Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1694: .You actually got married?

A little face was pale with no trace of blood.

The dry lips were joined together.


Lan Yichen held her head, let her lean in her arms, felt the trembling of her whole body, and thought that maybe it was

The kidnapping cast a shadow on her.

Will let her have a nightmare.

She is always careless and careless, but it makes her negligent. She also needs protection


"It's okay, it's okay..."

The generous palms kept caressing Gu Qingye’s back, as if to coax a crying child, gentle and yet


Gu Qingye calmed down quietly, and then slowly woke up from his dream.

"Lan Yichen?"

"Yeah." Seeing her slightly opened her eyes with a tired look, Lan Yichen couldn't help lowering her head and kissed the corner of her mouth.

"good night."


There will be no nightmares again.

After getting up the next day, Gu Qingye was refreshed.

Lan Yichen is eating breakfast in the living room.

"Good morning."


"Don't forget to go to dinner at night."

"Is my memory that bad?" Lan Yichen raised his head and glanced at Gu Qingye with dissatisfaction.

"I'm afraid that the president of Lansing University will manage everything every day and cannot spare time."

"I can't spare time anymore, and I still have time to eat a meal with my wife."

Lan Yichen smiled lightly.

Just as Gu Qingye was about to answer, the mobile phone on the table rang.

Lan Yichen put down his chopsticks, took a look, his face changed imperceptibly.

"I'll answer the phone."

Lan Yichen got up and walked to the kitchen.

When he walked into the kitchen, he pressed the answer button.


"Achen, why did you answer the phone so late?" On the phone, a woman's gentle voice came with

A faint smile.

Lan Yichen glanced at Gu Qingye subconsciously, frowning immediately, "Don't call me like this again."

"Why, didn't you say that you like to hear me call you Ah Chen?

"What's the matter with you?" Lan Yichen's voice was cold.

"I'm going back to China. I will arrive at the Imperial Capital Airport at 6 o'clock in the evening. Why, is there time to pick me up?"

Six p.m……

"It's not very convenient for you." The woman sighed, "Lan Yichen, even if we break up, we can at least

To be a good friend, right? How can it be so difficult for you to meet a good friend at the airport? "

"I know."

Lan Yichen said coldly.

"At six o'clock in the evening, see you or leave."

Lan Yichen hung up the phone and returned to the dining table to sit down.

After drinking the porridge in the bowl in silence, he said, "There is something in the company tonight."

Gu Qingye paused, "Then you can't come to dine with me?"

The tone has become a touch of loss.

Lan Yichen looked at her, didn't know why, suddenly she couldn't bear it, and then said, "It doesn't matter, I should

Time to come back. "

"That's it."

"Yeah." Lan Yichen nodded.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Lan Yichen drove to the airport after getting off work.

"Lan Yichen!"

From a distance, I saw a long-haired woman walking over with a suitcase.

"Man Ting."

Lan Yichen nodded.

"You came so early, I also want to call you to make you later, my flight is early." Zhao Manting teased

Hair, very naturally handed the suitcase in his hand to Lan Yichen.

Lan Yichen took it.

"After get off work, there is nothing to do, so I came here early."

"Yeah." Zhao Manting took Lan Yichen's hand, "You are really getting busy."

Lan Yichen's brows tightened slightly, and then calmly took his arm from Zhao Manting's hand.

come back.

Zhao Manting's face paused slightly before she chuckled, "What's wrong?"

"Man Ting, I'm married, we'd better keep a little distance."

The relationship with Zhao Manting can be traced back many years ago. They met in high school, and boys and girls were born.

Spring's throbbing came naturally.

But after entering the university, the real problems hit two people overwhelmingly.

He and Zhao Manting are both people of the same personality. They are strong, never submissive, and have their own lofty goals and ideals.

He has his company to take care of, and Zhao Manting focuses on her paintings.

The two moved further and further, until Zhao Manting got the opportunity to go to France for intensive training and broke up.

Calculating carefully, that is also the past five or six years ago.

Lan Yichen is a person who doesn't like nostalgia very much. In his opinion, since the past has happened, there is no need

Go entangled again.

He is very satisfied with his current life. Although Gu Qingye's woman is a bit white, it gives him a sense of belonging at home.

If nothing happens, he is willing to go to the end with Gu Qingye.

Therefore, facing Zhao Manting today, he naturally wants to keep some distance.

When Zhao Manting saw the dazzling diamond ring in Lan Yichen's hand, she paused for a while and then laughed, "Are you actually married?"

