Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1761: .Are you a junior?

Han Qianyu was stunned.

She opened her eyes wide, forgetting that her lips were still pressed together, and her mind was blank.

Snort relative.

The two eyes blended together.

After about a minute, Pei Shengye stood up straight, and their lips parted.

He looked at her with a cold face and a deep tone, with a vaguely ambiguous breath, "Sergeant Han, this

This is the third time that you have assaulted me. "

Han Qianyu recovered and wanted to hit the wall with shame.

Saying it wasn't intentional, it would only provoke all kinds of accents from this man.

"So, poor Mr. Pei, you'd better stay away from me next time, lest I can't control it and take you

What's wrong. "She said irritably.

Pei Shengye narrowed his eyes slightly, "It is a good thing to have self-awareness. Right now, let's concentrate on handling the case."

Han Qianyu turned around.

She touched her face and found that it was hot as if it had been cooked in hot water.

Staring at the front, but Pei Shengye's lips are full of eyes, really going crazy.

After a while, the man behind him left.

Han Qianyu breathed a sigh of relief, and concentrated his energy to continue observing the piano teacher.

get out of class has ended.

The piano teacher went to the hall to find Pei Shengye, and reported to him about Yueyue’s piano lessons.

In this way, it looked like he was going to throw Pei Shengye down and eat it raw.

The admiring eyes make people get goose bumps.

"How is the observation? Is she suspicious?" Pei Shengye asked.

"According to my observation, this teacher is unlikely to kidnap Yueyue, because obviously she desperately wants to be your woman, you

You should feel her hot eyes too. It hurts Yueyue, but it does no good to her. "

"Not only did you observe her expression, but you also spied her psychology. Police Officer Han observed very carefully.

of. "Pei Shengye said without a smile.

"Thanks for the compliment!" Han Qianyu also responded with a false smile.

Pei Shengye stared at her lips, "Speaking of hot, police officer Han seems to be a hot woman.


Han Qianyu's fake smile froze on his face.

If you let her go once, will you die?

That night, Han Qianyu coaxed Yueyue for a long time before letting him dispel the idea of ​​sleeping with his father, and finally he didn’t have to go to Pei.

Holy Eve’s room.


Lived in the manor for a week.

Han Qianyu not only protects Yueyue every day, but also secretly investigates everyone who can enter and leave the manor.

But the most difficult thing is to deal with Pei Shengye.

That man is like a toxic substance, staying in the same space with him for more than ten minutes can be terrifying

chemical reaction.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, she put Yueyue to sleep and received a call from her mother.

Father was hospitalized with cerebral hemorrhage.

She hurriedly asked for leave from Tan Ju and asked him to send someone over to replace her for a few days.

Tan Bureau agreed, and let Jin Nasha from another branch come over.

In the game that day, Jin Nasha was only a little bit short of Korean, and she was also a very good policewoman.

Han Qianyu here is waiting for Jin Nasha to come over, and Tan Bureau over there called Pei Shengye to talk about the situation.

Just as Bian walked out of Yueyue's room and wanted to explain to him, the others came out of the study.

"I heard that your father is sick?"

"Yes, I have to go there right away, someone will come to replace me."

"Do you need me to send you a car?"

"Oh, no, my brother will pick me up soon!"

When Pei Shengye heard it, he raised his eyebrows, his tone was cold, "Brother? Is it your boyfriend?"

"This is my personal business, it's not convenient to tell you." Han Qianyu answered him with a smile on his face.

"Is it that inconvenient? Are you a junior?" Pei Shengye asked back.

"...You're just a junior!" Han Qianyu instantly exploded.

Pei Shengye closed his jaw and looked playfully, "Since you are not a junior, why are you so covert?

What about unhuman appearance? "

Who is hiding it?

She just didn't want to tell him.

Han Qianyu was irritated with a pain in his brain, "He is not my boyfriend, okay!"

"Oh, it's not your boyfriend," Pei Shengye stretched out, showing a dazed expression, "Then you should say it earlier.

Created suspense for no reason, just to arouse my curiosity. "

With a puff, Han Qianyu felt a knife hit his heart.

She laughed stiffly.

Haha, it's her fault to dare to love!

I'll take care of him lazily, Han Qianyu turned back to Yueyue's room, I will do my duty until Jin Nasha comes to replace her

The protection is good Yueyue.

Pei Shengye did not follow, but continued to return to the study.

About an hour later, Jin Nasha came.

The butler came up for instructions.

Pei Shengye asked the housekeeper to bring her up.

Outside Yueyue's room, Han Qianyu saw Jin Nasha who had come by.

She wore an exceptionally beautiful, pink-purple dress, slightly curly long hair, and even the makeup on her face was so delicate and impeccable.

Han Qianyu almost stunned.

If she didn't know that she was here to take over her job, she would think she was here on a blind date!

Although they have rarely seen each other in recent years, they still have the opportunity to meet. Most of the time, it’s because of tasks and clothes.

They are all easy to move clothes, with a cream and light-colored lipstick on the face at most, how can I get it like this?


Will it be too tiring?

What is she doing?

"Thousands of words, you can rest assured to see uncle, and leave it to me here." Jin Nasha walked up and said with a smile.

After a pair of eyes stayed on Han Qianyu's body, they turned to Pei Shengye.

Seeing him so close is even more handsome and breathtaking.

She suppressed the excitement in her heart and put a gentle smile on him, "Hello, Mr. Pei, your safety, you are completely

Don't worry, I will protect him. "

"Training Officer Jin." Pei Shengye responded coldly.

Han Qianyu looked at Jin Nasha up and down, saw the high heels on her feet, and finally couldn't help but say, "Nasha, I think

Wearing skirts is too cumbersome, especially high heels. If something goes wrong, you won’t be able to use it! "

"Then you are, it's not me." Jin Nasha replied without even thinking about it, and her tone was sharp.

"..." Han Qianyu was a little confused.

"Thousands of words, I'm here, you can go." Jin Nasha smiled, but his eyes were full of displeasure.

Seeing her attitude like this, Han Qianyu also looked awe-inspiring, "Jin Nasha, this is a mission, not a show, just in case

Something happened for your child, have you ever thought about the consequences? "

In front of Pei Shengye’s face, Jin Nasha couldn’t hold back her face, her face flushed instantly, “Han Qianyu, I will wear it.

A skirt, you don’t need to be so on-line to me. "

"If you don't change this outfit, I can only call Tan Ju and ask him to send someone else." Han Qianyu turned his face.

When I get up, I don't buy anyone's account.


Jin Nasha knows that if she insists on changing people, I am afraid that even Director Tan can only rely on her. Han Qianyu's bad temper is human.

Everybody knows.

The two were deadlocked.

Although there was no ill-talking, his complexion was tense.

Pei Shengye was on the sidelines as if it didn't matter to him to hang up high, as if he was watching a good show.

In the end, it was Jin Nasha who surrendered first, "But what if I didn't bring my pants?"

"Put mine!" Han Qianyu tilted his head and motioned for Jin Nasha to follow her into her guest room.

Two women entered the room.

Han Qianyu walked to the closet, opened it, and pulled out a gray shirt from his black duffel bag and washed it out of white.

Throw the cowboy pants to her.

Jin Nasha caught it, and looked at the gray and old clothes, and stopped getting angry.

She threw her clothes on the sofa next to her, and pointed at Han Qianyu angrily, "You did it on purpose, right? You are afraid of Bae!

My husband fell in love with me, so he embarrassed me and put me in such ugly clothes, right? "

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