Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1833: .I really value yourself

Han Qianyu had no choice but to compromise, and had a meal on pins and needles.

During the period, she secretly looked at her mobile phone several times. Fortunately, Pei Shengye didn't call her to urge her, otherwise she would really be crazy.

With this delay, Han Qianyu actually spent more than an hour before going out. People with the identity of Pei Shengye have always only

Others are waiting for him, maybe he can't wait for himself, and left earlier.

Thinking of this, Han Qianyu was slightly relieved.

After eating, Han Qianyu quickly took Yan Hui away.

But when she saw Pei Shengye’s car parked firmly at its original position on the roadside, Han Qianyu barely glanced at it.

Black, almost fainted.

Why is this ghost still worrying about it!

Does he have nothing else to do? ! So free!

When Han Qianyu walked to the side of the car, his feet were soft.

Pei Shengye put down the car window, with a sneer on his lips: "The luggage, Officer Han, is really easy to pack.

Well, if the time is longer, I doubt whether Officer Han is going to move his home to Winson Villa. "

Han Qianyu scratched his hair embarrassedly, "I just spent some time looking for something..."

But Yan Hui came over at this time and smiled silly: "Sister, your mother's meal is so delicious, let me down

Can I still come to eat this time? "

Han Qianyu: "..." Child, no one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak? !

Pei Shengye's expression became even more permeating.

The dark and deep pupils are unforgettable at a glance, Han Jinjin, like a sharp arrow, poked Han Qianyu’s heart

In the nest.

"It's delicious, eat more next time. If you eat too much, it will stop your mouth."

Pei Shengye sneered.

Yan Hui frowned bitterly. What did he say wrong?

Fortunately, Pei Shengye didn't make a fuss and let these two people get in the car.

Pei Shengye didn’t look for a driver today. He drove by himself and was speechless all the way. In the small carriage, the atmosphere was depressing.

It's hard to breathe.

It's really embarrassing.

Yan Hui is a lively person, can't stand the silence, and whispered to Han Qianyu, "Where are we going?"

"Go to Wensen Manor, Mr. Pei's house, Yueyue will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. We are going to take care of it today."

Han Qianyu felt a chill in his heart when he thought of the shoes that were soaked with lubricant.

Yan Hui exclaimed: "The manor? Isn't that huge?"

"It's quite big. I was lost last time. There is an animal garden in Pei Shengye's manor."

Yan Hui's eyes widened: "I don't know when I can afford a manor."

Han Qianyu chatted and forgot that there were people sitting in front of him. He burst out with a laugh, and gave this little one unceremoniously.

Caiji poured cold water: "With our wages, you can't afford it for ten lifetimes. You just died in the line of duty. Say no to the compensation.

Must only buy one toilet in Pei Shengye. "

"Huh?" Yan Hui was shocked.

"Why, regret being a policeman?"

Yan Hui curled his lips: "No, how can a police care about money? Our glory is more meaningful than money glory.

Where do their businessmen know this? "

"That's natural." Speaking of this, Han Qianyu is also full of pride.

As everyone knows, Pei Shengye, who is watching the car in front, listens to these two people whose one-month salary is not as good as the maintenance cost of his car.

It was useless to degrade him, and the black face was about to drip out of ink.

Was it when he was dead?

"You can speak louder to others behind your back."

Pei Shengye smiled coldly.

Han Qianyu straightened his body suddenly.

Yan Hui has become accustomed to Mr. Pei’s temper. He immediately lowered his voice and bit his ears with Han Qianyu.

Holy Eve can be seen clearly in the rearview mirror.

"You stay away from her!"

The sudden rage made Yan Hui startled, and quickly sat down properly, while Han Qianyu was also confused.

What did Pei Shengye just mean?

What do you mean... Stay away from her.

How is she and Yan Hui, shouldn't it have anything to do with Pei Shengye?

It stands to reason that when it comes to the relationship between closeness and sparseness, Yan Hui, a fellow junior, came closer. Why is he angry here?

Han Qianyu complained in his heart, but he didn't dare to make this big man angry on the face of it, and Yan Hui was even more frightened for fear that he would try

Pei Shengye's scolding, sat on the side honestly. From time to time, his eyes glanced at Pei Shengye and Han Qianyu's body.