Her eyes were a little unnatural, she was smiling, but her expression was extremely embarrassed, "When is the matter?

Didn't you hear that before? "

"Last month, not long."

"Well, why don't you notify me, so I can give you a gift." Zhao Manting smiled again.

"After all, we are low-key. Except for relatives and close friends, no one else has notified."

Zhao Manting who said this felt like a needle.

This close friend does not forgive her?

She felt extremely uncomfortable in her heart. Lan Yichen once belonged to him.

The young Lan Yichen’s personality is very different from that of today. In high school, he was once the bully of their high school.

Head skipping class and fighting, all make the teacher a headache.

It was also after being with her that Lan Yichen’s personality converged a lot. By the time they entered the university together, the man had already

After being mature enough, he becomes restrained and sharp.

It can be said that she was the one who made Lan Yichen what she is now. It is not her who can enjoy the results, but another one.


After realizing this, Zhao Manting couldn't help feeling hostile and dissatisfied with the woman she had never met before.

She fluffed her hair and looked at Lan Yichen with a big smile, "What kind of woman is your wife? Does it look good with me?"

Her eyes were bold and presumptuous.

Bright red lips.

Having spent so many years in that romantic country in France, with a warm and fashionable atmosphere, Zhao Manting is naturally very beautiful.

Lan Yichen did not object either, nodded and agreed, "It's because you don't look good, she, she's very old-fashioned, she doesn't care

Pulmonary, knowing everything is causing me trouble. How can it be compared to you. "

This sounds comfortable, but Zhao Manting is not happy at all.

When Lan Yichen said this, he didn't even notice the smile at the corner of his mouth.

The tenderness and pampering in those eyes are about to overflow.

It can't be ignored.

You say irritating and not irritating, you are obviously better than that woman in everything, more temperamental than her, prettier than her, smarter than her

Ming, but in Lan Yichen's eyes, you are just inferior to her.

Even, they cannot be compared together.

Because the result of the comparison is not important at all.

Lan Yichen had already identified that woman, no matter how bad it was, it was her wife.

Although Zhao Manting did not plan to be with Lan Yichen again this time when he returned to China, he has been chasing behind her with her heart.

'S man suddenly fell in love with another woman, this kind of violent gap is uncomfortable after all.

So when I heard Lan Yichen say this, he just smiled faintly, and then asked, "Where shall we eat?"

Lan Yichen lowered his head and glanced at his watch. It was close to six o'clock.

At this point, the time to go home is a bit nervous, not to mention going to dinner.

This is going to miss the date with that woman.

Zhao Manting looked at him hesitantly and smiled, "Why is there an appointment tonight?"

"It's an appointment."

Lan Yichen didn't hide it, "I have an appointment with my wife. I'm going to have dinner."

Zhao Manting smiled, "You and her can also go tomorrow night. I will stay here for a week. We know each other somehow.

After so many years, there is no time to eat a meal with me? I'll get together next time, but I don't know when it will be. "

"I'm afraid she will be jealous."

Lan Yichen frowned.

"My husband and friends are just eating. You have to eat this kind of jealousy. If you want me to say, your wife doesn't understand too much.

Something went wrong. "Zhao Manting made the decision on her own, "Let's go, go to the store we used to go to." I haven't been in many years

Come back, want to die of the smell there. "

She had said so, and Lan Yichen couldn't resist.

Two people left the airport, Lan Yichen put his luggage on the back seat.

When the car was halfway through, Lan Yichen's phone rang.

He connected without thinking.


"Lan Yichen, let me remind you that it's half past six."

Lan Yichen frowned and said in a deep voice, "Sorry, maybe I can't go back tonight."

Gu Qingye: "Is the company busy?"

"Well, I might be back late."

Gu Qingye's voice was suddenly lost.

"Then, well, I won't interrupt your work."

"Tomorrow night, I will accompany you."

"Well, you can't miss an appointment tomorrow."

"Well, sure, do you want to eat green bean paste? Go back and bring you some?"

"it is good."

Lan Yichen hung up the phone, and Yu Guang saw Zhao Manting, the co-pilot, staring at him playfully.

He couldn't help laughing, "What's the matter?"

"The way you chat with your wife is very interesting." Zhao Manting said bluntly, "People who don't know think you are

It's like talking to a kid. "

Lan Yichen lowered his head and couldn't help but laughed twice, "She is a naive ghost, and usually needs someone to coax her."

Zhao Manting’s heart became heavier and heavier, "I remember, when you were with me, it never was like this. You like being alone.

Standing girl. "

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