Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1683: .Cat scratched

I saw a fluffy black cat looking up at him innocently and purely with his head up and big eyes.

Lan Yichen was born with a dislike of small animals, the blood all over his body was solidified, and the water cup in his hand also "clammed--" and fell to the ground.

Xiao Lan was so frightened that he "meowed" and jumped to the bottom of the sofa, disappearing.


Lan Yichen frowned and said angrily, "How come there is such a thing at home?"

Uncle Yang was very embarrassed, "Sir, this cat is called Xiaolan, and it is for his wife to raise."

Lan Yichen breathed heavily.

"Little Blue?"

"Yes..." Uncle Yang hurriedly said, "It was the wife who gave the name. If you don't like it, sir, I will let it be given to someone else immediately.

Adopted by others. "

Lan Yichen suppressed his irritability, "Forget it, since she wants to raise it, just raise it."

Uncle Yang was a little surprised. He grew up watching Lan Yichen, knowing that he didn’t like small animals since he was a child, and thought Xiao Lan

I can't stay there anymore, I didn't expect it to be for my wife...

Uncle Yang sighed with emotion, the young master will be considerate to women when he grows up.

The old lady will be very pleased in the Spirit of Heaven.

"Catch this little beast and show it to me."

"it is good."

Uncle Yang knelt down and called out "Little Blue" twice, and a black head came out from under the sofa.

This cat cub was very clever, he knew his name in less than a day, and he also trusted Uncle Yang.

Uncle Yang picked up Xiao Lan and sent it to Lan Yichen.

Seeing that the cat was dark and thin, with bright eyes, Lan Yichen said with disgust, "It's ugly."


Little Lan was puzzled, tilted her head, and let out a milky cry.

"You said, his wife named him Xiaolan?"

Uncle Yang smiled, "Yes."

Lan Yichen gritted his teeth, "That fool..."

"Do you want to change it?" Uncle Yang asked, "The kitten is very smart and can be taught in two or three days. However, probably his wife will be unhappy."

Lan Yichen twitched the corner of his mouth twice, and then made up his mind, "Forget it, Xiao Lan will be Xiao Lan."


Xiao Lan licked her paw and screamed for unknown reasons.

Lan Yichen's heart moved, and the ghost stretched out his hand, trying to touch Xiaolan's head.


Xiao Lan rose up in anger, stretched out her sharp claws, and gave Lan Yichen a hard blow.

A deep scratch immediately appeared on the back of Lan Yichen's white hand, and red blood rolled out.

Lan Yichen:...

He really hates cats and dogs.

"Mr. Lan..."

Lan Yichen waved helplessly, "Take it away, and contact the doctor to get a vaccine."


Lan Yichen raised his foot back to the bedroom.

Just after taking a shower, Gu Qingye was leaning on the wall towards the bed. When she saw Lan Yichen's eyes lit up, "Are you back?"

Lan Yichen frowned, walked quickly over, hugged her up, walked quickly on the bed.

"Thank you."

Gu Qingye's face was reddish.

"Let Aunt Hang help you next time."

"It's okay. When I take a shower, I don't like outsiders."

Lan Yichen nodded, "I will wash it next time when I come back."


"Am I not an outsider?"


Gu Qingye didn't know what to answer.

Gu Qingye had just finished taking a bath, and there was still a layer of water vapor all over her body, wet, and the broken hair from her forehead stuck to the sides of her cheeks.

The curled eyelashes are also fogged, and it looks like they want to be bullied.

Lan Yichen only felt that the fire in his heart could not be suppressed. He pinched Gu Qingye's chin and kissed her softly.


"Don't..." Gu Qingye faintly foreseeed what would happen next, and subconsciously refused.

"What else?" Lan Yichen's voice was hoarse, and the ends of his eyes were dyed bright red. "We are a husband and wife, this kind of thing

You want to reject me? "

"I'm pregnant."

"I will be more careful, it is your duty as a wife."

Gu Qingye frowned, her face flushed.

Lan Yichen did not continue to move, as if he was waiting for her answer.

Gu Qingye thought for a while, let go of her hand, and then took the initiative to lift Lan Yichen's neck, with a soft and tight voice.