The depressive atmosphere in the car remained for nearly forty minutes, until the car drove into Wensen Villa, Pei Shengye stopped the car and pushed

Driving the door, walking with two straight long legs, leaving without looking back.

Yan Hui was like being stuck in his neck and let go of his hand. He panted and said, "Damn, it's terrifying. This

Mr. Pei is really too difficult to serve. "

Han Qianyu agreed very much, and kept nodding: "I have reminded you already."

"Scared me to death." Yan Hui has a rare frustration on his face that has always been fighting spirit.

"Why, afraid?" Han Qianyu smiled: "If you are afraid, I will transfer you away. Pei Shengye is this extreme

The dead pervert, leave early and get free. "

Yan Hui frowned, thought about it for a moment, and then shook his head: "No, I want to stay, I can't let the senior sister

You were bullied alone. "

Han Qianyu waved his hand helplessly: "I'm used to it anyway."

Two people stood at the gate and talked in full swing. Before, there was only one person in Han Qianyu.

I swallowed it in my stomach, and now I finally have one more Yan Hui who can spit with her, it is inevitable that I will be a little proud

Shape up.

Han Qianyu and Yan Hui were talking and laughing. At this time, a servant came to the house and said, "Officer Han, Mr. Pei asked you

Have you finished talking with Officer Yan? Go to see him after the chat. "

"Oh, let's go now."

The servant gave Yan Hui a weird look and said, "Sir, please go up alone."

Han Qianyu paused, then nodded, "Well, Yan Hui, you go to rest first, I'll see you later."

Yan Hui was full of worry, "Senior sister, be careful, well, if Mr. Pei bullies you, call me

Name, I must be the first to rush to save you. "

Han Qianyu laughed blankly.

Pei Shengye shouldn’t be so boring, and step back ten thousand steps, even if he really wants to treat himself, I’m afraid

Yan Hui couldn't stop it either, this silly boy would only rush to Pei Shengye to give someone away.

The servant took Yan Hui to rest first, while Han Qianyu followed another servant to the second floor, Pei Shengye's study.

As soon as I entered, I saw that Pei Shengye was talking on the phone with a low voice, a husky, magnetic male voice.

It sounds nice outside.

Han Qianyu did not dare to disturb Pei Shengye, and sat down quietly on the sofa, but when Pei Shengye hung up his phone, he went again

After finishing the bookshelves, it was not until half an hour later that Han Qianyu, who was hanging on the side, could not bear it: "If Mr. Pei didn’t

Whenever I want to talk to me, I will leave first, or I will come back when Mr. Pei is finished. "

Pei Shengye stuffed the last book in his hand into the shelf, turned his head to stare at Han Qianyu, and sneered.

Han Qianyu's palms were sweaty, and his head dropped involuntarily.

Pei Shengye’s voice was cold, "Why, I waited outside for dinner with you and that kid for 97 minutes, Han Jing

The officer has only passed thirty-two minutes, so he's impatient? "

Han Qianyu widened his eyes, opened his mouth, and said dryly: "Shengye, are you taking revenge on me?"

"You are too high on yourself, wasting time on you, do you know how much I lost?" Pei Shengye turned

Body, leaning lazily on the corner of the table.

Han Qianyu's heart was dull and painful, and he clenched his palms tightly, "Since the loss is great, please ask Mr. Pei

Don't find me, lest some people have to push the loss on me. "

After speaking, Han Qianyu turned around and left.


Pei Shengye suddenly stopped Han Qianyu.

"Is there anything else Mr. Pei?"

"A new person has arrived in the villa. I have something to clarify. I also ask Police Officer Han to go back and tell your good junior."

Han Qianyu nodded: "Mr. Pei, please speak."

"The second floor is my private space. I don’t like to see insignificant people appearing here.

West, please don't touch it indiscriminately. If one breaks, I am afraid that policemen like you will not be able to compensate for it in your lifetime. "

Han Qianyu's ears suddenly became red.

Since Pei Shengye can say such things, it means that Pei Shengye has heard what she and Yan Hui said in the car.

Han Qianyu was extremely embarrassed, his eyes drifted, and embarrassed: "I understand. Does Mr. Pei have any other orders?"

Pei Shengye said indifferently: "No."

"Then I will go out first." Han Qianyu left without any hesitation.

Pei Shengye frowned involuntarily looking at the woman's running back.

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