Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1874: . Lose yourself

Han Qianyu was overjoyed, but his voice was still calm, and continued to follow Wen Rui's words: "Then you must know the president's son

When was it born? "

Wen Rui was taken aback and smiled, "Officer Han asks what is this for?"

"I'm more curious..." Han Qianyu smiled embarrassedly, and scratched his hair: "You know me too

Now it has that kind of relationship with Pei Shengye. I want to know more about his children. "

Hearing Han Qianyu’s words, Wen Rui smiled heartily, and then continued, "Do not be too nervous, Officer Han.

The young master was well educated by the president, and he would like Officer Han. "

Han Qianyu deepened step by step, his brows became tighter, and he looked sad: "Actually, what I worry about is not

Yueyue, I’m just worried, Yueyue’s biological mother, will she come back to find Pei Shengye and Yueyue?

Isn't it awkward to wait for my seat? "

"No." Wen Rui said with great certainty: "She won't come back to find Mr. Pei. Police Officer Han is worried about this."

After asking so many questions, I finally got a valuable clue. Han Qianyu almost couldn't hide the surprise in his eyes.

Hi yelled out, she quickly pinched her palms, warned herself to be calm, and pretended to be puzzled with her voice, "Assistant Wen, this

It's too absolute, right? Isn't it just a flash of inspiration for this woman not to come back? Bae Shengye is so there

Qian, maybe she will come back someday to be the Pei's young lady. "

Wen Rui still shook his head: "Impossible, I say impossible is impossible."

Han Qianyu blinked, walked to Wen Rui's side, lowered his voice and asked: "Assistant Wen, listen to what you mean, you

It seems to know something inside..."

Wen Rui had a meal, and quickly smiled: "Officer Han, look at what you said, I am a little assistant, what can I know?

what. "

"You know for sure, otherwise you wouldn't say such things just now. I am a policeman, and I still have this insight." Han

Qianyu asked: "Look, I am the girlfriend of your president now. I really want to know how that kid is

Come on, Assistant Wen, just tell me, okay? "

Wen Rui was a little embarrassed: "Police Officer Han, this has happened many years ago, so why bother to ask."

"Just take it as my professional response to the police."

Wen Rui put the book in his hand back on the shelf, looked around quietly, then said: "Tell you that there is no

It’s too much of a relationship, but you can’t say in front of the president that the president doesn’t like someone asking about the young master’s life experience.

In the first two years, someone drank too much at the dining table, and Shao Pei asked someone to teach him a lesson. "

Han Qianyu just wanted to know the truth of the matter and nodded quickly.

Wen Rui just started to say: "About six years ago, the president was invited to attend the coming-of-age ceremony of a CEO’s daughter.

banquet. "

Han Qianyu frowned, banquet?

This is the match with her mission.

"and then?"

"At that time, President Pei was not as introverted as he is now, and he didn't know how to converge. Many people's eyes were fixed on President Pei.

On, reluctant to move away. Especially the daughter who celebrated her birthday, she wished to stick to President Pei. "

"What's Pei Shengye's reaction?"

"How can the president react? Although he was very young at that time, he already coughed and trembled three times.

Exist, then Miss Qianjin’s family is waiting to climb up the relationship of the president and come to the president’s company to get a share.

People... The CEO would never even take a look, let alone consider marrying this woman. "

As Wen Rui spoke, his face became a little serious.

Han Qianyu interjected in due course: "But something happened that night, right?"

"Yes." Wen Rui sighed: "Someone put something in President Pei's drink, how old was President Pei?

In the early days, a sturdy young man, wherever I can stand it, I hurried away with Mr. Pei. Fortunately, there was one beside him.

Hotel, I sent President Pei there..."

"and then?"

Wen Rui’s face was a bit unpleasant, "I just want to find a woman for Mr. Pei, not the daughter of any family.

Sister, I found one later, so I sent it to President Pei's room. "

Han Qianyu frowned, "What does that woman look like?"

"I didn't take a closer look. The drinker was drunk, and there was still a bit of injury on his head. To be honest, if it wasn't then

In an emergency, I won’t find her either... The man who brought the woman over said that she has a clean net and a small family.

People, that's why I..."

"What does that man look like?"

"Forget, but there is a scar on my face. I can't remember anything else."

When Han Qianyu heard this, his heart felt cold.

She had seen that mission in her file, and the target person above was a man with a scar.

In other words, not only did she fail to complete the task, she also lost herself.

Was confused as Pei Shengye's "antidote".

The key is that this antidote was found by Pei Shengye himself.

No wonder... Mother would think that Pei Shengye had calculated herself, and she kept saying that she would regret it someday.

But that night, she and Pei Shengye were just victims.

After that ridiculous night, she was pregnant with Pei Shengye’s child, maybe because of the injury on her forehead, she forgot that one

In the memory of Duan, he didn't even know that he had a child.

Knowing the truth of the whole thing, Han Qianyu felt relieved for no reason.

Something went wrong, maybe it was her and Pei Shengye.

"Sergeant Han, you don't care, President Pei will go over?"

Wen Rui was a little worried. He just kept hiding and didn't tell Han Qianyu, and he was afraid that Han Qianyu would mind if he knew it.

Girls, who don’t want their significant other to belong to them alone, one pair for life.

However, President Pei even had children with other women...

"Don’t take it to your heart. That woman President Pei was also that night... and never saw it again. In fact, this

I didn’t even go into details about President Pei. Otherwise, if always Pei knew, I found him a woman, then my good day

The son is over. "

Han Qianyu hurriedly smiled, "No, I won't take it to heart. You don't have to worry about it. Today, I will be

Have not heard. "


After Pei Shengye came back from the meeting, as soon as he entered the office, he saw Han Qianyu sitting on the sofa and reading a book.

Qu'er, I am in a good mood.

"What are you looking at, so happy, even the song is humming."

Han Qianyu raised his head when he heard the sound, his eyebrows curled up: "No, I just feel that your office is very stylish."

Pei Shengye curled her lips, "If you like it, I will ask someone to build a more magnificent one for you."

"Forget it." Han Qianyu smiled, "You let me sit in the office instead of asking me to catch a pervert in the street."

"Where is there a pervert on the street? Do you think that perverts are so stupid now that they are blatantly arrested on the road?" Pei Sheng

Yekao sat on the back of the sofa, pinched Han Qianyu’s chin and turned her head around, lifted it slightly, and stared down.

She chuckled: "But, there is a ready-made pervert here, Officer Han, can you catch it?"

Han Qianyu's head buzzed, from the back of his neck to the tip of his ears, it was instantly ripe.

Pei Shengye liked this woman the most when she fell into her hands, with a look of embarrassment, the corner of her lips was gently raised, and her head bowed.

Going to kiss.

Han Qianyu pupil method, I think this is still an office, outside the door is the assistant office and secretary office, people come

People are full of footsteps, so hurry up to push Pei Shengye: "Don't you... this is your company."

"You also know that this is my company. Since it's my Pei Shengye, what do I want to do? Isn't it my word?"

After speaking, despite Han Qianyu's resistance, he lowered his head and dropped a kiss on Han Qianyu's lips.

"President, the coffee you want..."

The secretary came in quickly with a cup of ice coffee, and then quickly went out.

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