Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1665: .Can you let me go?

Gu Qingye really froze now. He didn't know what to do at all. He only felt that the man's body was very cold.

But his body is very hot.

Like the collision between an iceberg and a volcano, her mouth was dry and her whole body was enveloped in the rising heat, evaporating, and it was difficult to breathe.

She thought that the man would release her after holding her for a while, but who knows, after a long time, she put her arm around her

The strength is not loose at all.

Gu Qingye can't stand it anymore. How can she fall asleep like this?

She couldn't help but yelled, "Lan Yichen, can you let me go?"

Lan Yichen did not answer.

"Lan Yichen?"

The answer to Gu Qingye was the steady breathing of the man.

Gu Qingye's heart sank.

No, this **** won't fall asleep, right?

She desperately tried to get out of his evil, but the man's hug was very skillful, and she wasted a lot of strength.

The results were unsuccessful.

Instead, Lan Yichen made his circle tighter.

In the darkness came the man's sleepy hoarse voice.

"Don't will happen... go to bed..."

Gu Qingye's leg immediately hit a hard object.

She is not a little girl anymore, she naturally knows what it is.

His face flushed for an instant, and he didn't dare to move again.

I could only curse Lan Yichen constantly in my heart, cursing and cursing, sleepiness struck, and Gu Qingye also fell asleep unknowingly.

The next day, the rainstorm dissipated and it was a fine day.

Gu Qingye opened her eyes in a daze, and what was greeted was a half-naked man with a hand resting on her brain

On the bag, with a hand on her waist, the thin arms and smooth muscle lines are particularly seductive.

Gu Qingye blinked in a daze.

I haven't reacted in my mind yet.

His eyes moved down subconsciously.

His snow-white thigh was hooking onto Lan Yichen's waist.

Gu Qingye:!

Taking a breath, Gu Qingye woke up completely now.

With a long leg and one hand, he shook off the hand on his body and hurriedly pulled his pajamas and jumped out of the bed.

Last night, last night...

Calm down, there is no physical discomfort, Gu Qingye breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that he really just slept, but this

This posture is indeed a little harder to explain in a word.

The movement from Gu Qingye disturbed Lan Yichen on the bed.

The man faintly opened his eyes and propped up his body.

He was obviously calmer than Gu Qingye, got out of the bed barefoot and picked up one side of his pants to wear.

Gu Qingye saw something different than usual at a glance.

His face instantly turned red, and he subconsciously turned his back to him.

Lan Yichen also found it interesting to see her like this.

The corner of his mouth smiled, "This is a man's normal reaction in the morning, just get used to it."

With a "bang--" Gu Qingye's head, something exploded.


Why should he get used to this kind of thing?

Gu Qingye's ears are burning red.

Fortunately, Lan Yichen did not continue to talk about this topic. He called Jiang Hui, and Jiang Hui soon sent a set.

Come here with a clean suit.

Lan Yichen changed and left with Jiang Hui.

When he left, Gu Qingye was completely relieved.

From last night to now, she has been tortured to death. She couldn't breathe even when she saw Lan Yichen, this man actually said he wanted to marry

Own, forget it.

How many years will she have to live less after marrying?

Gu Qingye slandered.

After finishing his home, Gu Qingye was about to bake bread for herself when she suddenly received a call.

On the phone was the voice of a strange man.

"Hello, are you Gu Qingye, Miss Gu?"

"Yes, this is Gu Qingye, may I ask you who?"

"Hello, I am the manager of the personnel department of Huanrui Company, my last name is Zhang."

Gu Qingye's heart moved.

"Hello there."

"That's it, Miss Gu, we saw the resume you submitted to us on the Internet, so we made a special call

Knowing you, you meet our company’s employment standards, if it is convenient, you can go to our company tomorrow

Continued. "

Gu Qingye was taken aback, couldn't believe it was true, " it true?"

"Miss Gu, aren't you submitting your resume to our company?"

"I don't mean that, I mean, I'm pregnant, this... you know?"

"It's okay. You can come to work first. When you are a month old, we will arrange an effortless job for you."

The next thing is to talk about the time to go to the company and the materials needed for entry.

Gu Qingye wrote them down one by one, until she hung up for a long time, she didn't respond.

Is she hired?

Such a big and good thing, has it really been encountered by myself?


Jiang Hui on the other side walked into Lan Yichen's office.

"Did you finish what you want to do?"

Lan Yichen looked away from the computer and asked Jiang Hui faintly.

Jiang Hui nodded, "It's all done, I have already greeted Mr. Yang from Huanrui, and Miss Gu will be able to join the job tomorrow."

"She is pregnant, don't make her too tired."

"Don't worry, all the positions are very relaxed."

"Well, remember to tell that Mr. Yang, if my woman has something to do with him, he will apply for it himself

Let the company go bankrupt. "

"Yes." Jiang Hui didn't understand again, "Young Master Lan, if you are really worried about Miss Gu, why don't you let her come to us?

When we go to work in the company, we can still take care of it. "

"She won't come."

Lan Yichen knew Gu Qingye too well, if he knew he helped her behind, the woman would not have come.

"Anyway, find someone to go to Huanrui and help me protect her a little bit. That woman is stupid and stupid. I'm really worried about something wrong."

Jiang Hui smiled, "In fact, Miss Gu is very smart and cute."

Lan Yichen's eyes cool, "cute?"

Jiang Hui immediately realized that he had said the wrong thing.

Then Miss Gu is Young Master Lan's woman. In front of Young Master Lan, he said that Young Master Lan's woman is cute. Isn't that looking for death?

"Young Master Lan, I have something to do, go out first."

Jiang Hui withdrew out in a cold sweat.


Early the next morning, Gu Qingye was reported by Huanrui Company.

She did media work in college, and her new job is also related to this aspect.

The colleagues are friendly and warm. Gu Qingye got used to the atmosphere in the morning.

At noon, she was going to the personnel department to get her access control card. A woman also stood up at this time, "I'll be with you."

Gu Qingye looked at her. The woman wore meticulous work clothes and a pair of well-mannered old-fashioned glasses.

It looks very serious, like a conservative nun in the Middle Ages.

What’s more embarrassing is that Gu Qingye has a bad memory. I didn’t figure out the name of this woman all morning.


Fortunately, the woman seemed to see the embarrassment of Gu Qingye at the moment and took the initiative to introduce, "My name is Guo Mei, I am with you.

New employees coming. I also happen to be going to get the access card. "

"Okay. Let's go together."

Gu Qingye smiled.

Guo Mei helped her glasses, and a dark light flashed quickly under her eyes.

She is not actually a new employee coming to work here.

Her true identity is an assistant beside Lan Yichen.

Shao Lan cares about this woman. It is said that she is afraid of what will happen to this woman working here, so she specially sent her

Go to her side to take care of her.

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