Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1916: . No freedom at all

"Just crying?"

Fu Tingye has studied kendo for several years. There is a thin layer of callus on his fingers, and his itchy touch follows the nerves.

Crawling all over the body, Tang Moran's breathing could not help tightening.

"Why are you crying?" Fu Tingye sneered, "I abused you?"

Tang Moran's lower lip was bitten out by herself.

Fu Tingye frowned: "Speak."

Tang Moran's shoulders trembled, and he shook his head quickly: "No."

"Then why are you crying?" Fu Tingye's eyes were full of sarcasm: "I will feed you and go to school.

Like your brother and dad, if you mortgage you to other men to pay off debts, what else are you dissatisfied with? "of

Tang Moran's face was whiter, and his head dropped a little bit.

After a long silence, she heard her weak cat-like voice, "No...dissatisfaction."

"Your face doesn't look satisfied."

Fu Tingye turned around, poured himself a glass of red wine, and then sat in a chair, "Next month, you will be eighteen, right?"

A fluttering sentence made Tang Moran's heart jump out of fright.

A layer of sweat was leaking from the palm of his hand.

Thinking of all the ambiguous actions Fu Tingye had done to her before, Tang Moran was full of anxiety and fear.

What is he implying?

He was telling her in a disguised form that he could do that to her when he became an adult, right?

Tang Moran didn't know what to say, Fu Tingye spoke again, "What birthday gift do you want?"

In the past three years with him, Fu Tingye would give her a beautiful gift every time on her birthday.

Last year’s birthday, Fu Tingye was on a business trip abroad and asked someone to bring her a necklace. She later checked it online.

It was worth more than one million, so she was so frightened that she hid it in the cabinet and never took it out again.

In fact, she was unwilling to accept Fu Tingye’s gift, she was originally sent to Fu Tingye as a debt-paid goods

I can’t change the money for the goods, so there is no place to be eligible to receive Fu Tingye’s things.

And she also wanted to pay off Fu Tingye's money early and leave him.

Taking his gift again, she really couldn't get rid of Fu Tingye for the rest of her life.

Tang Moran mustered up his courage: "Uncle Fu, I am so old, so I don’t need your gift. Besides, I don’t

I like birthdays. "

"Eighteen years old is a coming-of-age ceremony, it is an important day, how can you not care about it?" Fu Tingye put down the wine with care and attention.

Cup, "Let’s say, what do you want, if you don’t say, I will choose for you myself. Then you are dissatisfied

Don't complain to me. "

Tang Moran was afraid that he would be a gift of millions again, and raised his head hurriedly: "Then can you promise me one thing?"

Fu Tingye frowned: "Is this the birthday gift you want?"

Tang Moran lowered his head, "Just forget it if you don't agree."

"If you don't tell me how do I know?" Fu Tingye chuckled, "Go ahead, what do you want me to promise you."

Tang Moran took a deep breath and summoned the courage to speak, "Uncle Fu, I want you to promise me until I pay it off.

Let me leave with your money. "

Fu Tingye smiled playfully on her lips.

This girl originally thought about this little thought.

"Do you know how much you owe me?" Fu Tingye's slender fingers gently tapped twice on his knees: "One

Hundred million. "

"I will make money to pay you back. There will always be something to pay off."

Fu Tingye smiled again, got up and walked to Tang Moran.

He was tall and domineering, and his condescending sharp eyes were so aggressive that Tang Moran was so scared that Tang Moran was about to go subconsciously.


"Don't hide from me."

However, Fu Tingye's unresistible order was nailed to the original place, unable to move.

Fu Tingye squeezed her handle and raised her head strongly, forcing her to look at herself.

In the girl's nervous eyes, he pulled out a chuckle: "Little thing, did I raise you too delicately?

So that you have no idea about money. "


"One billion, do you know how long it takes for an ordinary girl like you to earn?"

"I...I will work hard."

"Work hard?" Fu Tingye sneered, "Tell you the truth. With your ability, you won't be able to make money in your next life... No

Yes, you are not an ordinary girl, after all, you have a face like a flower, it is better to consider how to serve

Waiting for me? There may be some hope. "

The fingers slipped gently from his chin to Tang Moran's chest.

Tang Moran's cheeks reddened, and he quickly pushed Fu Tingye away, "Uncle Fu, I'm going to bed first, good night."

After speaking, Tang Moran turned his head and ran.

Fu Tingye looked at her back hurriedly, with a little more expectation in her eyes.


Tang Moran ran back to the room in one breath.

When she thought of what Fu Tingye had just said, she blushed and couldn't breathe.

She is not yet 18 years old, Fu Tingye is so restless to her, if she becomes an adult, then the man will definitely not accept it.


Tang Moran was even more determined to leave.

If the one hundred million can't be paid back, then it won't be paid back. She doesn't believe it, she can't find a chance to run up.

Tang Moran pulled out his diary from the drawer and began to plan his escape plan in the diary.

She only has one chance. If she fails, not only will Fu Tingye not let her go, she will never

There is a chance to escape.

Tang Moran bit his pen, thought hard and thought, but felt his head heavier and heavier, so he fell asleep like this.

Not long after falling asleep, Fu Tingye knocked on the door and pushed in from outside.

He walked gently to the edge of the bed, looking at the girl curled up on the bed, bending over and gently touching the sun under her arm.

The notebook was pulled out.

When I glanced over the content above, I couldn't help but smile.

"Since it's an escape plan, I can't hide it well... I really can't help it with you."

He calmly put the diary back to its original place, and then pulled the quilt on the side to cover her gently.

The next morning, Tang Moran woke up comfortably and saw the diary under his arm at a glance.


Her face changed and she almost didn't jump out of bed.

Why did she fall asleep like this? The diaries are all confiscated!

Fu Tingye never allowed her to lock the door in the bedroom. Although he hardly had the habit of coming in without knocking, but

Who knows if he will change his temper?

Tang Moran looked around, everything was exactly the same as before he fell asleep last night.

She breathed a sigh of relief and quickly locked the diary and stuffed it to the bottom of the drawer.

As soon as I put the diary, the phone rang.

Tang Moran picked it up and saw that it was a call from his best friend Fan Yingying.


"Tangtang, are you coming to school today? There is a very important exam today!"

Tang Moran was in her freshman year this year. An accident happened to the Tang family. She didn't even finish high school and was sent to Fu Tingye.

Later, it was Fu Tingye who arranged for her to continue to finish high school, and sent her to university. Worried that she had no friends, she even deliberately

Sent her to the university where her best friend is.

It’s just that other college students live on campus, and she rarely attends classes. She was hurriedly caught by Fu Ting in the morning.

The person sent at night picked it up.

There is no freedom at all.

At this moment, when Fan Yingying talked about the exam, Tang Moran couldn't help feeling a little nervous: "What exam is it?"

"The physical fitness test, the school sent a notice specifically, saying that if you don't come to participate, it will not issue a diploma in the future."

Tang Moran panicked and almost bit his tongue: "Huh? So serious? Then I'll go over immediately."

Fan Yingying was a little worried: "But did you come out? The school said so, but it is estimated that you are an exception.

That Uncle Fu, I guess it is unlikely to let you out. "

"Let's talk to him, and it's not good that I don't know how to school."

After hanging up the phone, Tang Moran took out a set of clothes from the closet, thinking that he might be sideways today, and changed another set.

Sportswear, then left the room and went downstairs.

"Miss Tang, breakfast is ready."

The butler stepped forward.

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