Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1747: .call the ambulance!

Gu Qingye froze for a moment, and immediately became angry, "What are you talking about? What do you mean like me."

"Be quiet." Lan Yichen hurriedly lowered her voice, "It made her sleep."

Lan Yichen called to Aunt Hang, and gently handed her the girl, "Take her back to the room."

When the girl left, Gu Qingye looked at Lan Yichen unhappy, "What did you mean just now?"

"It doesn't mean anything, it's definitely that this girl must look like you when she grows up."

"Why do you say that? Generally, daughters are more like fathers."

"Intuition, and it's good to be like you." Lan Yichen just finished speaking, the phone in his pocket rang, took it out and took a look.

Jian's eyebrows frowned involuntarily, "I'll answer the phone."

Gu Qingye sneered, "Women's phone?"

Lan Yichen didn't explain, walked to the side and called. It took about ten minutes before he came back.

Seeing Gu Qingye’s cold face, she said, “It’s Yinyin’s call. Do you know her relationship with me?

Yes, don't be jealous. "

"I don't know what your relationship is with her, how are you two? It's not your Master Lan's words.

Something? "

Lan Yichen walked over, took her arm, and lifted Gu Qingye from the sofa, "Gu Qingye, I said, I

Lan Yichen has no shortage of women. If I really have that little thought, why hide it and make it sneaky? "

"I didn't do anything sorry for you. Now that I still have a nanny, it is even more impossible to betray the family. Yinyin is looking for me

It was just because his father wanted to take the **** home and asked me what to do. Don't think too much, ask the same

Question, I don’t want to explain. "

"It’s really hard for Master Lan to waste so much tongue talking to me. If you don’t want to explain, then

Don't explain. "

Gu Qingye shook off Lan Yichen's hand coldly, turned and walked towards the bedroom.


Lan Yichen was blocked by Qi, and the familiar blood surged up again.

Obviously he couldn't help but vomit.

When Gu Qingye heard the movement behind her, she turned her head and glanced at Lan Yichen.

Seeing him pale, I remembered that he had just recovered from a serious illness and could not withstand such a stimulus, and his voice was unconsciously low.

Three points, "I know you didn't lie to me, don't be nervous."

Obviously, I wanted to comfort Lan Yichen, but Pian Pian was so strange in Lan Yichen's ears.

"Do you believe me, or you don't care at all."

Gu Qingye snorted twice, "There are thousands of interpretations in one sentence, and it is foolish to choose the one that makes me uncomfortable.

... Didn't you tell me this sentence yourself? Why now, Lan Shao had forgotten by himself. "

Every sentence of Gu Qingye's words blocked Lan Yichen's heart.

He couldn't help it anymore. He only felt that his chest hurts, his heart hurts, and his voice hurts. It was as hot as being cut open with a knife.

The surging blood made him dizzy and sat down on the sofa.

His head drooped deeply.

Gu Qingye was startled.

In the impression, she had never seen Lan Yichen look like this.

Gu Qingye felt a little uneasy, and walked over quickly, "Lan Yichen, you..."

Lan Yichen covered his chest and spit out a mouthful of blood "Wow--".

Gu Qingye stayed.

He got stuck in his throat and his eyes widened.

"Lan Yichen...?"

Did she read it right? Vomiting blood? How can you vomit blood?

Isn't he cold? How could it be so serious?

"Lan Yichen!"

Gu Qingye's voice was trembling in panic, and hurriedly grabbed the mobile phone in his pocket, "I'm calling an ambulance!"

Lan Yichen held Gu Qingye's hand and shook his head gently, "No need."

Gu Qingye was anxious, "Why don't you, you are vomiting blood, maybe you will die!"

"I'm dead, aren't you very happy?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Gu Qingye's eyes were red. "Although you made a mistake, what is that... the sin is not dead."

Moreover, the two of us haven't officially divorced yet. If you die, will I be widowed or widow? "

Yes, dare to love it for this reason.

Lan Yichen felt that he was about to vomit blood again.

"No, I'll get an ambulance."

"No need." Lan Yichen frowned, "I'm just angry with you, and the blood does not go well."

"Are you sure you don't use it?" Gu Qingye looked at the red blood on the floor, her face pale, and she was obviously frightened.

"My own body knows it by itself, and I will be fine if you are less angry."

"I..." Gu Qingye subconsciously wanted to explain to herself, but looking at Lan Yichen's pale face, she didn't dare to do this anymore.

At this time, against him, he can only nod indiscriminately.

"Go and clean this up, don't let other people see it, lest it makes a big deal."

"it is good."

Gu Qingye found a mop and dragged off the glaring blood little by little.

Then went to pour Lan Yichen a glass of water.

"You drink some water."

Lan Yichen took it and took a small sip.

Only then did his face ease.

Gu Qingye was very frightened, her voice has not stabilized until now, she is still trembling, "Uh... Uh, do you want

Yes, do you want to lie down on the bed, I will help you back to the room. "

Lan Yichen was really angry with Gu Qingye. At this moment, his emotions stabilized, and nothing happened. But seeing Gu

Aoba looked cautiously full of worry, and deliberately looked listless, so that he helped him back to the bedroom.

Maybe Gu Qingye still cares about him.

How else would you take care of him who was sick, and how could you be so frightened because of anger and vomiting of blood?

Lan Yichen was stuffed into bed by Gu Qingye.

Closed his eyes.

He is greedy for this bed.

This room, this bed, has fond memories of him and Gu Qingye, the familiar smell is almost instantaneous

After caressing his restless mood over the past few days, the nerves in his whole body also relaxed at this moment, Lan Yichen unconsciously

Fell asleep.

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