Zhang, "Then be lighter."

"rest assured."

With her answer, Lan Yichen chuckled lightly, bullying her body and pressing on it.

His lips pressed against her, he kissed her clean and beautiful eyebrows and the bridge of her nose, and then lingered in her delicate neck.

Gu Qingye knew nothing about this kind of thing.

Although she has read many books with colors, the actual combat is still the second time. As for the first time...

She was drunk and had no idea what was going on.

She was quickly surrounded by Lan Yichen's aggressive breath, breathing quickly, and even her sanity was evaporated by the heat.

On the other hand, Lan Yichen is the exact opposite of her, a man, always knows nothing about this kind of thing, once he is born and secondly familiar.

Gu Qingye was so easily pulled into the trend called desire by this man, and even his consciousness was swallowed.

In the end, he couldn't help taking a bite on the man's shoulder.

When all the movement in the room stopped, Gu Qingye was already tired and left to breathe. Lan Yichen took to the bathroom.


Then he was taken back to the bed.

Two soft knocks came from outside the door, "Sir, the doctor is here."

"Got it."

Gu Qingye was confused, "Doctor? What doctor?"

"It's nothing, you go to bed first, I'll come in a while."

Lan Yichen got up, got dressed, and went out.

Uncle Yang waited at the door, his face a little embarrassed, "Sir, the doctor is here, waiting over there."

In fact, the doctor has come long ago, but the movement in the room is a bit big, he is really not good at calling someone at this time to disturb

Good thing for the newlyweds.

Only when there was no sound inside, did he dare to go up and call Lan Yichen.

Lan Yichen's collar is messy, and the bite marks on her body can still be vaguely seen, and her hair is wet with sweat, even

The breathing is still a bit heavy.

The doctor took the vaccine, asked him some questions about the wound, and then injected Lan Yichen into his body.

"There are five shots of the vaccine. I will give Lan Shao the injection when the time comes." The doctor said seriously, "This month Lan Shao night

It is better to go home as much as possible so as not to miss the injection time. "


The doctor retracted the syringe blankly and glanced at Lan Yichen.

"Don’t eat spicy food during the vaccination period, drink as clear water as possible, quit smoking and alcohol, work and rest regularly, and don’t boil.

Night, so as not to affect the effectiveness of the vaccine. "

"Thank you doctor."

Lan Yichen got up, ready to send the doctor out, the doctor walked to the door, then stopped again, turned around and stopped talking.

Look like.

"Anything else?"

The doctor helped his glasses and said seriously, "During the vaccination period, you should also avoid strenuous exercise and control your room."

Lan Yichen's face was stunned, and he quickly nodded with a smile, "Thank you for reminding me. Uncle Yang, find someone to send the doctor back."


The doctor left.

Lan Yichen told Uncle Yang again, "Remember to cut the claws of that little beast, don't ask him to scratch his wife."

"Don't worry, sir, someone will take it to the pet shop early tomorrow morning."


Lan Yichen nodded before returning to the room.

Gu Qingye had fallen asleep lightly, and when he heard the movement, he opened his eyes subconsciously and gave him a dazed look.

Lan Yichen went to take a shower, then opened the quilt and lay down beside her, opened the tablet, and went to see the documents to be used at the meeting tomorrow.

Gu Qingye was awakened, she opened her eyes and looked at Lan Yichen's concentrated expression, and then suddenly saw the back of Lan Yichen's hand.

The hole on the top.

His skin was very pale, and the wound was on it, almost shocking.

Gu Qingye couldn't help it if he didn't want to care.

"What's wrong with your hand? You called the doctor because you got hurt there?"

Lan Yichen looked at the tablet intently, and then answered, "It was caught by a cat."

Gu Qingye was sober.

"Little Blue?"

Lan Yichen always had a sorrow about this name, always making him feel that it was calling his name.

But he couldn't get angry for a little beast, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Yeah."

"Why did he catch you? Did you touch him?" Gu Qingye was a little flustered, "You are a little wild cat with a wild temper."

"I know, nothing serious, don't worry."

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