Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1808: .Why are you here? !

Just when Han Qianyu was about to hang up, the questioning voice of Han Mu suddenly came: "Tell me honestly, you are

Not with that Mr. Bae? "

Han Qianyu was stunned for an instant. Many times, she always thought her mother seemed to be able to hide everything from her.

She, but occasionally, she seems extremely smart.

She only hesitated for a while, then immediately retorted: "Mom, what are you talking about? Why did you want to go to him?

Okay, okay, my friend called me, I really won’t tell you more. "

After speaking, she immediately hung up the phone and squeezed the phone tightly. The whole person was a little relieved.

And Pei Shengye, who was sitting opposite, saw that Han Qianyu was relieved and raised his eyebrows and asked: "You haven't

Tell your mother, are you with me? "

Han Qianyu was not too surprised when Pei Shengye guessed what she just pretended to explain to her mother.

Just said: "Mr. Pei, if it wasn't for you, you brought me here today, I don't have to think about it.

Ways to deceive my mother, so don't think you are innocent. "

Pei Shengye curled his lips and smiled, "Really? So you're doing ties?"

Han Qianyu almost laughed out of anger: "It's not a joint, but just explaining the facts. I also hope that Mr. Han, yourself, can

Deeply realize that I will be here today and make this call only because Mr. Pei is yours

the reason. "

For Han Qianyu’s accusation, Pei Shengye only spoke in a calm mood: "I want to know why your mother

Have such a big opinion on me? Is it because you think I have a certain weight in your mind? Afraid i will take you

Abducted? "

I have seen narcissism, I have never seen such a shameless person.

Han Qianyu almost rolled his eyes to the sky to show respect: "I said Mr. Pei, please don't be so narcissistic."

"Really? Isn’t that the case? In that case, why don’t I call your mother and greet her

People. "While speaking, Pei Shengye took out his mobile phone and was about to dial the number.

Han Qianyu immediately stretched out his hand to stop him, but Pei Shengye’s hand holding the phone suddenly raised, Han Qianyu

Going to reach his cell phone.

While struggling, Han Qianyu threw himself into Pei Shengye's arms, and the two of them instantly got closer.

Han Qianyu's pupils tightened and looked at the sudden enlargement of the handsome face in front of him. For a while, he even forgot the reaction.

Staring at him like that.

Pei Shengye's eyes were smiling, and he slowly moved to her lips, but when the two of them were still close to each other.

When, Han Qianyu suddenly seemed to react, he stood up immediately, and then quickly moved back, his face flushed.

" are not allowed to fight!" She stammered, even speaking unfavorably.

Pei Shengye looked at Han Qianyu at a loss, with a reddish face, but she felt that her small appearance was very strange.

Love, in the past, Han Qianyu always rushed forward in everything, looking like a brave model who is not afraid of anything.

Well, let alone being shy like this.

When I saw it today, I felt extremely cute.

"Okay, I won't fight, but you have to tell me first, why is your mother so resistant to you appearing in front of me?"

One point, he was aware of it when he first saw Han Mu, but he had never paid attention to it before.

To this day, after watching Han Qianyu make a call, and seeing his eyes slightly dodging, he is sure that Han Mu is true

Do not like myself.

But he had never been in contact with Han Mu before, and even if the other party hated him, there must be a reason.

For this, not only Bae Shengye felt strange, but even Han Qianyu himself felt strange, so she frowned directly

Response: "Mr. Pei, I'm sorry I really can't answer your question."

To Han Qianyu's refusal to answer, Pei Shengye narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "So you are real

Want me to call and ask why? "

"Mr. Pei, even if you really made the call today, I don't think my mother will tell you why."

Because if her mother wouldn't even speak to her, then how could she tell the reason for Pei Shengye.

Seeing Han Qianyu's certainty, Pei Shengye finally skipped this topic.

"Mr. Pei, instead of talking about these insignificant issues, let's talk about it. You come to me.

Because of something. "Just now she was in Yueyue's room, and the servant called her out specially, saying that something happened to Pei Shengye

Find her.

Hearing this, Pei Shengye seemed to remember this, but asked: "I heard that you recently got a new job?"

Han Qianyu thought it was something important, but she didn't seem to have told him about finding a new job, right?

How did he know?

Looking suspiciously at him, she curled her eyebrows and asked, "How did you know?"

Pei Shengye just said quietly: "Here, is there anything I don't know?"

Although this is very arrogant, Han Qianyu is also very clear that he is indeed qualified to say such a thing.

Therefore, she did not deny: "Yes, I found a new job."

After that, Pei Shengye didn't say much.

It was raining outside all the time, because it was late, Han Qianyu didn’t plan to sit on the sofa all the time, so she stood up

Come, directly say to Pei Shengye: "If Mr. Pei has nothing else to do, I will go to Yueyue first."

"Yueyue should be asleep by now, Miss Han still don't bother you, your room is in my room

Next door, if Miss Han doesn’t know where my room is, I can take you directly. "Behind, Bae

There was a sound of laughter but not laughter on Holy Night.

From the moment he brought himself back to Wensen Villa, Han Qianyu vaguely felt that something was wrong with Bae Shengye, and now, even more

His own room is arranged next to him, what is his mind?

But now, she can't refuse him and say she doesn't plan to go to the room?

Therefore, she immediately refused: "No, I know."

She had stayed in the Winson Villa for a long time.

Immediately afterwards, she quickly went upstairs and opened the door of the room. Han Qianyu quickly closed the door after entering.

He was relieved after being locked up.

She came out after taking a shower, was wiping her dripping hair with a dry towel, and she saw standing in her room at a glance

Uninvited guests in the room.

Suddenly screamed.

Pei Shengye frowned and stared at her closely, and stopped in a deep voice: "Shut up! It's noisy!"

"You, you... why are you here?" When she clearly came in, she locked the door!

Pei Shengye walked towards her step by step, and she kept backing up until it was unavoidable, leaning against the wall, while Pei Shengye stretched out

Hands, trapped her between her chest and the wall, staring at her with a slightly panicked look, word by word

Said: "This is my room, Miss Han, why do you think I am here?"

what? When did she go to the wrong room?

No wonder she vaguely felt something was wrong when she came in.

Seeing Han Qianyu's whole person is a bit sluggish, Pei Shengye felt that this woman seems to be

The brain is not very good.

In the end, she immediately got out of his arm and stuttered: "No... sorry."

After that, she gritted her teeth secretly, wishing to slap herself, she was really stupid, she went to the wrong room, this kind of mentally retarded

She can also do things well, Han Qianyu, you really are getting better and better.

Seeing her panicking to the door of the room, Pei Shengye behind her reminded her kindly: "Don't forget your things."

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