Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1868: . Must be with him? !

As soon as Han Qianyu was quiet, Pei Shengye continued to try to persuade Han Mu: "I didn't want to take her away. I still work in this doctor.

In the yard, I just want to confirm something. "

Mother Han seemed to see through his intentions, and sneered: "Why? She is not pregnant, so you are disappointed? Want to do it again?

Asking her to be tested once, is it we're making a ghost? Mr. Pei, why are you embarrassed? You think I will let it go

Will my daughter get pregnant first when she is unmarried? "

Pei Shengye’s face sank little by little. To be honest, he is not an extremely patient person, he can be here

Explaining to Han Mu, it is already his respect for Han Mu.

Therefore, his attitude became a little colder and explained to Han Mu: "No matter whether you agree or not, I have to get

An answer. "

After speaking, he made a gesture. The two bodyguards who were standing not far behind him came over immediately and reached out to control.

Stopped Han Mu, and after Han Mu was under control, she struggled hard and said anxiously towards Han Qianyu: "Little

Language, don't be fooled by him! He is a liar! "

Seeing that his mother was under control, Han Qianyu frowned and said to Pei Shengye: "That's my mother after all, can you..."

Pei Shengye’s mood today is really not that good, so before he finishes speaking in Korean, he directly

Interrupted her and said, "Well, they won't do anything to your mother."

After speaking, he dragged her toward the end of the corridor.

Soon, she was taken to an office, and the test was given to a woman in her fifties.

Just experienced.

And Pei Shengye has been standing next to her, with a gloomy expression on her face, and emotions between her brows, she doesn’t know what she is thinking


It was the first time for Han Qianyu to see Pei Shengye like this, and she still didn't understand what Pei Shengye meant.

Because the blood was just drawn for testing, the middle-aged woman walked out with the tube of blood she just drawn.

There are only two of them left in the office.

Han Qianyu has always been very strange, why Pei Shengye appeared here, so she asked:

"Aren't you supposed to be in the company? Why are you here?"

Pei Shengye just responded lightly: "It just happened to be here to do something."

Han Qianyu didn't think he was here to do things, so instead, she asked in a good mood: "What are you doing here?

What's the matter? "

Pei Shengye squinted his eyes slightly when he heard the words, and his voice responded with almost no ups and downs: "What are you asking so much for?"

She could hear the impatience in his tone, and she didn't know what he was in a hurry.

Soon, the middle-aged female doctor came back, holding a test report in her hand, and then said to Pei Shengye: "It is indeed

Not pregnant, confirmed. "

And Pei Shengye was almost silent for a long time before saying to the female doctor: "But before Dr. Zhao said that she was pregnant."

Suddenly, Han Qianyu instantly set off a stormy sea in her heart. Dr. Zhao said that she was pregnant. Why didn't she know?

The middle-aged female doctor held the test sheet and looked at it for a while and said, "It should be a pseudopregnancy. Normally this situation

Next, it should be caused by something you ate, so you can recall whether there was any time you ate something

It can cause vomiting and other unusual reactions. "

After Han Qianyu pondered there for a while, he immediately said, "Blood Bird's Nest!"

Yes indeed! How did she forget that she ate blood bird’s nest before, and she vomited once very quickly, then she pulled

She thought that her stomach was not good, and she sighed for wasting such an expensive bird’s nest.

Come, this is probably the reason for the false pregnancy.

After listening to her description of the symptoms, the doctor nodded and said, "This is also possible, but it should not be a problem.

Large, as long as you no longer eat it later. "

After the two people came out of the office, Han Qianyu held back for a long time, and finally asked: "Doctor Zhao said I

Why don’t you tell me about pregnancy..."

Pei Shengye walked by her, with a deep and heavy expression on her face, and she didn’t know what she was thinking. For Han Qianyu,

There was no excessive reaction, as if he hadn't heard it.

When Han Qianyu saw Pei Shengye not speaking, he frowned slightly and continued to raise his voice: "Pei Shengye, you answer me

Ah, if I'm really pregnant, don't you plan to tell me? "

Pei Shengye finally raised his eyes and looked at her, his eyes were disappointed that could not be concealed, but in the end, he still smiled slightly.

Then he reached out and touched Han Qianyu's head and said: "It's okay, don't be disappointed, just keep working hard."

Han Qianyu patted Pei Shengye's hand away, trying his best to be a ghost!

"What hard work, when did I say I'm going to have a baby."

