Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1835: . Blush and Heartbeat

"Senior Sister!" Yan Hui was going to chase him with a blank face.

Pei Shengye turned his head directly, with a dangerous gaze quietly fixed on Yan Hui's face.

"Leave far away."

Han Qianyu was dragged to the second floor by Pei Shengye.

"Bei Shengye, what's your nerve?"

Now, Han Qianyu was really angry.

"If you continue like this, I can only apply for transfer from here."

Bae Shengye let go of Han Qianyu.

Han Qianyu immediately jumped away from the distance, rubbing the wrist that was grabbed by Pei Shengye, and put on a guard posture.

Pei Shengye was tortured crazy by tonight's inexplicable emotions. He stared at Han Qianyu and said: "You stay to protect me tonight."

"Am I right here to protect you?"

"I mean, you protect me personally."


Han Qianyu blinked: "Mr. Pei, I don't think you are in danger."

"What's the basis?"


Bae Shengye directly interrupted Han Qianyu's words: "Without a basis, you can't rule out that someone will hurt me? If I

Injured, it is also Police Officer Han that ruined your reputation. "

Why is this ruining her reputation? It's obviously killing her, right?

Pei Shengye obviously had nothing to do.

Han Qianyu breathed heavily, gritted his teeth angrily, but had to bow his head to discuss with him, "Mr. Pei, my body tonight

Some are uncomfortable, so can I change my junior? "

Pei Shengye's eyes turned red, "You know that I don't want to see him and ask him to come up. Did you deliberately oppose me? Or

Said, Police Officer Han was too incompetent, so he found a reason to be uncomfortable to prevaricate me? "

Han Qianyu’s chest was blocked, she stared at Pei Shengye’s faint pupils for a long time, and finally took a breath and said in compromise: "I

Understand, I will do as you said, Mr. Pei. "

Pei Shengye nodded; as if to let Han Qianyu go, he lifted his foot into the bedroom.

Han Qianyu lowered his head and covered his stomach, frowning.

Rao is a desperate Saburo, but she is still a woman, and she can't escape her menstrual period.

Ever since she jumped into the cold water to save Yueyue, her stomach hurts badly every time after her menstrual period.

In severe cases, you can't even get out of the bed.

It can only be relieved by drugs.

She went out in a hurry tonight, and she hadn't brought any medicine yet, but Pei Shengye had to come to toss her.

Did she dug his Pei Shengye's ancestral grave in her last life?

Han Qianyu cursed Pei Shengye in his heart and went into the bedroom reluctantly.

Pei Shengye's bedroom is very large, in addition to the bed, there is a sofa and a desk.

Han Qianyu picked a corner of the sofa and said to Pei Shengye, "I will protect Mr. Pei here tonight. Please Pei first

Rest at ease. "

Pei Shengye nodded, opened the quilt, went to bed, raised his hand, and turned off the bedroom light.

The whole room plunged into darkness.

A minute or two later, Han Qianyu could barely see everything around him with the moonlight coming through the window.

She sat down on the sofa and stared at the shadow of Pei Shengye on the bed.

The surroundings are too quiet, there are only the breathing of her and Pei Shengye in the room, maybe the silence is too difficult,

Han Qianyu felt that the pain in his abdomen could not help but intensify a bit.

She took out the phone and clicked on the mailbox.

Two hours ago, Team Zhao sent a piece of information to her mailbox.

This information is a list of all the tasks she performed during the police school period.

Han Qianyu's breathing tightened a bit, his fingers were trembling slightly, and the blood all over his body froze.

Maybe this information can tell her what happened to her back then and how confused she was with Pei Shengye

After a ridiculous and ridiculous night, she gave birth to a child without her even remembering.

According to the data, Han Qianyu dropped out in April in the third grade of the police academy, and Yueyue was born in September of the same year.

So by time calculation, when she dropped out of the police school, she was at least three months pregnant.

Three months ago, in January of that year, what happened?

Han Qianyu hurriedly turned the information forward.

