Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1766: Learn from each other

What if his request is unreasonable?

Thinking of what he did to her in the car, she couldn't calm down!

"I'll call Tan Ju!" Han Qianyu took out his cell phone and dialed Tan Ju's number, but how could the old fox pick her up again?

I hit three in a row and didn't answer.

Seeing Pei Shengye’s arrogant and sinister expression, Han Qianyu was depressed, and Jin Nasha next to him smiled at him with a pretty face, "Whatever Tan Bureau says, I will do it, Mr. Pei, I will cooperate with you of."

Pei Shengye gave a light hum, staring at Han Qianyu with a certain domineering sense, "Officer Jin agreed, Officer Han, how about you?"

Han Qianyu had the urge to hit someone, but it was Jin Nasha that she wanted to hit.

It was all her work.

Where is the teammate, but the enemy!

"Han Qianyu, if you disagree, you can go, and I can complete the task alone." Jin Nasha saw Han Qianyu seem unwilling, and immediately urged her to leave.

Han Qianyu's face was sullen. If it was the past, she would definitely not even think about it, so she would walk away.

But now, as long as she thinks that Yueyue might be hurt, her heart hurts inexplicably.

After a two-minute stretch, she finally compromised, "Mr. Pei, I hope you don't abuse your private power. If it's too much, I won't listen."

Pei Shengye nodded, agreeing.

Jin Nasha gave Han Qianyu a roll of eyes, knowing she would not give up this opportunity.

"Mr. Pei, let me sleep with the young master tonight!" Jin Nasha offered to ask.

"Yueyue will sleep in my room tonight, do you want to come too?" Pei Shengye replied in a high tone.

Jin Nasha's eyes lit up with a single brush, and there was an indescribable excitement in her expression, "For Yueyue's safety, I don't mind!"

Pei Shengye asked again immediately, "Sergeant Han, how about you? Are you coming to sleep with me?"


Han Qianyu almost doubted his ears.

Does he still want them to sleep in his bed?

"Let Police Officer Jin go, I won't join in the fun." She simply refused, she was not interested in doing such a perverted thing.

"That's it, then you--" Pei Shengye pointed at Jin Nasha, and his voice dragged a bit. Just as Jin Nasha looked expectant, he vomited coldly, "Go outside and patrol!"

Jin Nasha's excited expression froze on her face, very funny.

Han Qianyu was a little surprised.

The minds of capitalists are really weird and hard to guess.

"Mr. Pei——" Jin Nasha reacted, a little confused, "Didn't you let me go to your room, did you make a mistake?"

"Do you think that any low-level creatures can enter my room?" Pei Shengye asked indifferently and ruthlessly.

Lower creatures!

Jin Nasha flushed with humiliation.

Han Qianyu turned her head away and didn't help her.

Although his words are vicious, they were all asked by Jin Nasha. She has never sympathized with stupid people!

"Mr. Pei, how can you treat me like this!" Jin Nasha couldn't accept it.

"You can go out on patrol, you can't enter the house before dawn!" Pei Shengye was extremely cold, and looked at her more lazily.

Jin Nasha squeezed her fist, looked at Han Qianyu, the resentment in her heart was all directed at her.

She turned and walked outside the door.

She secretly vowed in her heart that she must let Han Qianyu also try such a shameful shame.

When Jin Nasha was gone, Han Qianyu turned his face and said abruptly, "Mr. Pei, we are not the servants you hired for money. We are the police. Please respect us and don't go too far."

"Excessive police officer Han said twice. I'm very curious. What exactly does this so-called excessive mean?" Pei Shengye smiled narrowly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a hint of hints and wisps in the light. The ambiguous information.

Only she understood the meaning.

Sure enough, Han Qianyu's face flushed immediately.

His hint made her naturally think of what happened in the car.


She cursed secretly in her heart. She forcibly resisted the desire to punch her fist and replied fiercely: "What is it? I will tell you when I break your neck!"

When Pei Shengye heard it, his expression was even more interesting. He leaned into her ear and said leisurely, "Welcome to Police Officer Han to come and discuss again."