Pei Shengye squinted slightly and looked at her, with a little unhappy tone: "You don't want to give birth to me, who else do you want to give birth to?"

Han Qianyu almost wanted to slap it up to see what was in Pei Shengye's wooden head.

"Is it time to discuss who I want to give birth to? Pei Shengye, please explain to me why I am pregnant,

Are you not going to tell me? "If you tell this joke, you can't make people laugh out loud?"

She didn't even know that she was pregnant, but others were there for a long time?

Pei Shengye said, "Is it hard to understand? You are pregnant. I'm afraid you don't want it, so I didn't tell you."

Han Qianyu smiled directly after hearing the words: "Do you think if I am really pregnant, I will not feel this kind of thing by myself?"

Pei Shengye, this clever head, sometimes contains something in the seeds.

Pei Shengye glanced at her with a cold snort, and that look was full of insults to her IQ: "I think maybe it can."

Taking a deep breath, Han Qianyu suppressed the anger that gushed from his heart, and kept telling himself that it’s okay, Sheng Pei

Ye has always been so venomous, she doesn't need to care.

After taking a few deep breaths, she suppressed the fire in her heart.

"Anyway, can you tell me this kind of thing in advance, and you won't make such a ridiculous Oolong."


Han Qianyu nodded without thinking: "Yes, please, how could I get pregnant? I obviously eat it afterwards.

Medicine, so..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Pei Shengye grasped Han Qianyu's wrist.

"what did you say?"


Pei Shengye's eyes turned red, "Did you just say you took medicine?"

"Yes, someone just cares about themselves, of course I have to be responsible to myself."

Pei Shengye stared at Han Qianyu, his eyes almost swallowed Han Qianyu.

"Are you... okay?" Han Qianyu was stunned: "Although I didn't discuss this matter with you, but... you should also

Clearly, I..."

"Forget it. Just treat myself as passionate."

Pei Shengye released Han Qianyu's hand and turned away coldly.

After coming out of the hospital, Han Qianyu saw Han Mu at the entrance of the hospital. She should have waited there specially.

Seeing Han Qianyu, she walked over angrily, raising her hand to slap Han Qianyu, but her hand was in the air.

Being stopped by someone: "Auntie, hitting people won't solve anything."

Mother Han should be mad, so she stared at Pei Shengye, her tone was even hysterical: "I teach

What does raising your own daughter have to do with you as an outsider? "

But Pei Shengye said indifferently: "It might have been okay before, but now, she is my girlfriend.

Friends are naturally related. "

After speaking, he let go of the mother of Han, and then pulled Han Qianyu behind him, the meaning of protecting the calf was obvious.

At that moment, Han Qianyu looked at the tall man standing in front of him, feeling indescribable, full

Full of touch, and even a hint of happiness that is cared for.

And Han Mu looked at Han Qianyu hiding behind Pei Shengye, her eyes became more cold, so she directly said to Han Qianyu:

"Xiaoyu, you stand up for me, before I warned you again and again, you must not listen, now, I want

You said to me in person, what are you so obsessed with and have to be with him? "

Han Qianyu was silent for a while, and finally stood up behind Pei Shengye, and then said to Mother Han: "Mom, I know

You are all for my good, but I think you can give your daughter a chance to choose happiness, the more you stop me, I

The more I want to see, in the end I chose this way, or what kind of end. "

Having said that, she paused for a while, but Hu continued: "Maybe in the end, I shook my head and smashed my head.

Bleeding, knowing it hurts, regretting it, and coming back, now I actually just want to follow my own

The heart goes once. "

Mother Han looked at her for a long, long time before continuing to say: "Xiaoyu, mother won't hurt you, this,

You should know better than anyone else that the man next to you is not suitable for you at all. Follow your mother's words and come over to her

Side, I will take you home. "

Han Qianyu shook his head almost without hesitation, and then said: "Mom, I am not going back, I have grown up.

I have the ability to take responsibility for my actions. I know what I’m doing. Since I chose to be with him

Since then, no matter what results I get in the future, I recognize it. "

Han Qianyu said categorically, he just refused to go with Han Mu.

At that moment, Han Mu looked at Han Qianyu in front of her, and suddenly felt that the little girl she had been carefully nurturing,

Finally grown up.

It's no longer the little girl who found out she was pregnant and panicked like something.

"Xiaoyu, do you really regret it?" she asked, her tone solemn and gloomy.

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