In January of that year, Han Qianyu had only one mission. She participated as a representative of outstanding students of the police school.

Security activities for a party.

But about this party, there is not much information on it.

Han Qianyu's head ached slightly.

If this information has not been manipulated, then I am afraid she was at that party and had Pei Shengye’s


Han Qianyu put down the phone and glanced at Pei Shengye with a complicated expression.

If she lost her memory and didn't remember what happened at that time, why didn't Pei Shengye remember herself?

The more Han Qianyu thought about it, the more he felt uncomfortable.

When she struggled out of her mind, she realized that she was full of cold sweat.

The pain in the abdomen made her legs feel weak.


It hurts too much.

Han Qianyu stood up with difficulty supporting the armrest of the sofa, but just after walking two steps, he heard a "pop--"

The light in the room suddenly turned on.

Pei Shengye sat by the bed and looked at her coldly.

"Why are you still asleep?"

Han Qianyu looked pale.

"If Police Officer Han's movements were smaller, maybe I would be able to fall asleep."

If in normal times, Han Qianyu still has the energy to quarrel with him, but now Han Qianyu just wants to curl up in pain.

Body, drink a cup of warm brown sugar water, then close your eyes and sleep.

She didn't have the energy to quarrel with Pei Shengye, so she just smiled weakly and said: "Sorry, Mr. Pei, I want to drink a glass of water."

Seeing the woman's frowning brows, and not seeing a trace of blood on his face, Pei Shengye's heart sank and strode over,

The tone softened a bit: "Are you okay?"

"I'm a little uncomfortable."

Han Qianyu frowned, and the pain made her implored: "Mr. Pei, can I go to rest for half an hour? Half an hour.

Just fine, I will soon..."

Pei Shengye directly interrupted Han Qianyu: "I'll call a doctor for you."

"No." Han Qianyu's ears were a little red, "This is...I have old problems, just take a short rest."

"Sell a doctor to come and see it."

Pei Shengye went to get his mobile phone as he said.

Han Qianyu hurriedly stopped, the pain in her lower abdomen made her utter an "Ouch", and she subconsciously bent over to support Sha

Fat sat down.

Pei Shengye's eyes tightened, and calmly walked to Han Qianyu's side, "You must see a doctor."

"I said no need..."

Seeing a doctor because of this kind of thing, will she still have to save face in the future?

Pei Shengye looked at Han Qianyu condescendingly, his heart shrinking tightly, dull and uncomfortable: "If police officer Han is

If something happens to yourself, there is no way to protect me, right? "


"If you say more, I'll take you to the hospital, just because there is an extra bed in Yue'er's ward."

Han Qianyu immediately closed his mouth and said nothing.

Seeing that Han Qianyu was much more honest, Pei Shengye's frown loosened and called a doctor over by phone.

Soon, a male doctor in his forties came over.

"Doctor, show her, she doesn't seem to feel well in her stomach."

Pei Shengye said to Han Qianyu again: "Tell the doctor wherever you feel uncomfortable, don't be aggressive."

Han Qianyu's ears are even redder, how can she say such a shameful thing in front of Pei Shengye.

Han Qianyu can only stumble and say some things, but fortunately, the doctor has rich experience and will know after a while.

What happened to Han Qianyu.

He got up and said to Pei Shengye: "Prepare some hot water for Miss Han, add brown sugar, soak and drink it, and soon

It will be all right. "

Pei Shengye immediately told the housekeeper outside: "Don't do it quickly."

"Also, in the past few days, please Miss Han must pay more attention to rest, don't overwork, don't exercise vigorously, I

Someone will send me some medicine..."

Pei Shengye interrupted the doctor impatiently, "What's wrong with her?"

Han Qianyu's head buzzed.

The doctor coughed slightly, and then said: "Shao Pei don’t worry too much, it’s just a girl’s menstrual dysmenorrhea.

It's more powerful. "

Pei Shengye has a meal.

Then looked down at Han Qianyu.

Han Qianyu's red ears are about to smoke.

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