Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1776: . Give this to her

Han Qianyu immediately said, "Of course I obey."

"Then take a good rest and don't think too much. Only when you get better can you return to the police station to work better."

Han Qianyu hung up the phone with a frustrated expression.

It seems that her last road was completely blocked by Pei Shengye.

For the next week, Han Qianyu was recovering from his injuries in the hospital. Yueyue would come to see her from time to time, and Pei Shengye

There is no shadow at all, not even a phone call.

Han Qianyu went from being uneasy at the beginning to calm, and then to mania.

The wound on her back is already healing, how long will Pei Shengye have to keep herself in prison?

How is this to heal your wounds? This is obviously to look at the prisoner.

When she was treated like this because of a policeman

Han Qianyu is really depressed.

On this day, the servant brought another meal to Han Qianyu. Han Qianyu looked at the sick meal in the bowl and found it hard to swallow.

"I want something spicy."

The servant said immediately, "Sorry, Miss Han, your injury has not been completely healed. You can't eat spicy food."

Han Qianyu silently rolled his eyes in his heart.

Then she pretended to ask her what she wanted to eat every day?

Is it funny?

Knowing to reason with them, they will definitely be moved out of Bae Shengye, and she will suffer in the end, Han Qianyu simply

Also learned to be smart, and silently bowed his head to eat.

Seeing Han Qianyu's expression, the servant dared not say anything, and retired from the ward.

The more Han Qianyu eats, the more he loses his appetite. He couldn't help but poke the rice with his chopsticks, and whispered in his mouth, "Shengye,

Wait for me, wait for my old lady, my health is better, and if you leave Wensen Villa, you pray that you will not be let me go on the road

See it, or I will see you once..."

"See me once, then?"

A cold voice suddenly fell from the top of his head.

Han Qianyu was startled and all his chopsticks fell on the table.

His eyes rounded and looked at Pei Shengye who didn't know when he would be back.

He... when did he come?

"Bei Shengye, are you silent when you walk?"

Pei Shengye sneered, "Is you stupid. As a policeman, you didn't notice anyone approaching you? Are you still a servant of the people?

Is our country going to perish? "

Han Qianyu’s nails were inserted into his palms, and he felt hot and painful. He was dissatisfied. "Mr. Pei is questioning me as a people’s policeman.

The ability? Of course, I’m not the best policeman, but I also saved your son twice.

Sir, how could you keep your youngest son in danger again and again? Mr. Pei, your father

My wife has no sense of responsibility, or are you too incompetent to protect even a child? "

Pei Shengye's eyes darkened a little bit.

The whole body seemed to be filled with a cold air, oppressing the human heart.

Han Qianyu's heart is a little frustrated, people have to bow their heads under the eaves, this Bae Shengye is angry and won't make people clean up


But Shengye Pei just concealed the strong chill and dissatisfaction under his eyes, and smiled faintly.

"Korean Thousands."

"What are you doing?"

"You are very courageous."

Han Qianyu was even more panicked by his fluttering sentence.

No matter how you look at it, these words don’t seem like Pei Shengye is complimenting her. This is basically a warning, Pei Shengye is the next step.

Say "you're looking for death", she won't find anything strange, okay?

Han Qianyu's nervous palms were sweating frantically.

Fortunately, Pei Shengye did not continue to embarrass her, but instead looked at the food that hadn't been touched before and asked, "Why,

Not appetizing? "

"You try to eat sick meals every day?"

Han Qianyu is weak.

"Your injury is still not healed. You can't eat too irritating food."

"I'm in good health, it's okay at all." Han Qianyu said, "When I caught the thief before, I was scratched by the thief.

With one cut, after treating the wound, I went to have a barbecue with my colleagues. It was not a big deal. "

Pei Shengye sat down and put a small bowl of porridge out of the heat preservation box, "This is different."

"Why is it different?"

"Because you didn't know me at that time."

Pei Shengye gently pushed the bowl in front of Han Qianyu, "Since we know each other, I won't allow this kind of thing to happen again."

