Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1709: .I am responsible for my child


Gu Qingye's eyes were red.

"Lan Yichen, don't take her away, you see, she is so cute, she is your daughter..."

Gu Qingye held back her tears, her lips trembled.

Holding the child's hand tightly, just unwilling to let go.

Such a small child, who just came into this world, was originally a little princess who should be held in the palm of his hand, now

But have to bear so much.

"Ye'er, what I said, she will be fine."

Lan Yichen held Gu Qingye's hand with a low voice, and his rough fingertips gently rubbed Gu Qingye's wrist.

Soothing her uneasy spreading emotions, "She will be fine, okay?"

Gu Qingye's shoulders shuddered slightly, and his head rested on Lan Yichen's shoulder.

A heart suddenly quieted down.

But the next second, she just felt empty in her hands.

Gu Qingye raised her head in amazement, Lan Yichen's slightly cold face was reflected in his eyes.

Her heart was instantly empty, her eyes were already blurred, and she grabbed his sleeve, her voice was a bit dumb:

"No! Lan Yichen, return the child to me!"

Seeing her face full of tears, Lan Yichen's face was not moved at all, he just gently took her clenched hand away.

The tone was soft: "Hey, I won't hurt her."

"She is so young, how can she save people... Lan Yichen, can you think of other ways?" Gu Qingye pinched again

Tighten his clothes.

This time, even his tone became extremely humble.

"The doctor said, only she can save Wanxi. Wanxi is my sister. I can't let her do something... Ye'er, I know

You are kind and good. "Lan Yichen spoke very softly, but the sentences in the words were very cold.

She is kind!

Gu Qingye’s eyes are red, she is kind and not kind, she doesn’t know it, but this is her child, how could she let

His child fell into the tiger's mouth.

"I beg you... don't use her to save Lin Wanxi, use me, use mine, maybe I can match..." Gu

Aoba's voice trembled, humble like a dust.

"Ye'er." Lan Yichen did not have any emotions on her face, staring at her red eyes, and then said again: "What are you doing?

Want me to say it several times? I will not let her have an accident, even if something happens, we can have it again without the child, I

Will be with you again. "


Gu Qingye felt her head roar, and the words from his mouth were like an atomic bomb hitting her.

In the heart.

"Then what is this? Ah, Lan Yichen, tell me, what does this kid mean to you? She fell from me

The flesh and blood is a living life! Do you treat her as a pet and raise another when she dies? "

Gu Qingye's eyes already had a ridiculous smile. Looking at Lan Yichen, who was calm, his eyes were full of irony.

Her voice was broken, but Lan Yichen still couldn't wake up.

Looking at his indifferent face, Gu Qingye only felt that the last glimmer of hope in his heart had disappeared.

"Good..." Lan Yichen repeated her words, reaching out and breaking her fingers one by one, holding the child and standing slowly

Get up.

Gu Qingye stretched out her hand again to grab him again, but he was so empty, Lan Yichen held the baby in such stride.

Went out.

"Lan Yichen..." She leaned against the wall desperately, watching his fading back slowly disappear, closing in exhaustion


He was holding their child in his hands, but he didn't have any pity to take his own child to save another woman.

Gu Qingye bit her lip, and her heart sent coldness to her body like winter.

She also thought about him being ruthless, but she didn't expect it to be so cold.

Tiger Poison doesn't even eat seeds, but Lan Yichen can achieve such a realm.

Thinking here, she stood up slowly, enduring the pain of the wound, her eyes a little desperate and fierce.

I don’t know if her baby sleeps comfortably in the nursery, cold or hungry...

The sky gradually sank, and night came.

There were a lot fewer people outside. Gu Qingye put on his coat and walked out of the room.

She moved quietly, skipping the crowd and found the baby room.

The carer inside fell asleep, she walked in cautiously and looked at her precious child inside.


The well-behaved baby's eyes have been slightly opened, and the stars are shining.

She didn't understand anything, and she didn't know that her father would use her blood to save others.

I don't know that her birth was not originally intended by her father.

Gu Qingye's nose was sour and she almost cried. She tremblingly stretched out her hand and gently stroked her cheek, feeling sour in her heart.

It was about to swallow all her sanity.

She gently touched her daughter's small face and opened her clothes.

A few sober needles can be faintly seen on the delicate skin.

Gu Qingye's emotions finally collapsed completely.

A thought finally appeared in her mind.

She is leaving with the child.

Even if she was sorry for Lin Wanxi, she didn't want to see this innocent child suffer again.

"Ye'er, come and eat something."

Lan Yichen scooped up a spoonful of chicken soup with a spoon and gently handed it to Gu Qingye's mouth.

Gu Qingye looked pale and tilted his head.

Lan Yichen looked calm, blew the chicken soup, and continued, "You have just given birth to a child, and you need to take care of it during the confinement period.

The body will not leave the root of disease. "

She sneered and looked up at the man in front of her, raising her hand and knocking the soup bowl in Lan Yichen's hand to the ground, the emotions in her eyes reappear

Miscellaneous, but more disappointed: "Nursing? I have been nursed, what about the child? How should she nurse?"

The bowl of chicken soup splashed Lan Yichen’s trouser legs, but he seemed unconscious, his thin lips were slightly lifted, his tone still

Appease: "Even if you are angry with me, you shouldn't make fun of your body."

The servant at the door heard the cracking sound of the soup bowl coming from inside the house, opened the door and walked in, calling out, "Mr. Lan."

Lan Yichen said quietly, "Go down and bring up a bowl of chicken soup."

The servant heard the words, replied and retired.

Gu Qingye felt extremely ridiculous about Lan Yichen's hypocrisy. When struggling, he got up from the bed, Lan Yichen stretched out his hand

Holding her back, her voice was low: "Ye'er, what are you doing?"

"What can I do? I couldn't stop you when you took the child away. What trouble do you think I can make now?

? "Her eyes are reddish, and her voice is slightly choked.

Looking at this appearance, Lan Yichen felt a pain in his heart. He stretched out his hand to clasp the person tightly in his arms, his voice was dumb, as if

I almost suppressed something vaguely: "I know you hate me, but even if you hate me again, you can't take your body

joke. "

Gu Qingye struggled in his arms, but Lan Yichen clasped her slender waist tightly and did not want to let go. In the end, she

Still limp in his arms, tears fell like that.

"I just went to see the baby, you know, she just lay there, quietly, she was not even like her

Like a child, he can cry and make trouble, Lan Yichen, I still underestimate you. I missed you. Now

But I want my children to be responsible for my actions. "

Lan Yichen hugged her tightly, wishing to clamp her into her body.

Gu Qingye leaned in his arms, sobbing constantly, tears falling fiercely, Lan Yichen's brows were full of emotions, but finally

I suppressed all emotions, let go of Gu Qingye, stretched out her hand to wipe the tears from her face, and looked at her eyes.

Crying eyes filled with distress and helplessness: "Don't cry, you can't cry now, you know?"

Gu Qingye stretched out his hand and knocked it off, his face was full of resistance: "Don't touch me."

After speaking, she lay back on the bed, then covered herself with the quilt, with her back facing him.

Lan Yichen sat there for a long time, and finally got up and left.

Walking to the door, the servant was carrying the chicken soup. Seeing that Lan Yichen came out, he was about to go in to deliver the chicken soup, but Lan Yichen said:

You don’t need to send it in time, and then send it in after two hours to clean it up. "

The servant nodded respectfully.

Immediately afterwards, he lifted his foot and left.

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