Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1896: .The youngest son is born

Han Qianyu has been tossed all night and has no temper.

Regardless of her being born in police academy, her strength is greater than that of ordinary people, and she has mastered various close combat grappling techniques.

Before night, her so little effort was just like embroidering her legs with a fist and it was useless.

Han Qianyu now really believes that Pei Shengye used to deal with the relationship between men and women except for Yueyue.

Same as a piece of paper.

What's more, that night, Pei Shengye was so drunk that he probably didn't even know what was going on.

Now that she and Pei Shengye are married, the man seems to have found some fun, and he has changed the way to toss her.

Han Qianyu looked at Pei Shengye who was lying on his body panting, kicked him unbearably.

"Get up, dead again."

Pei Shengye put his arm on Han Qianyu's side, pressed it condescendingly, and looked at her with the corners of his eyes slightly raised,

A bit of a smile.

"Are you still taking medicine?"


Han Qianyu answered vaguely.

Pei Shengye lowered his head and held Han Qianyu's ear beads, his voice was deep: "What are you pretending to be stupid?"

"I don't know what you are talking about. Also, don't do it, aren't you tired?"

Pei Shengye nodded: Turning down from Han Qianyu, holding the person in his arms, his slender fingers gently touching Han Qianyu

His abdomen spins.

"At that time you said that we were not married yet, and you were busy with work, so you could not have children..."

When Pei Shengye was in bed, he was not very honest. Han Qianyu, who used his hands and feet, got used to it after he married him.

At first, he ignored it, but when he heard this, Han Qianyu only felt his back numb.

Turning his head and quickly said: "Um, go to sleep!"

Pei Shengye stared at Han Qianyu for a long time, and finally gave a soft "um".

"OK, good night."


After Yueyue's injury recovered, Han Qianyu and Pei Shengye discussed still sending the little guy to a regular school.

"I'm going to arrange a noble elementary school."

"You don't need an aristocratic elementary school... just an ordinary elementary school." Han Qianyu helplessly: "Yueyue's identity is enough to attract people.

Pay attention, it is better to let him go to an ordinary school and be an ordinary child. Anyway, where is Yueyue so smart?

Everyone will learn very well. "

Pei Shengye frowned.

Pei Chenyue on the side nodded in agreement without waiting for her father to speak, "Dad, I think my mother said very much.

reason. "

Pei Shengye pondered for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, then I will listen to my mother."

This was not a major event at first, but I didn't expect that a few days after the little guy went to school, rumors came from the manor.

"Have you heard? The wife actually asked the young master to go to an ordinary elementary school."

"Really? Madam, this is too much, right? How can I go to an aristocratic elementary school with the status of a young master?"

"That's right, I'm really upset and kind, thinking that others don't know what she is going to do? I am sure that Young Master is so good

I am jealous, and worry that my future child will not be as good as the young master...I’m just waiting to see, in the future, her own

Son, is it also sent to ordinary elementary school? "

Han Qianyu turned a deaf ear to these words.

She is a smart person and never does stupid things that block herself.

But when I thought of Han Qianyu getting up this day, I saw several servants in the family talking around Yueyue.

"Little master, if you are wronged, you must tell your father that your father will always be your father.

Yes, you can also tell your grandparents. "

"Hey, poor child, you will be bullied if you don't have a real mother. Don't be sad. Madam is not good to you. There are still us."

Han Qianyu couldn't stand it anymore.

She can allow these broken-mouth servants to chew their tongues behind her back, she doesn’t care, but they talk nonsense in front of the children

Garbage, Han Qianyu is absolutely impossible to let go.

"I don't think you can wait for my youngest son to be born."

Han Qianyu walked down the stairs steadily.

Seeing Han Qianyu, the servant downstairs turned pale instantly.

Yueyue turned her head and smiled at Han Qianyu.


Han Qianyu called Yueyue to his side, and the mother and son sat down on the sofa.

Those servants are already extremely frightened, you look at me and I look at you, looking nervous and uneasy.

The butler pouring a cup of tea for Han Qianyu respectfully: "Madam, drink tea."

Han Qianyu took it and placed it on the coffee table. He glanced at the group of people and opened his mouth: "I have always been big

I'm getting used to it. I don't even think of what you say or do. I open one eye and close the other.

Just passed. "

"But I’m not really blind yet. You said I’m nothing. I’m an adult and I’m used to beating.

Is it too presumptuous to talk nonsense in front of you? "

There was a commotion in the crowd for an instant. After a push, a woman about forty years old was sent out. She was embarrassed.

Rubbing his hands, "Madam, we just talked about it casually, it didn't mean that..."

"I don't care whether you are talking nonsense or being serious. In short, I will never allow you to appear in Wensen Villa." Han Qian

The words raised his head: "It just so happens that Wensen Villa doesn't need so many servants. You all receive wages and finish today's work.

Do, leave tomorrow. Butler, remember to pay them half a year's salary. "

Han Qianyu's words made these women panic, crying and pleading.

Han Qianyu turned and went back upstairs first.

"Butler, you can help us to intercede. If you say you want to drive people away, you can drive them away. I still have a son in school..."

Looking at the butler's embarrassed expression, Yue Yue jumped off the sofa gently.

"Grandpa butler, let's get rid of people quickly. Dad is back, knowing Mommy is upset, he will be angry."

After speaking, the little guy took a plate of cut fruits and walked away.


When Pei Shengye came back in the evening, Han Qianyu told him about the incident: "I dismissed the servants in your manor.

One batch, you won't be upset, will you? "

"How come." Pei Shengye smiled, "You are the hostess of Wensen Villa, this manor should have been taken care of by you."

Han Qianyu rubbed his shoulders and glared at Pei Shengye; "Your manor is too big, in fact, you don't need it.

Big house...just enough for a family of three. "

"Okay, then I'll let people go and see if there is a suitable house. It's best to be closer to Yueyue and the police station, so you can go

Easy to learn and go to work. "

Bae Shengye put the house hunting on his schedule on the second day. After a short vacation, Han Qianyu also began to return to the police station.

To work.

This day, because a group of drunks came to the police station to make trouble, when Han Qianyu got off work, it was already dark outside.

The dim light on the way home makes people confused.

Han Qianyu was holding the steering wheel, but suddenly saw a white figure popping out of the intersection ahead!

She was so frightened that she stepped on the accelerator, the wheels rubbed on the ground with a sharp sound, and stopped with an embarrassment against the man.

Han Qianyu was shocked and his hands holding the steering wheel could not help shaking.

If it weren't for her speed, she might have actually crashed into it just now!

Han Qianyu covered his heart and got out of the car quickly.

That is a very young girl, not even 20 years old, this day, the night is already very cold, but she only wears

A thin white dress with no shoes on, and the soles of the feet kept bleeding out.

His long black hair was wet, and his pale cheeks were full of panic and fear.

Seeing Han Qianyu, the girl was obviously a little timid and flustered, and she subconsciously turned around to run.


Han Qianyu had an occupational disease again and grabbed the girl.

The girl reacted particularly intensely, her voice trembling: "You let me go!"

"Girl, don't be afraid, I'm not a bad guy, I'm a policeman, I just want to make sure you are not injured."

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