Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1872: .Take the child away

When Han Qianyu heard this, he pulled the corners of his lips reluctantly, and then explained: "Nothing, just thinking that maybe you treat her

There may be any misunderstanding. "

Pei Shengye didn't seem to want to continue talking about this unpleasant topic, so he took the initiative to change the topic and said:

"After a while, the Chinese New Year will soon be around. Why don't we take a moment to visit your parents?"

When Han Qianyu saw that Pei Shengye was solemn to the point of meeting her parents, she was actually a little happy in her heart.

However, she still hasn't figured out what the situation is about Yueyue.

Therefore, she refused: "Don’t worry, I will inform them in advance when the time comes, so that they can make a

ready. "

But Pei Shengye stretched out his hand to hug her, clasped her slender waist, and asked warmly: "I'm afraid they won't wait to see you

I? Or are you afraid that I will make them not satisfied enough? "

With an identity like Pei Shengye, a well-known family background, and the experience of becoming famous at a young age, who dares to say three words that are not satisfied,

I'm afraid it's not that my brain is broken.

But Han Qianyu was actually afraid that his mother would never agree. After all, her mother told her at the hospital door that day.

Then she still remembered.

Therefore, she leaned in the arms of Pei Shengye, and just said lightly: "You have to let them have a buffer time.

Don't worry, I will arrange all this. "

Suddenly, Pei Shengye hugged her tightly, wishing to clamp her into her body, he was low in her ear

The declaration: "Han Qianyu, you can only be my woman in your life, don't think you can escape from me."

Han Qianyu was initially upset. Hearing these words, he only felt that his whole body was cold, barely showing a trace.

Smiling out, counted as a response to her.

Mother Han felt that her eyelids kept twitching early this morning, as if something was going to happen.

She just sat on the sofa, and the phone on the coffee table vibrated. She glanced at the caller ID, but

Immediately slide down the answer button, but the tone is not like that. Instead, he said coldly: "Call me

For what? "

Han Qianyu on the other end of the phone heard the obvious cold tone of Han Mu, but her tone became a little weaker: "Mom, I

I want to ask you something. "

"Do you still know that I am your mother? I thought you had forgotten, and you still have my mother." Mother Han said in her heart

The bottom is mad, Han Qianyu grew up, although he is not too obedient, but he is not an unreasonable child.

Son, but he is unique in the relationship between men and women, but it is like the principle of acknowledgment.

Can't pull it back.

"Don't say that, I know, I let you down." Han Qianyu knows that Han mother always likes to listen to soft words, so

This time, the tone was obedient.

Hearing this, Mother Han gave a cold snort, and did not say any more cynicism. After all, she was her own relatives.

Female, can't really kill her, so her tone is still not very good, but compared to before, her attitude is obvious

Many responses have been healed: "Let's talk, what's the matter?"

"Yueyue was the one you threw at the door of Pei Shengye's house at the beginning?" Han Qianyu's original intention to ask this question was actually

I want to figure out the ins and outs of things back then.

But when Han Mu was here, when Han Qianyu mentioned Yueyue, she exploded all at once: "This matter is that

Mr. Bae told you? "

Han Qianyu was silent and did not deny.

Mother Han suddenly sneered and said: "I know that rich people like them have a deep heart, Xiaoyu,

I tell you, Pei Shengye is just a **** who plays with women! "

Suddenly, Han Qianyu snorted in his heart. Judging from her staying with Pei Shengye for so long, he doesn't look like

Such a person, so she quickly retorted: "Mom, could it be that you made a mistake?

"Don't be fooled by his appearance, he is just a beast in clothing, otherwise, how could you

He..." At this point, Han Mu paused, seeming to be very angry.

Han Qianyu has been a policeman for a long time, and instantly understood the meaning of his mother’s words, and hurriedly asked, "Mom, what do you mean?

Thinking is that Pei Shengye was with me on purpose..."

"Otherwise, he didn't mean it, how could you be pregnant with his seed?"


Han Qianyu shook his head, "He is not such a person."

Immediately after that, Han Mu continued: "I don't want to talk about this anymore. I will get angry when I say it. Do you believe it or not, yes, you

If you don't believe it, you can ask Pei Shengye's assistant Wen Rui. "

"I really like Yueyue. That child is my grandson, but I can’t keep him. First, because I know

Pei Shengye is the child’s biological father. He will never treat him badly. Second, you are a single mother with your child.

Son, how will you marry in the future? Put Yueyue at the door of Pei’s house. I also made sure that the child was taken in before leaving.

It's open. "

After making this decision, she discussed with Father Han for a long time before finally making the decision.

At that time, the child was chubby, babbling, cute and pretty in the baby, but neither of them

Can keep him.

They can only do this for their only daughter.

Han Qianyu’s hand holding the phone was slightly white. She knew that her mother did everything for her own good, but

It was she who never thought that it would be the mother who left the child at the door of Wenson Villa.

The mother lost Yueyue, and she accidentally rescued the kidnapped Yueyue. What a miraculous thing is fate?

He will tie her and Yueyue to everything in the dark.

Han Qianyu was silent for a long time, and the mother of Han's eyes were red, and her heart was sore and unbearable: "Small words, even if it's more serious

Second, my mother would still do it. Please don't blame me. "

Because she could not allow, because of a child, ruining her daughter's life.

Listening to the slightly choked voice of Han Mu, Han Qianyu felt uncomfortable.

So in the end, she squeezed the phone and said, "Mom, I know you are for my good."

"If you really know, you shouldn't be with Pei Shengye, he ruined you."

"Mom, I promise you, I will investigate clearly, okay? If this matter is really related to Pei Shengye, I will leave

Open, thing, you must promise me. "


"I want to take Yueyue away."

Mother Han was nervous for a moment: "But..."

"No, but, if Pei Shengye really calculated me, I won't let Yueyue stay by his side."

She will figure out what happened that year.

Early the next morning, Bae Shengye went to the company as usual. In the past, she used to be Korean because Bae Shengye always wanted her to be at home.

Because of a good rest, after I refused a few times, basically after the Korean language, I would no longer ask to go to the company.

But early this morning, while still at the dining table, Han Qianyu smiled and asked Pei Shengye who was sitting opposite: "Today

Are you going to the company? "

Pei Shengye nodded, put down the coffee cup in his hand, then looked up at her and said, "I think I accompany you every day.

Is there too little time? "

Han Qianyu nodded earnestly and said, with stars in his eyes, flattering meaning is full: "Yes, you do

I will go to the company and come back very late. The time I see you in a day is basically in bed, think about it,

It seems that communication between the two of us has become much less. "

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