Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1792: .Like a wolf

She raised her hand and glanced at her watch again.

Try to solve it within three minutes.

Immediately afterwards, she clenched the iron rod and rushed over again.

Three minutes later, she looked at the people who were lying on the ground and could no longer get up, and then quickly moved towards the tied Yue

Yue walked over, stretched out his hand to unlock his body, picked him up from the chair, and then asked with concern: "How

Is there any injury? "

The little guy shook his head and responded softly: "No, I'm fine, Aunt Xiaoyu, how are you?"

Han Qianyu smiled in relief, and then said: "Auntie is fine, all right, let's go."

She bent down slightly and was about to leave with the little guy, but suddenly she heard the little guy's eyes widening, exclaiming

A cry: "Auntie, be careful behind her."

Suddenly a sharp pain hit her waist, she didn't even have time to observe the injury, and she swung an iron rod behind her.

A scream struck, and the person who attacked her fell to the ground, blood in his head.

And Yueyue looked at the dagger stuck in Han Qianyu’s waist, her eyes were full of tears, and her voice was trembling.

: "Aunt Xiaoyu, you are hurt."

Han Qianyu gritted his teeth and endured the pain, and pulled out the dagger from the waist, and suddenly a pool of blood appeared, which hurt her.

It turns black.

But now, unable to tolerate her softening, she hugged Yueyue and walked on the way with the pain.

When she hugged Yueyue and rushed to the back mountain smoothly, she heard a noise coming from behind.


She has a waist injury now, so she can’t be sure that she can escape smoothly with Yueyue, but she has learned from the past.

I was very afraid, very afraid that after Yueyue left her sight again, she would be caught by others.

Therefore, she looked at the slightly steep mountain wall and said to Yueyue in her arms: "Yueyue, hold your aunt tightly.

Aunt will take you down. "

The little guy is not brave right now, he obediently put his arms around Han Qianyu’s neck, and then resisted his tears and said, "Is that right?

Aunt Qi, I was the one who was dragging you down. "

However, Han Qianyu lovingly said to Yueyue: "What stupid things you say, it is because the aunt is not good and did not protect you."

The little guy hugged Han Qianyu, buried his face in her warm embrace, and said softly, "Auntie, thank you."

Han Qianyu is not good to continue talking to Yueyue at this moment, just stick a dagger into the mountain wall, and then climb down the mountain.

But because of the weight of a child and her injury now, as long as she moves, the wound on her waist is

The blood will continue to shed blood, but Han Qianyu did not notice this.

When she was halfway through the climb, the people on the mountain immediately pointed to them who were climbing halfway up the mountain and said: "The man has been found.

right here! "

Suddenly, those people began to put down the rope, and they were about to catch up.

Han Qianyu’s heart almost touched his throat, and the sweat on his face continued to drip down, hitting Yue in his arms.

Yue body.

The little guy didn't speak either, but obediently shrank in Han Qianyu's arms and hugged her neck to prevent himself from falling.

She almost exhausted her fastest speed and climbed down smoothly, because when she came, she was trying to avoid the people below

Is chasing, so I swim up from the river, but the child Yueyue is still young after all, and the cold sweat even

She couldn't stand it herself, let alone being a child.

But there were chasing soldiers behind, and there were so many people. Once she was overtaken, it was almost impossible for her to escape with Yueyue.

She looked around anxiously, but saw a bamboo raft hidden in the grass.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up and she immediately put down Yueyue, then dragged the bamboo raft into the water, and then put Yueyue down.

And said to him: "Listen well Yueyue, auntie can't walk with you on the next road, but

You have to escape properly, you know? "

Staying here with her, there is only one dead end. Putting him on a bamboo raft, but there is still a ray of life, she would rather leave this

The first line of life is left to Yueyue.

After all, she promised Pei Shengye that she would definitely rescue Yueyue.

But Yueyue cried frantically, and all the clever and sensible things in the usual days disappeared at this moment: "I don't want it, ah

aunt! I don't want to go by myself! "

"Pei Chenyue, you silence me! Now is not the time to be willful, you must leave for me!" This is also the first time,

Han Qianyu said harshly to her and spoke so severely.