Discuss your sister!

After being slapped a bit, Han Qianyu finally pulled up his collar unbearably, but because he was much taller than her, the action was made as if she was nestled in his arms.

He bowed his head, she looked up.

Breathe relative.

Han Qianyu's heartbeat is like a drum, " will be beaten by me one day."

"Why is it a half-body failure?" Pei Shengye's big palm hooked her slender waist forward and pressed it to his body, "Is it upper body failure, or down..."

"Shut up!" Han Qianyu couldn't listen with shame, she twisted her body, struggling to separate the distance with her elbow.

Just as she was full of strength, Pei Shengye suddenly took her hand away.

Han Qianyu backed away, fell back, and sat on the marble floor with his **** force.

Pei Shengye put his hands behind his back, bent down and looked down at her condescendingly, "Sergeant Han, come to my room to sleep tonight!"

Domineering tone.

There is a feeling of turning over her brand.

"..." Han Qianyu's face was so hot that he forgot to stand up.

She didn't get up from the ground until he stood up straight and turned away.


This man is simply a poison for walking, and every time he comes in contact with him, even his IQ will decrease.

Come to my room to sleep tonight...

She passed the seven words he said with an evil expression in front of her eyes, and she didn't want to go upstairs in an instant, she would rather go outside to patrol!

It took ten minutes to walk downstairs before going upstairs.

Yueyue has finished her bath and just put on her pajamas.

"Xiaoyu, you are here, go to my father's room!" Yueyue took her hand and walked out.

"Yueyue——" Han Qianyu hurriedly grabbed him and squatted down, "Look, you have grown up, and you will be laughed at when you go to bed with your dad, or else, sleep in your own room tonight, OK? ."

Yueyue considered it for a moment, and nodded, "Also!"

Han Qianyu breathed a sigh of relief.

Hug Yueyue onto his own bed and leaned against the headboard to accompany him.

"Xiaoyu, you go take a bath, and then put on your fragrant pajamas and sleep with me." Yueyue lay flat and said with her round eyes.

After staying in Han Qianyu Hospital for two days, she was really uncomfortable. Hearing Yueyue's words, she quickly took a shower in the bathroom of the guest room and put on clean clothes.

"You can sleep." Han Qianyu coaxed him and dimmed the light.

"Yeah!" Yueyue got into Han Qianyu's arms and closed her eyes.

Han Qianyu stroked his little head, closed his eyes, and slowly swept over sleepiness.

Just as she was about to fall asleep, Yueyue suddenly opened her eyes, "Xiaoyu, although I can't go to my father's room to sleep, he can come over!"

"..." Han Qianyu choked, "Dad may still be working in the study, so don't bother him!"

"I'll ask him." Yueyue took out an intercom from under the pillow, "Dad, I want to sleep in my room today, can you come?"

"Dad is here!" Pei Shengye's low magnetic voice came from the intercom.

Han Qianyu really wants to die.

In particular, she would take a shower and only wear a loose vest under her pajamas.

"Yueyue, if your father comes, your little bed can't sleep the three of us, I'd better go down." She got up from the bed.

Yueyue hugged Han Qianyu's arm, "My dad won't eat you, don't be afraid of Xiaoyu."

"I, how could I be afraid of him." When Han Qianyu said, his tongue knotted.

The door opened.

With only a bath towel around his waist, Pei Shengye, who was still wet with water on his hair, pushed the door in.

Han Qianyu glanced over and saw his strong waist.

Judging from the tightness of the muscles, this guy must usually exercise regularly. The two previous hands-on exercises have lost her wind. It can be seen that he looks pampered, but he is actually very strong.

At this moment, seeing his half-naked appearance, she was embarrassed and did not dare to look directly.

"Yueyue, it's enough to have your father here. Auntie will go outside to guard you." Don't even lie down with him like this.

"Don't go Xiaoyu——" Yueyue haunted her, not letting her go.

Pei Shengye came over and stood in front of her.

Han Qianyu stared at his abdominal muscles, breathing tightly, his sharp blush became a ball, "Put my clothes on!"

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