Han Qianyu looked at the porridge in the bowl, only feeling that his tongue was bitter.

Pei Shengye's voice lowered by three points, "Eat, next week, you are allowed to be discharged from the hospital."

Han Qianyu's eyes lit up, "Really? You didn't lie to me, did you?"

"I never lie to people."

"But you will regret it."

It's like telling her to go before, but now she is forced to stay here... She doesn't believe in Pei Shengye.

Pei Shengye's dark eyes fixed on Han Qianyu.

Han Qianyu didn't dare to talk too much, holding the bowl, sipping the porridge mouthful.

Pei Shengye was only satisfied. He saw a toy car on the cabinet beside him, and he felt a little familiar.

"Yue'er comes here often?"

Knowing that he is strict with Yueyue, Han Qianyu immediately wanted to defend Yueyue, who knows that he got stuck in his throat in a hurry

Inside, he was choked by the hot porridge, and his face blushed.

Pei Shengye "hum", stretched out his hand and gently patted her back, but his mouth was not merciful at all, "What a big person

Now, you can be choked like this after eating, I think you are not as good as Yue'er. "

Han Qianyu coughed desperately, and it took a long time to gasp, and stared at Pei Shengye, "Yeah, Yueyue is you.

Pei Shengye's seed, how can I be an outsider comparable to him. "

"You know yourself."

Pei Shengye curled his lips and smiled.

"Don't embarrass Yueyue. He doesn't come here every day. He is still young and there is no one to accompany him. You have to care more.

Care about him. "

"I gave him the best food and drink costs. In the whole city, I can't find a more comfortable child than him.

Isn't this caring? "

Han Qianyu almost vomited blood, "Mr. Pei, President Pei, it’s not a concern at all? You don’t even know.

What does Dao Yueyue want. "

Pei Shengye rarely spoke.

Han Qianyu held up the water glass and pressed his gas lightly before continuing, "Excuse me for talking too much, Yueyue's mother..."

Pei Shengye's face instantly turned dark.

"Since you think you are talking too much, don't ask, just shut up."

After finishing speaking, "Huh-" stood up and went out from the ward.

Han Qianyu looked at the back of him leaving, only then was he surprised that he seemed to have touched Pei Shengye's taboo.

Rich family, there are too many such things.


Bae Shengye wasn't actually angry at Han Qianyu.

At that time, Yue Yue, who was still a baby, was sent to him, and he was indeed surprised by the DNA test results.

He spent a lot of time looking for the woman, but he didn’t find anything. The woman seemed to have evaporated.

The same, never appeared again.

Pei Shengye was tricked by others that night, so he spent a ridiculous night with a woman.

This thing always looked like a fishbone, stuck in his heart.

He has been busy with work these years, the business of the Pei Group is getting bigger and bigger, and he is born with no affection.

What kind of need a man, multiple sons, don’t ask him to bother to find an heir, for him, it’s not considered

Is a bad thing.

He is not short of money. If that woman shows up and asks him what to ask for, he will do his best for the face of Yueer

To meet her requirements.

It's been five years.

Yue'er has grown from that fat baby to a eloquent little boy. The woman still didn't appear.

Pei Shengye thought about it, only to realize that maybe there is only one possibility——

That woman was assassinated as she was.

Reluctantly became pregnant, reluctantly gave birth to a child who was completely strange to her, so

Only after the child is weaned, I will be too busy to throw him here.

Pei Shengye wanted to find her even more.

In any case, this matter also has half of his responsibility, and he does not want to evade his obligations.

"Sao Pei, are you going back to Wensen Villa? Miss Ouyang has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Well, go back."

Pei Shengye walked out of the gate of the hospital, faced the assistant's gaze, and got into the car.

Seeing a bag on the side, he suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

The car the driver had just started suddenly stopped again.

Pei Shengye handed the contents together with the bag to the assistant, "Give this to Han Qianyu."

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