But Yueyue still shook her head frantically: "I don't want it, Aunt Xiaoyu, come up!"

He stepped on his short legs and was about to get off the bamboo raft.

However, Han Qianyu pushed the bamboo raft far away. Yueyue couldn’t get off the bamboo raft. She followed the current slowly.

Floating towards the center of the river.

He suddenly cried: "Aunt Xiaoyu! Aunt Xiaoyu!"

However, Han Qianyu squeezed the dagger in his hand, and a small smile was outlined at the corner of his lips: "Yueyue, you must be flat.

Ann. "

The chasing soldiers arrived as promised, she turned around and stared at the chasing soldiers in front of her, with a sense of solemnity in her eyes.

When Pei Shengye brought his bodyguards and the policemen led by Team Zhao down the river, his eyebrows were always frowned, and he was

Jin Nasha, who was **** by the bodyguard, said in a deep voice, "Are you sure you are going this way?"

Jin Nasha nodded: "Yes, this road is the only way to go in from behind, and the guards are the least, Han Qian

Yu Yu will definitely choose this way to go in. "

And Pei Shengye’s cold eyes fell directly on Jin Nasha’s face, and the look in her eyes seemed to poke her full of holes: "You

It's better not to lie to me, otherwise..."

The Zhao team on the side stepped forward and said to Pei Shengye: "Mr. Pei, I know you are impatient, but now, you are not

It's time to talk about these. "

After all, we must first think about how to get through this river.

Jin Nasha spoke again: "There is a bamboo raft in the grass next to it, which was left by the fishermen when they came to fish."

Others followed Jin Nasha's words to find in the grass, and they saw a bamboo raft hiding in the grass.

When everyone just put the bamboo raft in the water, suddenly someone pointed at the upper reaches of the river and shouted: "There seems to be a bamboo over there.

The raft floated over. "

Suddenly, everyone glanced over and saw a bamboo raft floating over.

But Pei Shengye saw at a glance that Haoyue, who was missing, was sitting on the bamboo raft.

Suddenly someone came to pick him up.

When Yueyue was rescued ashore, he immediately threw himself into Pei Shengye’s arms and cried and said, “Dad, go and save the little girl.

Aunt Yu, she was badly injured and shed a lot of blood, but she still wants to stay, Dad, go! "

When Pei Shengye heard these words, his eyes suddenly sank, looking at Yueyue in his arms, and asked in a deep voice: "You said she

injured? "

Yueyue nodded: "Yes, I was injured and shed a lot of blood."

He had never seen so much blood before, so much as if he wanted to bleed the whole body clean.

Han Qianyu, haven't you promised me that you will come back with Yueyue intact?

you liar!

He directly handed Yueyue to the bodyguard behind him, and said coldly: "Take him back first and take him to the hospital for examination."

After that, he got on the bamboo raft and left with the oars.

After hearing this, the Zhao team on the side immediately got on the bamboo raft.

The group was divided into two groups, one group took Yueyue back, and the other group followed Pei Shengye and the people headed by Team Zhao towards

The factory ahead passes by.

And here, Han Qianyu almost couldn't support his body after a fierce battle, half kneeling on the ground, panting.

With roughness.

But there were still many people around, so many that made her almost desperate.

And behind those who surrounded her, stood a tall man with a handsome face, flashing

With a strange light, a funny smile was outlined at the corner of his lips.

Then faintly asked the subordinate standing by: "What do you think of her like?"

The subordinate's eyes are stained with blood all over his body, but his eyes are still bright and even Han Qianyu who refuses to give up

Came up and said: "Like a wolf."

The handsome-looking man shook his head and said, “No, it’s more like a beast, not just a wolf.

She is just a girl, why do you think she has such a look in her eyes? "

The subordinate shook his head and didn't understand.

The man also smiled, and then said, "So, I want to find out."

"Tell them, if you catch live, move fast. This place should have been exposed."

After speaking, he turned and left.

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