gritted his teeth in silence, got into the car, and said, "I didn't come to talk to you about Lan Yichen."

She did it for meaning.

Li Yunjin started the car.

The car drove into the ring road, unimpeded all the way.

The atmosphere in the car is very low, like the tranquility and high pressure before the storm, which makes people uneasy and suffocating.

In this way, the car stopped at the door of Li Yunjin's villa.

Lin Wanxi was very familiar with this villa. She didn't even have to wait for Li Yunjin's instructions to get out of the car and walk inside.

Aunt Hui who came to open the door was shocked when seeing Lin Wanxi, her face changed.

His lips trembled, "Mrs.?"

"What about the meaning?"

"Is the wife talking about the young master?" Aunt Hui was still immersed in shock, stumbled and said, "Young master... is in the master bedroom."

"Thank you."

Lin Wanxi nodded, walking towards the master bedroom.

Aunt Hui’s eyes were about to stare out, and as soon as Li Yunjin entered the room, he hurried over and asked, "Sir,

Mrs. She... Mrs. She..."

Didn’t you say that your wife was not there anymore in a car accident?

Why did it suddenly appear again?

At night they were still guessing who Lin Yici's mother was, but they kept guessing but missed Lin Wanxi.

Aunt Hui was in a mess now.

Li Yunjin chuckled, "Aunt Hui, Wanxi and I had some misunderstandings back then. I will explain this to you later."

"Okay, sir." Aunt Hui just nodded, and then remembered that this matter seemed not to be her caregiver, so she was busy.

Said, "As long as the wife comes back, it will be fine. As for the reason, it is not that important, is it, sir?"

Li Yunjin was so patient that he smiled and gave a soft "um".

"Aunt Hui, go make some of her favorites."

"Okay." Aunt Hui was overjoyed, her mouth couldn't close.

The wife finally came back, with her husband's children, this family finally thought about something.

She remembered that his wife liked to eat lotus root cakes, so she went to make them immediately.

I have to give it to the young master.

Aunt Hui happily went to the kitchen to work.

Li Yunjin walked to the master bedroom.

Before reaching the door, I saw Lin Wanxi coming out, her complexion obviously not good.

She closed the door gently, and then angrily said: "Why are you lying to me?"

She just went in and saw that the little guy was hugging a teddy bear and sleeping sweetly, she didn’t know if it was a dream.

What? The saliva is about to run down, where is a little fever and uncomfortable.

It was obvious that this man Li Yunjin was lying to himself.

Think about it too, if Yici is really sick, how could he wait so calmly for her Lin Wanxi to take the initiative to call

If that happens, he will definitely be notified in the morning.

Lin Yici likes to grind people when he is sick, and will quarrel with her.

She was also confused, and was deceived here by the man Li Yunjin in such a few words.

"Li Yunjin, Lin Yici is also your child, how can you use this reason to lie to me? Do you have any good ideas?

Heart. "

She was worried along the way, but this man actually lied to herself? !

In other words, who is not angry.

"I did not lie to you."

Li Yunjin frowned, "I did have a low-grade fever at night."

Aunt Hui ran over when she heard the quarrel, "Madam, my husband really didn’t lie to you. The medicine given by the family doctor is still here.

Here, look. "

Aunt Hui pointed to the coffee table, and she saw a few boxes of children's medicine on it.

Lin Wanxi calmed down and said to Aunt Hui.

"Aunt Hui, go ahead, and don't call my wife. Li Yunjin and I have nothing to do now."


Aunt Hui's expression was a bit embarrassed, and she asked Li Yunjin's opinions with her eyes.

Li Yunjin nodded, "Go ahead."

"Okay, sir, too...Miss Lin."

Aunt Hui left full of thoughts.

Lin Wanxi asked, "Did the doctor say anything?"

"It's not serious, it's just that the wound was inflamed and overwhelmed, which caused fever, and the medicine applied later worked.

After the fruit, the fever subsided and there was nothing serious about it. "

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