Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1678: .Certificate

Gu Qingye was startled, and then curled his lips.

Money is great. You can buy tens of millions of good luxury houses at will.

Jiang Hui seemed to read something from Gu Qingye’s expression, "poof" and laughed, "The CEO is not just buying a house casually.

Well, in fact, Shao Lan is still a very frugal person. This house is close to the hospital.

very convenient. "

Gu Qingye froze for a while, and immediately reacted, "You mean, Lan Yichen bought this house for me?"

"Yes, the president is alone. Otherwise, why do you buy so many houses?"

Gu Qingye's face turned red involuntarily.

Jiang Hui's words made her heart warm, and the more she looked at it, the more pleasing the house became.

"Considering that the baby will be born and there is a child at home, so I bought a one-story villa. If you think it’s small,

We can change to a bigger one at that time. "

Lan Yichen took off his coat and gently put it on the sofa, "Is there anything unsatisfactory?"

Gu Qingye shook his head. Although the villa is not large, it is more than enough for a family of three, not to mention,

Every part of the decoration here tells Gu Qingye the fact that "Lan Yichen is very rich".

Where is Gu Qingye dissatisfied.

"If there is anything missing, just talk to the housekeeper. I brought Uncle Yang from my old house. Just ask him if you have something."


Lan Yichen walked to the back of the wheelchair, Aunt Hang immediately stepped aside and let Lan Yichen support the wheelchair.

The male's cold and dangerous aura hits his face, and Gu Qingye's heart instantly rises.

"What are you... doing?"

"Take you to our bedroom."


"Otherwise, you plan to sleep in the guest room?"

Lan Yichen's voice suddenly became cold.

Gu Qingye blushed involuntarily.

Lan Yichen pushed Gu Qingye to the master bedroom.

The master bedroom is very spacious, and the decoration inside is very warm. There are even fresh lilies and some fluffy toys on the bedside.

Gu Qingye:...

This Lan Yichen's taste is also very unique.

Xu saw the weird look on Gu Qingye’s face, Lan Yichen coughed twice before explaining, “This is the first time I have been with a woman

Living together, so I don’t know how to arrange the room, so..."

Lan Yichen pointed to an empty spot on the wall, "Would you like to hang something somewhere?"

"No need, no need."

Gu Qingye shook his head quickly.

He was afraid that Lan Yichen would make some earthy decoration inside, ruining such a good house in vain.

"I will ask someone to buy some decorations tomorrow."

"it is good."

Lan Yichen nodded.

Lan Yichen still has to go to the company, leaving soon after staying.

"Are you coming back tonight?"

Gu Qingye asked suddenly.

Lan Yichen was holding his coat, and his face sank again when he heard this, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Gu Qingye was a little embarrassed.

But he said honestly, "Because Lu Shengyan was..."

Before he finished speaking, Lan Yichen put a palm on the armrest of Gu Qingye's wheelchair and bent down——

He suddenly approached, frightened Gu Qingye, and subconsciously shook the wheelchair back, but Lan Yichen stepped directly on it with his foot

Wheels of wheelchairs.

There is no possibility for Gu Qingye to escape.

Gu Qingye turned away her eyes with red face, "You...what are you doing?"

"Now that I have decided to be my woman, I hope that from now on, I will not mention any other male

Do you know the names of people, especially your ex-husband? I will be very opinionated. "


Gu Qingye nodded.

Fortunately, she didn't want to mention Lu Shengyan that much either.

"Tomorrow I will take you to get a marriage certificate."

"Huh?" Gu Qingye was a little uneasy, "Suddenly, do you want to wait for my legs to get better..."

"No more." Lan Yichen stretched out his hand and patted Gu Qingye's head, "Lest there be many dreams in the night. Besides, you

The belly can't wait. "

In three months, Gu Qingye's belly has faintly curved.

Gu Qingye looked down at her lower abdomen, the roots of her ears were all red.

Lan Yichen looked at Gu Qingye with interest, not knowing why, and suddenly wanted to reach out and touch her ears.

But at this moment, Jiang Hui on the side took his cell phone and walked over.

"Young Master Lan, everyone in the company is waiting."

"Got it."

Lan Yichen's eyes colded and said, "I will come back for dinner tonight."

Then he picked up his jacket and took Jiang Hui away.

After he left, Gu Qingye was in a wheelchair and walked around the entire villa several times. His heart was hot and all over his body.

His blood is about to boil.

When she married Lu Shengyan, she also had expectations and longings.

Formed a family with a man and lived steadily. Unfortunately, Lu Shengyan never regarded her as his wife.

He seldom goes home, preferring to stay in the hotel outside instead of coming back. As her wife, she can even stay for months

I couldn't see Lu Shengyan, and even Lu Shengyan's female assistant knew better than her what Lu Shengyan liked to eat.

The villa of the Lu family was not her home, it was more like a cage that trapped her.

Gu Qingye is a person with little ideals. When her mother was alive, she was very affectionate with her father.

His longing is that he can find a man he can rely on and spend his life well.

She had loved Lu Shengyan for so many years, but she did not expect that in the end another man gave her the home she wanted.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingye's heart couldn't help but feel hot.

She looked at the inside and outside of the villa several times, and the gardener took the initiative to say hello.


Gu Qingye was taken aback by this name.

Although she had a marriage, no one in the Lu family recognized her identity, and most of her servants called her Miss Gu.

Suddenly hearing such a name, Gu Qingye's surprised tongue was about to knot.

Say quickly, "No need, no need, you don't need to call me like that, you just call me Miss Gu."

"This is not compliant."

The gardener shook his head.

"There is nothing wrong with the rules, and you and Mr. Lan have not yet received a marriage certificate."

"That’s the case, and you are the first woman that Young Master Lan brought back. Calling your wife, it’s a response.

That. "

The gardener is very persistent.

Gu Qingye was helpless.

No matter if you think about it again, you will get the certificate tomorrow. It will be a matter of time before you accept this title, so I will talk about it again.


"Madam, the flower garden in Simon is empty. See what kind of flowers you like, I will help you plant them."

"I don't know much about flowers..." Gu Qingye frowned, "Or, just plant roses?"

"Okay, madam. I will plant a pink rose for you, and it will look beautiful when opened in large areas."

"Thank you so hard."

As soon as Gu Qingye finished speaking, a piece of clothing was draped over her body, "Madam, go back to the house, it’s cold outside, do you feel

The risk is not good yet. "

"it is good."

Back at the house, Gu Qingye picked up the phone on the sofa and saw Guo Mei made two calls to herself.

She was just outside looking at her new home, but she didn't hear it.

Thinking that Guo Mei was looking for something to do with herself, Gu Qingye hurriedly called back——

"Guo Mei, what's the matter?"

"Have you been discharged?" Guo Mei said, "I just went to the hospital to see you..."

Gu Qingye made a "thump" in his heart and quickly apologized, "Sorry, I was temporarily discharged from the hospital. I was in a hurry today.

There are so many things, so I forgot to inform them. Are you still in the hospital? "

"No, I have gone home."

"I'm sorry..." Gu Qingye was very embarrassed.

"It's okay." Guo Mei paused and asked, "Why are you discharged suddenly?"

"Ah, because... because they are going to take me home to recuperate. Anyway, it's the injury on my leg. It's the same wherever I am.

Kind of. "

Gu Qingye said casually, but Guo Mei on the other end of the phone was taken aback and reacted immediately.

Lan Yichen brought Gu Qingye home?

The progress of the two of them...

Countless thoughts flashed in Guo Mei's head for a moment.

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